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Rehana Fazil Saving Teacher's Sundays

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Do you want a quality, differentiated, engaging resources? Look no further! I'm a primary school SLE in English Primary, dedicated to making challenging resources that set high expectations for all pupils. The resources in my shop are outstanding and suitable for the national curriculum. You'll find resources for foundation subjects that promote a rounded curriculum and teach skills and knowledge progressively in each key stage. I hope you find a happy work life balance.




Do you want a quality, differentiated, engaging resources? Look no further! I'm a primary school SLE in English Primary, dedicated to making challenging resources that set high expectations for all pupils. The resources in my shop are outstanding and suitable for the national curriculum. You'll find resources for foundation subjects that promote a rounded curriculum and teach skills and knowledge progressively in each key stage. I hope you find a happy work life balance.
Art and Design Tessellation KS2

Art and Design Tessellation KS2

Key Stage Art and Design Tessellation 2 Lesson Design your own tessellation tile lesson and powerpoint. Pupils are inspired by the work of artist Escher. Pupils will understand how a tessellation tile is created using a geometric shape like a square. Pupils will cut into the shapes and then reassemble them on opposing sides. Pupils can make varying tessellating tiles that may look like different animals like dogs, fox, fish, or bird in the style of Escher. Or they may choose to keep their design abstract form. Pupils will need a square card to create their tessellation tile. Video links included. SEN differentiation included Step by step visual guide included Final outcome examples shown on ppt. Suitable for the Art and Design curriculum in Key Stage 2, year 3 and 4 in particular. Can be easily adapted for upper key stage by thinking about positive and negative spaces in final design to create optical illusions. To simplify - the lesson can be used by giving precut card tiles to students so they can create a tessellation and add their own repeating patterns to create animal faces. Thank you for choosing this resource.
Estimating Reasoning and Rounding Year 2

Estimating Reasoning and Rounding Year 2

Before children can estimate, they need to be able to round up or down. This is a great introduction to rounding to the nearest multiple of 10 up to 100. The children can practice identifying which multiple of ten is on either side of a given number. They then use the rounding rule to round up or down. This is a great differentiated activity to show mastery maths and reasoning with numbers up to 100. Children will be required to reason with problems such as Adam can read 8 pages a day. Estimate how many he can read in a week. The children will round first to solve this answer and show their reasoning. Encourage use of APE it - Answer it, prove it and then explain it to achieve mastery skills. Suitable for the new year 2 curriculum in maths.
Properties of 2d regular and irregular shapes

Properties of 2d regular and irregular shapes

2d shapes Exploring properties of shape with a fun shadow making activity. Children can learn about the properties of regular, simple 2d shapes as well being extended to naming and creating new irregular shapes. The powerpoint demonstrates how to uses torches to create shadow shapes, and differentiated activities allow for children to sort shapes, into different types of tables (e.g carol diagrams and ven diagrams). Relevant questions suitable for testing reasoning about shape can also be found in the powerpoint.
Year 2  Arithmetic

Year 2 Arithmetic

Year 2 Maths arithmetic This is a 40 page publisher document designed to increase fluency in mental maths. It can be used as and excellent visual aid for a maths meeting wall designed to recap and revise on all the addition, subtraction, division and multiplication taught. There are also opportunities for number bonds, doubling, solving varied fractions, part- part whole number problems and adding multiples of 10 to any number. This resource can also be used as a mental oral starter or as morning work to evidence mental calculations for the expected mastery standards. Suitable for year 2 curriculum in maths and supports evidence for moderations.
Adding three numbers Year 2

Adding three numbers Year 2

Solving problems with addition to show application of skills. This is a differentiated resources to for children practice adding in different order. They will understand how to apply the skills they have learnt e.g. adding in any order and addition is commutative. Adding three numbers using bonds. Finding different possible answers. Thinking of own problems for a friend. They learn how to be resilient with maths, work in pairs or teams and think about problems and solutions. They understand that there is more than one possible answer and begin taking risks. A great application resources for maths to develop understanding of number. Suitable for the new Maths curriculum 2018.
Mass, weights, scales and problems year 2

Mass, weights, scales and problems year 2

Year 2 Maths Measures - Reading scales in kg and grams. First, the children have the opportunity to think about the different measures of unit required for different purposes, e.g. measuring height of door, amount of liquid in bath, the length of playground, weight of book etc. They then focus on reading scales for mass and find out how to read scales accurately. Some children confuse the dial reading for mass with a clock and these misconceptions must be addressed. There are opportunities for mastery and greater depth problems in these bundle of resources. Children are also required to use > < comparative arrows to show greater understanding of given weights.
Year 2 Greater Depth Determine Remainders using known facts TAF

Year 2 Greater Depth Determine Remainders using known facts TAF

Greater Depth Maths - Year 2 TAF objective- Determine remainders using known facts. This is a greater depth standard, however, the objective has been differentiated so that all the class can access it at their level using visual and scaffolds. HA use known facts to solve remainders MA use multiplication facts of 2x table and division facts LA and SEN use numicon to solve how many 2 numicon can fit into a shape. The children master the objective by demonstrating reasoning and using known facts. 2x 7 = 14 and 2 x 8 = 16 (this is too high because I don’t have 16 socks). So the closest number of pairs is 7. 15 divided by 2 = 7 remainder 1 Suitable for the new maths curriculum. A necessary objective to meet the standards for greater depth and useful to consolidate multiplication and division for working at children. I hope you find it useful. Thank you for choosing this resource
Year 2 Reading temperature and measures

Year 2 Reading temperature and measures

Year 2 Maths Measures - Reading scales using a thermometer and solving problems with temperature. This activity involves solving problems with temperature, including temperature increase and decrease. The children write a simple equation to show their working out, and then show the answer on the thermometer provided in degrees. Children must have prior knowledge, using and reading a real thermometer e.g to check and read the temperature of indoor space or outdoor space. They should handle thermometers and try to take a reading in different places to see how the temperature drops or increases. This activity supports the new greater depth and mastery curriculum in YR2.
Year 2 Mental Maths Arithmetic Fluency TAF KS1

Year 2 Mental Maths Arithmetic Fluency TAF KS1

An excellent Mental Maths activities resource with over 40 slide powerpoint suitable for Year 2 end of key stage. This resource can be used alongside teaching of the national curriculum. It is designed to give further evidence of the TAF statements for working At the expected and Greater depth. Teachers should aim to teach these mental strategies for children to build fluency in calculations. Suitable for the new Maths curriculum. Differentiated activities also allow children working towards to access this resource and develop confidence with mental maths e.g. using bonds and doubles. The slides include adding and subtracting 2 digit with 1 digit. Adding and subtracting 2 digit with 2 digit (with and without regrouping). Adding and subtracting with tens. Also slides for multiplying, (including sequencing) dividing, using known facts, adding doubles with money, halving money, using bonds to 10/20 and 100. Enjoy and please a comment
Lines of Symmetry in 2d shapes Year 2 TAF

Lines of Symmetry in 2d shapes Year 2 TAF

Year 2 Maths - Symmetry This is a fabulous bundle of resources to teach symmetry in Year 2, using 2d regular and irregular shapes. Children first investigate how many lines of symmetry each shape has. They sort them in order one line of symmetry, 2 lines of symmetry or 3 or more lines of symmetry etc. They then move onto reasoning with symmetry in 2d shapes and prove true or false statements such as - do all 4 sided shapes have four lines of symmetry. They show their understanding using APE it- Answer it, prove it and explain it. Following that, children sort shapes into a carrol diagram with given criteria to show a secure understanding of symmetry. The powerpoint have several examples to embed learning with shapes and how to find line of symmetry. Children working below the expected level can find and sort into symmetrical and asymmetrical objects. 3 days of detailed planning and visual materials- support EAL and SEn learners. Work is differentiated to make all learners progress. Enjoy these fun lessons. You will be needing a mirror and plenty of 2d shapes.
Addition to 20 and  commutative adding  year 1 and eyfs

Addition to 20 and commutative adding year 1 and eyfs

Maths in KS1 This is an excellent resource to secure to addition to 20. The task is designed to encourage speaking in full sentences using sentence stems e.g. There are 2 red cars and 3 blues cars. There are 5 cars altogether. The children can be challenged to show understanding of addition as being commutative - (can be done in any order) - this can also be done by using visuals to represent number sentences where the equals sign is at the front e.g. 5= 3+ 2. Teachers can develop vocabulary by encouraging the use of star words in a full sentence. This is a good resources to use when moving from practical resources to pictorial representations. Excellent and most suitable for EAL and SEN learners. Suitable for Reception EYFS and year 1 working towards.
Year 2 Number Partitioning into tens and ones TAF

Year 2 Number Partitioning into tens and ones TAF

Year 2 ITAF statement- to be able to partition in different ways including 43 = 4 tens and 3 ones 43 = 3 tens and 13 ones (now continue the pattern). There are several slides demonstrating how to do this pictorially and practically with resources. Children can then move on to demonstrating how to do this using a systematic written approach. Useful for the new year 2 maths curriculum. Greater depth children are challenged to show other patterns such as the one below. 54 - 4 = 50 64 - 14 = 50 74 - 24 = 50 84 - 34 = 50 Children working at greater depth have additional True or False reasoning questions e.g. Adam thinks 2 tens and 13 ones is greater than 3 tens and 3 ones. Is he right? Explain your answer.
Plants and Science Year 2 Interpreting Data and Greater Depth Maths

Plants and Science Year 2 Interpreting Data and Greater Depth Maths

Year 2 Science Plants This is a bundle of differentiated resources for science and the plants unit. It’s excellent for teaching science cross curricular and supports the maths reasoning at greater depth questioning. The questions are based on a given block graph about the height of sunflowers and pupils are asked to answer ‘how many more, how many less, what is the difference between’ type questions. Children have to draw a tally to match the data. This resource can also be used to assess the end of the unit or at the start to address misconceptions in the True or False Quiz. Children can change the statements into questions if they are unsure and this can be the basis of the start of the unit. Excellent differentiated incorporated. To make this lesson more engaging and challenging, teachers may have paper cut flowers for HAPS to create their own graphs. This resources is adapted to suit the new science curriculum.
Year 2 Maths open ended challenges

Year 2 Maths open ended challenges

Year 2 working at greater depth and mastery level. This challenge is suitable for HAPS to challenge them to record in tables( by creating their own) and think about how to work systematically. It challenges them to begin looking for patterns and write a simple formula to estimate the 10th number. This is an excellent, engaging and fun way to see children working at greater depth level and how they apply their skill of reasoning. The challenge asks children to make a straw house and then estimate how many are needed for a street of 10. They are extended to look at rockets and create their own straw challenge for others to complete. Great team building exercise. Can also be used with children working within the expected level if, practical straws are provided alongside a table template.
Fractions of Amounts Shape and Length Mastery Level Year 2

Fractions of Amounts Shape and Length Mastery Level Year 2

There are differentiated worksheets on Fractions from working within to Mastery level in maths as well as a powerpoint with success criteria and word problems. There is opportunity for children to practice mental maths with fractions and then move onto word problems. For gifted children in maths, there is opportunity to work on 2 step problems. These activities have been used in a year 2 class to teach Maths for the new curriculum 2016.
Adding and Subtracting in steps and  number lines.

Adding and Subtracting in steps and number lines.

Adding and subtracting on a number line including finding the difference. An excellent array of worksheets differentiated according to structured numberline in 5’s 10’s or in 1’s. Can be easily edited to move on to different scales for year 2 e.g. jumping in steps of 3s , 4s or 10s. Children can start from practical resources using bead strings and number lines and then move on to pictorial and abstract form when ready. Very good for EAL learners and SEN learners.
Maths number shape and place value Year 1 and 2

Maths number shape and place value Year 1 and 2

This is a bundle resource designed to be made into a practical Velcro tape folder. Each page has missing boxes that children have to choose the answer which is on the adjacent page. Each page will need to be laminated with Velcro attached to the answers so that children can manipulate the resource practically. It is useful as a pre-teach tool, revision guide or as an early morning work folder. The resource is designed to be an aid to guide independence in maths once the activity has been previously taught in class. There are opportunities for children to match properties of shape, recognise numbers in order, place value recognition, o’clock and half past times, sequencing number, doubles, counting in steps of 2,5,10, arrays with repeated addition, comparing numbers, part- part -whole, bonds to 10, and adding money. All the working towards objectives for year 2 have been addressed in this and more. The resource can be edited to increase challenge once the child has mastered it independently. Can also be used for Year 1 end of year expectations for number to evidence meeting new TAF statements.
Times Tables Year 2 and Year 3

Times Tables Year 2 and Year 3

Knowing your times tables is essential for securing maths at the expected standard, in the new maths curriculum. This resources will help you to rote learn the 2,3,4,5,6 and 10 times tables with your class. There are differentiated resources to print so that children can practise every day or weekly. The times tables are visually displayed in columns, grid method and for children to fill in empty boxes. This resource is practical and visual for EAL learners to establish good basics maths to lay the foundation of mental maths in year 2 and 3. Most children will be familiar with the 2, 5, 10 times tables, so they can be challenged to use the grids to find the answers to missing numbers e.g 5 x … = 35. They can also move on to the 3, 4, 6, times tables. Daily practice, chanting and oral rehearsing is advocated for all children to be able to count forwards, backwards, in and out of order. Using inverse is also recommended to find the missing blanks on the grid. Suitable for the new maths curriculum.
Money Year 1 and 2

Money Year 1 and 2

Year 1 and 2 Maths - Money Adding the value of money in context of shopping. Use two money amounts that add up to ten first. Children to apply previous knowledge learned about number bonds to ten. then to add extra number. Extend to children recording the coins they would use to make this value. Greater depth children can use the smallest amount of coins. Subtraction word problems. use jottings to record answer. For more able children to record subtraction as difference between. start on the smallest number and count up.
Understanding 2d shape and space

Understanding 2d shape and space

Shapes Resource suitable for KS1 Suitable for Year 1 and year 2, understanding properties of shape. Name common 2d shapes and sort into given criteria. More able to be able to sort into more than one criteria, e.g color and number of sides. Record into a given table. This resource has been differentiated fer low ability children so they can identify common shapes in the environment.