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Mantenerse en forma - Healthy lifestyle.
GCSE - Healthy Lifestyle
Lerning objectives:
Revise food vocabulary
Sports vocabulary
Describe healthy lifestyle
Year 7- Studio 1- French- Qu’est-ce que tu fais?
Year 7 French Qu’est-ce que tu fais?
Objectif: Talk about what activities you do according to what weather
Mira 2- las nacionalidades- Year 8
KS3 - Year 8 - Mira 2
Las nacionalidades;
Objective: Understanding nationalities.
Viva 1. Module 2 - Dónde vives -mi ciudad
Viva 1- Module 5 Mi ciudad
Learning objectives: - say where you live
ask someone else where they live
write a paragraph about where you live and with who you live.
Mi estilo de vida ideal - Conditional tense
Mi estilo de vida ideal using the conditional tense.
Learning objective: To know how to use the conditional tense to describe the ideal lifestyle
GCSE- AQA - Mi casa y mi barrio
AQA Year 10
Mi casa y mi barrio
New vocabulary and adjectives to describe same ideas.
Learning objectives : using lo bueno+ adjective and lo malo + adjective to describe the house and town.
Mira 2- ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? Year 8
Year 8
Mira 2: ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
talk about activities
express opinions using me gusta…
Viva 2-Module 1-Mis vacaciones.
KS3- Year 8
Viva 2
Module 1: Mis vacaciones
Learning objectives: Using present tense and past together
Pack includes: Lesson using the present tense and preterite tense together.
Text to read and translate
End of lesson mat to translate the expressions into English. Mat can be used to play bingo or other memory games.
Viva1 : Module 4. 4 ¿Cómo es tu casa o tu piso?
Year 7
Viva1 : Module 4. 4 ¿Cómo es tu casa o tu piso?Describing where you live using the verb estar ( to be)
GCSE- La tecnología -Mind map
La tecnología -Mind map
Verbs in present, past and future.
Pros and cons using technology in Spanish.
Mira 2. Mis amigos. Mi mejor amigo. Year 8
Mira 2- Mis amigos
Learning objectives:
By the end of the lesson you will be able to:
-describe friends using adjectives
use connectives ( y, pero, también, nunca)
Viva 1- Year 7 - ¿Qué haces durante el recreo?
Year 7- Viva 1
¿Qué haces durante el recreo?
Learn activities to do during break time
Learn time expressions
Write sentences about food you eat and how often you eat it
Read and translate a text
Los verbos en español-presente, pretérito, imperfecto futuro simple e inmediato, condicional
Verbs conjugations in Spanish
Los verbos en español-presente, pretérito, imperfecto futuro simple e inmediato, condicional and all irregulars.
Examples to practice
GCSE Spanish - Retrieval starter. Home, town, neighbourhood and region
GCSE Year 10- Home, town, neighbourhood and region. Translate the short sentences into Spanish. Ideal lesson starter. The template can be used to revise the concepts from previous lessons.
Preguntas interrogativas- Mi ciudad o mi barrio
GCSE Year 10
Las preguntas interrogativas - mi ciudad y mi barrio
Learning objectives:
To form more complex questions using question words
To ask and answer questions about your house and where it is
Viva 1- Module 2.1 -¿Qué te gusta hacer?
KS3- Year 7
Learning objectives are: saying what you like to do and giving opinions using me gusta+ infinitive
Viva 1-Module 4-Mi familia y mis amigos
Viva 1
Module 4- Mi familia y mis amigos - Mi árbol genealógico
Learning objectives: using possessive adjectives to describe your family.
Using the verbs in the third person for tener and ser to describe someone.
Viva 2- Module 4-2 Lo siento, no puedo
KS3 - Year 8
Viva 2- Module 4 - ¿Qué hacemos?
Unit 2: Lo siento, no puedo
Learning objectives: making excuses and using the verbs querer and poder.