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I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter! I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!




I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter! I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!
French Fruit & Vegetables Teaching Resources: Wallace & Gromit!

French Fruit & Vegetables Teaching Resources: Wallace & Gromit!

I use this short extract from the Wallace and Gromit film The Curse of The Were Rabbit as a fun activity to revise fruit and vegetable vocabulary. I show the English language version of the film, but a French version with English subtitles would be better! The activity has an Extra extension task for stronger students. The extract starts with the vicar in the church looking at all his produce for the harvest festival and ends with Gromit waking up in bed. Worksheet extract: Wallace & Gromit! Les légumes! Cochez les choses que vous voyez: des choux une courgette une orange une église des tomates des raisins des pêches des aubergines un chou-fleur un melon une citrouille de l’ail des oignons une bougie du jambon un concombre des pommes de terre...... Extra : Complétez les phrases : 1. Le pasteur a… a) les cheveux gris. b) les cheveux blancs. c) les cheveux bruns. 2. Le pasteur est… a) à la maison. b) dans l’église. c) dans la serre.
French Film Worksheet: C'est quoi un bon prof? AS Level Education Teaching Resources.

French Film Worksheet: C'est quoi un bon prof? AS Level Education Teaching Resources.

I use this worksheet with my Year 12 students with extracts from the French films: a 5 minute extract from Être et avoir (timings on sheet) and 4 minute extract from La chorale. The students attempt to answer as many questions as possible. They won't necessarily all find answers to all of the questions but I have enjoyed listening to the students' interpretations of the extracts they have watched. A great way to introduce a debate about education! Instructions: Réponds oui, non, je ne sais pas. Extra : Justifie tes réponses. Example questions: 1. Est-ce qu’il donne du plaisir à apprendre ? 2. Est-ce qu’il rend les gens heureux ? 3. Est-ce qu’il développe l’esprit critique des élèves ? 4. Est-ce qu’il aime les élèves ? 5. Est-ce qu’il a de l’autorité ? 6. Est-ce qu’il respecte ses élèves ? 7. Est-ce qu’il suscite l’intérêt de ceux qui l’écoutent ?
A Level French Teaching Resources. Adjectives Warmer: Odd One Out!

A Level French Teaching Resources. Adjectives Warmer: Odd One Out!

I use this 15 minute warmer activity either with mini-whiteboards or putting the students in teams. I use it with my Year 12 and 13 students. The first slide has 6 groups of 4 adjectives. The students have to choose the odd one out. Whilst I have specific odd adjectives out in mind (see slide 2 for the answers), I encourage the students to be creative and think outside the box! This tests students knowledge of regular rules, irregular adjectives and word order. Examples: beau mauvais gentil intéressant intéressant follows the noun! jeune allemand vieux nouveau allemand follows the noun! grande petite rouge importante rouge, because the others are made feminine by adding an “e”, rouge already has one! Enjoy!
French Teaching Resources: Essay Writing Support Sheet.

French Teaching Resources: Essay Writing Support Sheet.

I give this double-sided sheet to my students to encourage them to add sophistication to their written work by adding a range of grammatical structures and tenses and have found it to be very effective. Worksheet extract: Des expressions et du vocabulaire. Complex sentences et = and, mais = but, parce que/ car = because, donc = therefore, cependant = however, malheureusement = unfortunately, qui = who, où = where/which. Adjectives amusant = fun, passionnant = exciting, ennuyeux/ barbant = boring, nul(le) = rubbish, pénible = awful, génial/ formidable/ chouette = great, ridicule = ridiculous, paresseux/euse = lazy, marrant(e) = fun (person), bavard(e) = chatty, casse-pieds = annoying, propre = clean, sale = dirty, effrayant(e) = frightening, utile = useful, facile = easy, difficile = difficult, chic = stylish. Adverbs très = very, assez = quite, un peu = a little, vraiment = really /truly, plutôt = rather. extrêmement = extremely, gentiment = kindly, heureusement = happily, generalement = generally. Useful expressions C’est = it is, c’était = it was, ça sera = it will be, ça serait = it would be Ce n’est pas = it isn’t, ce n’était pas = it wasn’t, ça ne sera pas = it won’t be, ça ne serait pas= it wouldn’t be Il y a = there is/ are, il y avait = there was/ were, il y aura = there will be, il y aurait = there would be Il n’y a pas de = there isn’t, il n’y avait pas de = there weren’t any, il n’y aura pas de = there won’t be, il n’y aurait pas de = there wouldn’t be. Je l’aime bien = I really like it, je l’adore = I love it, je ne l’aime pas = I don’t like it, je le/la/ les déteste = I hate it. Je l’ai aimé(e) = I liked it, je ne l’ai pas aimé(e) = I didn’t like it, je l’ai déteste = I hated it. Je le/la/les trouve= I think it’s, je pense que c’est = I think that it’s, à mon avis c’est = in my opinion it’s… Other strucutres and tenses included: Comparatives Superlatives Negatives Present Present with depuis Future Near future Perfect tense (completed actions in the past) Pluperfect tense Imperfect tense (used to) Imperfect tense and perfect tense together ( I was ***ing when something else happened) Conditional tense Subjunctive Present participle Expression with the infinitive Useful words linked to tenses
French Teaching Resources. PowerPoint & Matching Cards: The Present Tense for Regular -er Verbs.

French Teaching Resources. PowerPoint & Matching Cards: The Present Tense for Regular -er Verbs.

This PowerPoint starts by eliciting the definitions of the infinitive (the 3 kinds of verbs are -er, -ir and -re) and conjugation. The next slide elicits the different subject pronouns. Slide 5 elicits the conjugation of Aimer and slide 6 elicits the rules for conjugating -er verbs. The final slide resumes the rules for -er verbs and sets the following differentiated ask (this slide could be printed off): All: Use colour, pictures, analogies etc to remember how to conjugate regular –er verbs. Write 7 sentences using regular –er verbs. Most: Write 7 complex sentences for exercise, using connectives, adjetives, adverbs and opinions. Some: Include regular –ir and –re verbs (see verb tables). Regular er verbs: aimer = to like, arriver = to arrive, chanter = to sing, danser = to dance, jouer = to play, penser = to think, rêver = to dream, travailler = to work, voyager =to travel, détester = to hate, regarder = to watch, collectionner = to collect. There is also a link to the fabulous Conjugation Back song on YouTube. Whilst this is for Spanish, it clearly illustrates the idea of conjugation. English - French Matching Cards: As well as regular -er verbs in the present tense I have included one perfect tense and one near future tense phrase to challenge the stronger students. Expressions: Je joue au tennis depuis dix ans. Nous adorons le français car c’est très intéressant ! Il mange beaucoup de croissants. Je vais regarder la télé avec ma sœur. Tu aimes les chevaux? Ils jouent du piano trois fois par semaine. Nous avons écouté des chansons françaises. Vous détestez le chou? Moi aussi! You may choose to have different levels of challenge. For example, Level 1 = match the cards and discuss the pronunciation. Level 2 = match the cards , discuss the pronunciation and then have quick fire questions from French to English, whereby 1 student closes their eyes and their partner reads out the French cards which the student must translate into English from memory. Level 3 = As Level 2 but the quick fire questions are from English to French. Following checking there are 2 fun games to play, either pelmenism or a game I learnt in Japan called Karuta. In Karuta the students put the English language cards to one side and spread out the French cards in front of them. I then say the English and the students compete to touch the correct French card first. Whoever touches it first wins the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The students love this game!
French Teaching Resources. Lotto/ Bingo Game & Role Play: The Perfect Tense.

French Teaching Resources. Lotto/ Bingo Game & Role Play: The Perfect Tense.

This PowerPoint slide bingo/ lotto game covers the perfect tense with avoir, être and reflexives. I start by teaming up the students and asking them to translate the expressions, I differentiate as follows: All: Translate the je forms, Most: AND the second section of avoir and être verbs with a variety of subject pronouns Some: AND the remaining reflexive verbs with a variety of subject pronouns. Then I ask the students to choose 5 phrases and I randomly say phrases in English, eliciting the French and the students tick them off until someone wins! contains the following phrases: Lotto: Le passé compose! Example phrases: J’ai joué j’ai fini j’ai vendu j’ai bu j’ai lu j’ai vu je suis allé(e) je suis resté(e) je suis entré(e) j je me suis réveillé(e) je me suis levé(e) Il a regardé tu as vomi elle a perdu nous avons fait vous avez pris ils ont compris tu es allé(e) vous êtes partis ils sont descendus Tu t’es reveillé(e) il s’est douche elle s’est reposée nous nous sommes amusés vous vous êtes lavés I use this role play to reinforce the perfect tense. Jeu de rôles! Extract: A. Tu t’es réveille(e) à quelle heure hier? B. Je me suis réveillé(e) à __________ heures. A. Tu t’es douché(e) ? B. Oui, je me suis douché(e)/ Non, je ne me suis pas douché(e). A. Qu’est-ce que tu as mangé et bu comme petit-déjeuner ? B. J’ai mangé ____________ et j’ai bu ______________. A. Tu es parti(e) à quelle heure ? B. Je suis parti(e) à ________ heures.
French Teaching Resources: Furniture & Rooms Revision: Wallace & Gromit!

French Teaching Resources: Furniture & Rooms Revision: Wallace & Gromit!

I use this short 2 minute film The Snoozatron! from the Extras DVD of the Wallace and Gromit film The Curse Of The Were Rabbit as a fun activity to revise furniture and rooms in the house. The worksheet has an Extra section to challenge stronger students. My DVD is in English, but it would be great to show a French version with subtitles. In total the activity takes around 15-20 minutes. We translate the questions together, watch The Snoozatron twice and then check the answers. Worksheet extracts: Wallace et Gromit. Cracking Contraptions! The Snoozatron. A. Cochez les choses que vous voyez: extract: une chambre une télévision un lit un réveil une étagère une raquette une cuisine une table une salle de bains une chaise les escaliers une cave une commode Extra extract: Choisissez la bonne réponse. 1. Il est…. a) deux heures et demie. b) deux heures moins le quart. c) trois heures. 2. Wallace a mangé trop de … a) bananes. b) fromage c) biscuits.
French Teaching Resources: Sentence Building Cards for Starters/ Warmers.

French Teaching Resources: Sentence Building Cards for Starters/ Warmers.

Use the following cards as a starter activity to revise a range of tenses: present, near future, future, perfect and imperfect. Simply say the sentence in English and the students race to put the correct sentence together. Simple and fun! Expressions on cards: je vais aller suis allé(e) à Paris aux Etats-Unis avec mes copains mes copines ma soeur et mais c’était ça sera d’habitude vais c’est très assez plutôt intéressant(e) génial(e) barbant(e) quand j’étais jeune j’allais j’irai You could also play or a game with the individual cards which I learnt in Japan called Karuta. In Karuta the students spread out the cards in front of them. I then say the English and the students compete to touch the correct French card first. Whoever touches it first wins the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The students love this game!
French - English Matching Cards: Expressions with Avoir Teaching Resources.

French - English Matching Cards: Expressions with Avoir Teaching Resources.

Expressions on cards: Avoir ___ ans Avoir besoin de ___ Avoir chaud/ froid Avoir de la chance Avoir envie de ___ Avoir faim/ soif Avoir mal à la tête/ à la gorge. Avoir tort/ avoir raison Avoir sommeil Avoir peur You may choose to have different levels of challenge. For example, Level 1 = match the cards and discuss the pronunciation. Level 2 = match the cards , discuss the pronunciation and then have quick fire questions from French to English, whereby 1 student closes their eyes and their partner reads out the French cards which the student must translate into English from memory. Level 3 = As Level 2 but the quick fire questions are from English to French. Following checking there are 2 fun games to play, either pelmenism or a game I learnt in Japan called Karuta. In Karuta the students put the English language cards to one side and spread out the French cards in front of them. I then say the English and the students compete to touch the correct French card first. Whoever touches it first wins the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The students love this game!
French Teaching Resources: Starter Activity/ Warmer : Jobs

French Teaching Resources: Starter Activity/ Warmer : Jobs

Les métiers! Give the students a mini-whiteboard each and show them the first slide which gives the following differentiated instructions: All: Draw a picture to illustrate 1/3 jobs (masc/fem). Most: Draw a picture to illustrate 2/3 jobs (masc/fem). Some: Draw a picture to illustrate 3/3 jobs. (masc/fem) and identify the tense (present, perfect, imperfect, future, conditional). Then show them slide 2 which has the following phrases and give them a minute to complete all, most or some for each phrase: Je vais devenir… coiffeur menuisier vendeuse Je voudrais être… mécanicienne institutrice infirmier Je voulais être… comptable médecin sapeur-pompier Mon grand-père/ ma grand-mère était… cuisinière kinésithérapeute ingénieur Mon frère/ ma sœur deviendra….. nourrice plombier informaticienne
Spanish Teaching Resources. Places in Town 2 PowerPoint

Spanish Teaching Resources. Places in Town 2 PowerPoint

This presentation presents places in town in Spanish. Vocabulary: castillo, palacio, alcázar, iglesia, fábrica, parque nacional, museo, monumento, acueducto (romano) & edificio. The first slides have each place in Spanish with a picture. The teacher should use this to elicit the meaning in English and drill the pronunciation. Then there is graded questioning. Firstly there are multiple choice slides followed by what's missing memory game slides. You can also use the final slide to play a game of "beat the teacher" to revise the learning at the end or during the following lesson. Beat the teacher is played like this: The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
French Teaching Resources. Months Logic Problem: Good for G & T students!

French Teaching Resources. Months Logic Problem: Good for G & T students!

rench Months Logic Problem: Good for G & T students! Students read the clues and decide who likes which month. Beware! Includes red herrings! This could also be used as a warmer task in teams for older students. Example clues: 4. Hélène est très romantique ! 5. Elise adore la rentrée ! 6. Les garçons adorent l’été ! 7. Arnaud adore la fête nationale.
Spanish Teaching Resources: Food at School PowerPoint

Spanish Teaching Resources: Food at School PowerPoint

This PowerPoint slideshow covers food and drink types commonly found in a school cafeteria. Vocabulary: Como un bocadillo. Como una ensalada. Tomo una pizza. Tomo espaguetis. Como patatas fritas. Tomo una hamburgesa. Como fruta. Bebo una limonada. Tomo un zumo de naranja. Bebo una Coca-Cola. Bebo una naranjada. Bebo un agua mineral. First section is a food presentation, its followed by multiple choice questions and then a name the picture section (Graded Questioning). The next section is a beat the teacher game, the students love this! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! The final section is a memory game, students must say what is missing. The next section of slides present and test drinks. Enjoy!
Spanish Teaching Resources. PowerPoint Presenting Computer Vocabulary.

Spanish Teaching Resources. PowerPoint Presenting Computer Vocabulary.

Spanish PowerPoint introducing computer vocabulary: @, / headphones, the on/off button, user name, password, CD, memory stick, microphone, the screen, the mouse, the keyboard. The fist slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Then there are "what's missing?" slides. The final slide has pictures of all the new vocabulary. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
Spanish Teaching Resources: The time (12 hour clock) Presentation, Battleships  & Plenary/warmer

Spanish Teaching Resources: The time (12 hour clock) Presentation, Battleships & Plenary/warmer

I use this simple presentation to present the 12 hour clock in Spanish. Eliciting the English and drilling the phrases. A fun activity to do is to then say a time which the students make with their bodies (one arm for the big hand, one arm for the small hand). Battleships: Expressions: Es la una Son las dos Son las cuatro Son las seis Son las siete Son las once y cuarto. y media. menos cuarto. y diez. y veinte. menos cinco. menos veinticinco. Plenary/ warmer: I use this 1 slide warmer activity/ pleanary having taught the time (12 hour clock). Give the students a mini-whiteboard each. Click on the presentation and a time will appear e.g. Es la una. The students must draw a clock (analogue or digital) with the correct time. Click again for the extension activity which is a jumbled up time: e.g. y son siete media las. The students must write this in the correct order e.g. Son las siete y media and then draw the clock. An additional extension could be to then change this to the 24 hour clock. There are 4 times to draw and unjumble. This should take approximately 15 minutes. Times covered include: Son las ocho menos cuarto Son las tres y cuarto Son las once menos veinticinco. Son las nueve menos veinte Son las cuatro menos cuarto
Spanish Teaching Resources. Countries Powerpoint Presentation

Spanish Teaching Resources. Countries Powerpoint Presentation

This colourful and fun PowerPoint presentation presents various countries. Vocabulary presented: Soy de Australia. Soy de España. Soy de Estados Unidos. Soy de Inglaterra. Soy de Escocia. Soy de Gales. Soy de Irlanda. Soy de Jamaica. Soy de México. Soy de Nigeria. Soy de Paquistán. The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next slide can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! Instructions: The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! Then there are "what's missing?" slides. The final slide has pictures of all the new vocabulary for a re-cap.
French Teaching Resources. Battleships/ Lotto & Odd One Out Starter: Range of tenses.

French Teaching Resources. Battleships/ Lotto & Odd One Out Starter: Range of tenses.

Battleships Game/ Lotto Grid: Revision of a range of tenses:.Present, Perfect, Imperfect, Future, Near Future, Conditional, Subjunctive. It could be used as a revision activity at the beginning of of throughout the school year. Expressions included: Je suis sorti(e) et Nous nous sommes amusés et J’irai au syndicat d’initiative et Nous irions à la patinoire et Ils étaient très contents et il a fait de la voile. nous avons loué des vélos. je vais chercher quelques dépliants. il faisait très chaud. je travaillerai comme chirurgien. il faut que je fasse mes devoirs. Battleships Game Instructions I use this battleships game (which can also be used as a lotto grid) to help students to practise their pronunciation and to reinforce new vocabulary and grammatical structures. Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions and discuss pronunciation. I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen. I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the French version and then try to play the game saying the French phrases as far as possible from memory. I allow the really weak students to have the French version next to the English version so they have lots of support, stronger students are allowed a few “sneaky peaks” at the French version and the really strong students aim to refer back to the French version as little as possible. This really helps the students to memorise the vocabulary/structures! During the game I circulate the classroom checking pronunciation. This is followed by whole class drilling of pronunciation mistakes. Enjoy! This warmer activity can be used to revise the Present, Perfect, Imperfect, Future and Conditional Tenses at the beginning of term or throughout the school year. Each student has a mini-whiteboard to write their answer on; give them 20 seconds. All: Find the odd-one-out. Most: Identify the tenses. Some: Change the odd-one-out to the same tense as the other two. Example Expressions: je joue au tennis B. je fais de la voile C. je jouerai de la guitare. A. je bois un jus de pommes B. je mangerai C. j’irai au syndicat d’inititative A. j’ai joué au foot B. je lis C. j’ai fait de la natation
French Teaching Resources. Cyrano De Bergerac. Literary Terms Matching Cards.

French Teaching Resources. Cyrano De Bergerac. Literary Terms Matching Cards.

I use these English - French matching cards to build vocabulary for essay-writing: both literary terms and some expressions linked to the plot of Cyrano De Bergerac. Examples of expressions: La scène. Le thème sous-jacent. Le cadre. La peinture des personnages. L’action centrale. Dépeindre. Accroître la tension. Soutenir l’intérêt. Le contraste. Etablir une comparaison entre. Une tranche de vie. S’inspirer de la réalité. Forcé. Tramer une intrigue. Faire allusion à. Incapable de s’exprimer. Donner/lâcher son paquet à quelqu’un. Débiter. You may choose to have different levels of challenge. For example, Level 1 = match the cards and discuss the pronunciation. Level 2 = match the cards , discuss the pronunciation and then have quick fire questions from French to English, whereby 1 student closes their eyes and their partner reads out the French cards which the student must translate into English from memory. Level 3 = As Level 2 but the quick fire questions are from English to French. Following checking there are 2 fun games to play, either pelmenism or a game I learnt in Japan called Karuta. In Karuta the students put the English language cards to one side and spread out the French cards in front of them. I then say the English and the students compete to touch the correct French card first. Whoever touches it first wins the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The students love this game!
French Teaching Resources. Healthy Living Group Talk Discussion Sheet & Discussion Mat

French Teaching Resources. Healthy Living Group Talk Discussion Sheet & Discussion Mat

Group Talk foster the spontaneous use of the target Language in the classroom. This sheet can be used in conjunction with my Group Talk Discussion Mat. There are 4 questions on the sheet: 1. Manges-tu sain? 2. Qu’est-ce que tu as mange et bu hier soir? 3. Quelle est ta faiblesse? 4. Qu’est-ce que tu as fait comme exercice la semaine dernière? The students pair up and one student asks a question. There are then 3 levels of challenge: 1. The student can answer using the expressions in the box (which you have translated and elicited the pronunciation of beforehand). 2. In addition the students use some of the words listed below the box to extend their answers. 3. In addition the students should try to come up with other spontaneous phrases. Using the discussion mat with this allows them to build in additional responses e.g. Attend! = Wait! C’est ridicule! = That’s ridiculous! Tu es fou/folle?! = Are you crazy?! Ce n’est pas juste = It’s not fair! Tu plaisantes? = You must be joking/ are you joking?