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Board Game - Perfect Tense German KS3
A board game to practise the perfect tense in German using the topics of free time and holidays. Students land on a square and follow the instructions or create a sentence in the perfect tense using the verb provided. I use this game with my Year 8 classes to practise using regular and irregular verbs taking haben and sein.

Almanya, Willkomen in Deutschland -Canan
A powerpoint to guide discussion around Canan as a character in the film Almanya, Willkommen in Deutschland. Suitable for A-Level students.

German Umwelt / environment lesson (including infinitive clauses)
This is the first lesson of a series I created to accompany the entertaining Lifeswap videos created by the Goethe Institut.
The first lesson is about environment and covers the “um… zu…” grammar point as well as infinitive clauses. I use the lesson series at the end of Y9 but it could also be used during the GCSE course.
The rest of the lesson series (covering a half-term approximately) can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12528930
Please leave a review if you download the lesson!

German International A-Level Grammar Practice 3
Grammar exercises to practice the structures that often come up in the iA-Level grammar task. The exercises would also be useful for the A-Level to practise grammar including passive, word order, cases, reported speech, etc.
There are 37 questions on the worksheet.
Answers are included.

German International A-Level Grammar Practice 2
Grammar practice exercises based on the style of questions from the June 2019 paper. The exercises would also be useful for grammar practice at A-Level in addition to iA-Level.
Answers are included.

Almanya, Willkommen in Deutschland - Fatma
A resource to guide discussion around Fatma. The PowerPoint also suggests some key scenes for Fatma and includes some example PEA paragraphs.

iA-Level German Grammar Practice (digitales Lernen)
This worksheet includes grammar exercises in the style of the international A-Level for Year 13. I have adapted sentences from an article about digital learning in schools. The link to the article is on the worksheet.
There are 3 worksheets with 10 questions per worksheet covering common grammar concepts such as the passive, Konjuntiv I, modal verbs, word order and infinitive clauses.
Answers are included.

International A-Level German Grammar
Some additional grammar practice exercises for the A2 grammar task in the iA-Level German paper. The exercises should help students practise manipulating various grammar rules that frequently appear in the exam grammar task.
Please leave a review if you download my resource, danke :)!

German lesson series key GCSE topics (ideal for end of KS3)
Booklet with accompanying powerpoints for use in the last term of Y9 German or as part of GCSE course (approximately 12-15 lessons). The lessons cover the topics environment, house & home and traditions. Grammar covered includes infinitive clauses, cases, adjective endings, comparisons and the future and conditional tenses. There is also a lesson looking at formal and informal language.
The lesson series is based on the short animated video series called Lifeswap that was created for the Goethe Institut Neuseeland. Each episode looks at various cultural differences and challenges in a new country - the videos are really funny and engaging for students so I wanted to create a SoW to accompany them.
My lessons focus on German culture and customs while also covering key vocabulary and grammar for the GCSE course. I use the booklet over around 6 weeks with Year 9 and follow this with a project, where students create their own video comparing two cultures/languages. I find this motivates and is useful for students who have chosen German and keeps students dropping the subject engaged.
Course outline:
Episode 1 (approx. 3 lessons)
Topic: Umwelt und Recycling
Grammar: Infinitive clauses
Episode 2 (approx. 2 lessons)
Topic: Mein Zuhause / Zimmer
Grammar: Cases
Episode 3 (approx. 3 lessons)
Topic: Mein Zuhause / Zimmer / Möbel
Grammar: Cases
Episode 4 (approx 2 lessons)
Topic: Traditionen / Feste
Grammar: Future tense
Episode 6 (approx. 1 lesson)
Topic: Formal and colloquial language
Grammar: present tense verb conjugations
Episode 7 (approx. 1 lesson)
Topic: Cultural differences
Grammar: Comparisons
Episode 8 (approx. 2 lessons)
Topic: A typical Sunday in Germany
Grammar: Comparisons and conditional tense

German boardgame templates
Series of boardgames for the topics technology, food, daily routine and free time activities. The game on the last slide can be easily adapted to practice the perfect or conditional tenses.

Almanya, Willkomen in Deutschland - Hüseyin und Musik
A ppt I use to discuss Hüseyin, 2 exam questions and an introduction to thinking about music in the film.
The ppt will most likely need to be adapted to use as I use it to support more open class discussions - it should hopefully give you some ideas if you’re new to teaching the film.