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The Environment Ambassador

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@theenvironmentambassador is an Instagram account, run by a teacher, who has a keen interest in tackling climate change and reducing plastic pollution!




@theenvironmentambassador is an Instagram account, run by a teacher, who has a keen interest in tackling climate change and reducing plastic pollution!
Easter Quiz

Easter Quiz

1 hour lesson. 6 rounds of quiz questions. Answers included, after each round. All you need to quiz teams, a piece of paper and pen. Round 1 - Name the Easter Egg Round 2 - General knowledge. Easter Traditions. Round 3 - Flags Round 4 - Word Scramble Round 5 - Famous bunnies Round 6 - Easter Celebrities Well worth it for £1!
Careers in Geography

Careers in Geography

Inspire your students to pursue a Geographical Career with this informative PowerPoint. The PowerPoint could also be used for a display. All information has been obtained via the National Careers Website and is up to date as of 09/2022.
Water Quality and Pollution Worksheets (GCSE, AQA)

Water Quality and Pollution Worksheets (GCSE, AQA)

A collection of four worksheets about water quality and pollution in the UK. Worksheet 1: Answer sheet. Worksheet 2: A worksheet with statements about how water quality and pollution is managed in the UK. Students read each statement and decide if the statement shows that water quality is well managed or that managing water quality is a challenge. Worksheet 3: A blank worksheet for students to fill in. Worksheet 4: A structure to help students answer a past paper question and a self assessment criteria. The worksheets are structured to help students answer a past paper question. They are designed to help students discuss the issues around managing water quality and pollution.
Detention Reflection

Detention Reflection

This worksheet allows students to reflect on what their poor behavior was, the reason for it and how to improve their behavior in the future. There is a positive behavior word search on the back and an opportunity for students to reflect on their own positive qualities. This worksheet can be used to support discussion between the student and teacher, during detention to resolve issues. It is meant as a restorative practice.
India (Newly Emerging Economy)

India (Newly Emerging Economy)

This is a Fact File about Mumbai, as an NEE. It has been designed based around the scheme of work for ‘The Changing Economic World’ on the AQA GCSE Geography Specification. The resources could be used in combination with comprehension activities or set as a reading homework. It provides students with a detailed overview of Mumbai, as an NEE and could support lessons in a number of ways. It Fact File includes the level of development, changing economic structure, reasons for change, a case study about Unilever as a TNC, trading relationships, imports and exports, changing population, inequalities in wealth, positive and negative impacts of aid and the impacts of trade and development.
Teacher Standards and Top Tips

Teacher Standards and Top Tips

This is a PDF resource, which includes the teacher standards and strategies that could be used to meet each standard. They are postcard sized, so they could be printed on card, cut up and used for displays or training sessions.
Rainforests Workbook

Rainforests Workbook

This workbook is ideal to teach students about Rainforests. It includes: The location of rainforests both locally and globally. The climate in the rainforest The structure of the rainforest The tribes in the rainforest Problems in rainforests Solutions to problems It allows students to work independently through the rainforests topics with a variety of different activities to maintain engagement.
Storm Christoph Case Study

Storm Christoph Case Study

A magazine article which looks at the cause, preparation, effects and responses to storm Christoph, in the North West of England, in 2021.
Energy: Cumbria Coal Mine Case Study

Energy: Cumbria Coal Mine Case Study

This magazine article has been created specifically for KS3 and KS3 Geography students to investigate the arguments for and against the construction of a new coal mine in Cumbria. The case study includes the proposal, the arguments for and against and is focussed on current geographical issues.
Chile Earthquake

Chile Earthquake

An infographic which describes and explains the cause, primary and secondary effects, immediate and long term responses to the Chile Earthquake in 2010. It also included information about why people live in an area where there is a risk from tectonic hazards and also introduces how monitoring, preidction, protection and planning has been enforced to reduce the risk of future earthquakes.
AQA Geography Model Answers Glaciation

AQA Geography Model Answers Glaciation

This resource contains a word document with 5 model answers based on glaciation past paper questions, from AQA GCSE Geography. It also contains a PowerPoint which can be used to guide students through exam technique.
Full Scheme of Work for Climate Change (AQA Geography)

Full Scheme of Work for Climate Change (AQA Geography)

What’s included? Full scheme of work 6 lessons plans 6 PowerPoints 11 worksheets 1 key facts test End of unit revision worksheets Description This scheme of work inspires students to learn about the climate crisis. Students will explore the evidence for and against climate change, through an carousel activity. Students will identify human and physical causes of climate change, including the Milankovitch cycles. Students can use a card sort to examine the positive and negative effects of climate change. There are a variety of case study worksheets about how different countries are adapting and mitigating climate change. This series of lessons has been designed to motivate and inspire students, to take action to prevent climate change.
Full Scheme of Work for Rainforests (AQA Geography)

Full Scheme of Work for Rainforests (AQA Geography)

What’s included? Full scheme of work 6 lessons plans 6 PowerPoints 11 worksheets 1 key facts test End of unit revision worksheets Description This scheme of work inspires students to learn about the world’s rainforests. Students will explore physical processes in the rainforest such the nutrient cycle, food chains and food webs. They will also investigate the structure of the rainforest and how plants and animals have adapted to the climate. Students will be able to explain the different causes of deforestation through an engaging murder mystery style acitivity. Students will use a card sort to identify a variety of positive and negative impacts of deforestation. They will be able to reach a judgement as to whether economic development is more important than protecting the environment. Towards the end of the topic there will be the opportunity to evaluate different management strategies using a football style knock out activity. Hopefully, this scheme of work will inspire and engage your students to help them progress with their learning.
Climate Change Knowledge Organiser (AQA, GCSE)

Climate Change Knowledge Organiser (AQA, GCSE)

Want to help your students with revision? Try out this climate change knowledge organiser. It can be given at the start of the topic and be continually used to test students knowledge throughout the topic.
Knowledge Organiser for AQA Urban Issues and Challenges: Mumbai

Knowledge Organiser for AQA Urban Issues and Challenges: Mumbai

A knowledge organiser which has condensed all the important information needed for the urban issues and challenges section of the AQA Geography course. It includes key words and definitions, key facts and gives a general overview of what students need to know for the urban issues and challenges part of the exam.
AQA Geography Model Answers Hot Deserts

AQA Geography Model Answers Hot Deserts

I have created a set of model answers for 1-9 mark questions on Hot Deserts. They could be used to grade, identify strengths and weaknesses or as revision. I have also included a PowerPoint with exam techniquie guidance as to how to answer the questions. It gives students the opportunity to construct their own exam answers, using the ‘2 minute plan’ to help structure 9 mark questions.