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Currently a private tutor, the resources you see available have been adapted from my current practice and when I was teaching as a secondary school English teacher. I hope the resources are useful and make a difference in your classroom. If you need to contact me to discuss any of the resources you have downloaded, please email me at sarah@the-browns.gb.net.




Currently a private tutor, the resources you see available have been adapted from my current practice and when I was teaching as a secondary school English teacher. I hope the resources are useful and make a difference in your classroom. If you need to contact me to discuss any of the resources you have downloaded, please email me at sarah@the-browns.gb.net.
'Blessing' - Imtiaz Dharker

'Blessing' - Imtiaz Dharker

A re-working of the old AQA GCSE favourite, this lesson is suitable for high-level Year 6 and upwards. Beginning with considering empathy in relation to a series of images, the analysis of the poem is broken down into small, manageable tasks. Students are encouraged to explore language, structure and theme in these mini-tasks, which allow for class feedback and teacher modelling in between each one. The lesson culminates in a PEE analysis activity that could be adapted depending on the nature of the class - verbal discussion, a simplified response or an extended homework task. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Blessing - PowerPoint of lesson Blessing - Word document of poem Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.
'Alternative Anthem' - John Agard

'Alternative Anthem' - John Agard

A one-off lesson exploring John Agard’s ‘Alternative Anthem’. Ideal for KS3 classes, this allows students to recognise the stages of focussed analysis, particularly in preparation for GCSE poetry. Beginning with a post-it note driven class discussion on questions the students have about the poem, the lesson moves to independent group work. Students are given an area to focus on before feeding back ideas to the class. The plenary PEE task can easily be extended for more able/older students. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Alternative Anthem - PowerPoint of the lesson Alternative Anthem - Word document of the poem CLAST sheets - Word document of group analysis sheets as an optional print out Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.
'One Art' - Elizabeth Bishop

'One Art' - Elizabeth Bishop

Designed for the IGCSE English Literature specification, this two part lesson allows students to analyse the poem, finishing with an extended response that could be completed in class or as a homework task. Beginning with pair work to summarise the poem, the first lesson allows for whole class analysis before finishing with looking at deeper meanings with language. The second lesson explores more deeper analysis, focussing again on language, structure and techniques. The final extended response is in the style of an exam question, providing students the opportunity to develop their exam techniques. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: One Art - PowerPoint of the two part lesson One Art - Word document of poem, taken from IGCSE’s website directly Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.
Creative writing

Creative writing

A stand-alone lesson or one that could be used as an introduction to creative writing, this lesson encourages students to create a sense of place in their own writing, using an image as stimulus. Starting by listening to an audio clip (Youtube link included in the PowerPoint), the students progress to identifying descriptive techniques in an example, before creating their own word bank. After writing their own descriptive piece, the students peer-assess and revisit the starter task to see if they can develop their initial writing. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
'Little Women' scheme of work

'Little Women' scheme of work

26 fully planned lessons, this scheme of work should hopefully have you dusting off an old classic that is often left behind in the department cupboards! With a range of activities that intend to bring the text alive, each lesson in this scheme has a covering slide detailing the lesson outline, skills focused on, and whether any resources are required or homework set. All accompanying resources and internet links are included within this resource. Lesson focuses include hot-seating key characters, a dramatic interpretation of Channel 4’s ‘First Dates’, personal writing on hopes and ambitions, and persuasive writing. There are plenty of opportunities to grade students on their reading and writing skills, with emphasis on the skills required for tasks. This scheme would suit any Key Stage 3 class as every lesson is planned to allow total teacher flexibility. With hidden chapter summary slides, the teacher is able to choose how much reading is completed each lesson and even how many of the 26 lessons are taught for this scheme. As such, if lessons or chapters are missed out, there is always a chapter summary to fill in the gaps. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this scheme. Files included in this resource: ‘Little Women’ scheme of work - PowerPoint of fully planned lessons Lesson 2 Extract analysis - Word document Lesson 6 Extract analysis - Word document Lesson 9 Extract analysis - Word document Lesson 11 character hot-seating cards - Word document Lesson 16 Extract analysis - Word document Lesson 22 Twitter template - Word document Lesson 23 Reading assessment extract - Word document **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
AQA English Language Paper 1 practice

AQA English Language Paper 1 practice

A mock exam following AQA's GCSE English Language Paper 1 question style, this resource allows teachers to work through each question with their class, evaluating the skills required and how to score highly. The extract is from 'The Secret River' by Kate Grenville, and this is also used for Section B, writing. The extract is arguably longer than what students can anticipate in the exam but the text could be used for further analysis before tackling the actual exam questions.This resource can also be easily adapted to a Homework task for students to prepare for the exam independently. The opening slides detail an overview of the exam and what skills are being assessed in this paper. A generic mark scheme has been included for Section B, Writing, taken from one of AQA's Paper 1 example papers. Teacher judgement should be used for marking Section A. Files in this resource: English Language Paper 1 practice - PowerPoint of exam questions The Secret River extract - Word document of extract English Language Paper 1 generic mark scheme - PDF of generic mark scheme for Section B
AQA English Literature Paper 2 Unseen poetry practice

AQA English Literature Paper 2 Unseen poetry practice

Unseen poetry practice for AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 2. PowerPoint outlines what to expect in Paper 2 and assessment areas. Using Philip Larkin's 'An Arundel Tomb' and 'Tears, Idle Tears' by Tennyson, the lesson encourages group work, with students working independently to annotate the unseen material, before feeding back to the rest of the class. Lesson works towards preparing for both the extended and comparative exam questions, which can be used in the following lesson or homework tasks. Included are annotated copies of the poem for teacher's reference or for students who need that extra support. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Unseen Poetry An Arundel Tomb and Tears Idle Tears - PowerPoint of lesson An Arundel Tomb - Word document of poem Tears, Idle Tears - Word document of poem An Arundel Tomb annotated - Word document of poem with notes Tears, Idle Tears annotated - Word document of poem with notes **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
AQA English Literature Paper 2 Unseen poetry practice

AQA English Literature Paper 2 Unseen poetry practice

Unseen poetry practice for AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 2. PowerPoint outlines what to expect in Paper 2 and assessment areas. Using Chinua Achebe's 'A Mother in a Refugee Camp' and 'Praise Song for my Mother' by Grace Nichols, the lesson encourages group work, with students working independently to annotate the unseen material, before feeding back to the rest of the class. Lesson works towards preparing for both the extended and comparative exam questions, which can be used in the following lesson or homework tasks. Annotated versions of both poems are included in this resource, either to be used as useful time-saver aid for the teacher, or at the closing of the lesson, to highlight other areas the students could have discussed. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Unseen Poetry A Mother in a Refugee Camp and Praise Song - PowerPoint of lesson A Mother in a Refugee Camp - Word document of poem Praise Song for my Mother - Word document of poem A Mother in a Refugee Camp annotated - Word document of poem Praise Song for my Mother annotated - Word document of poem **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
AQA English Literature Paper 2 Unseen poetry practice

AQA English Literature Paper 2 Unseen poetry practice

Unseen poetry practice for AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 2. PowerPoint outlines what to expect in Paper 2 and assessment areas. Using Boey Kim Cheng's 'Reservist' and 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' by Wilfred Owen, the lesson encourages group work, with students working independently to annotate the unseen material, before feeding back to the rest of the class. Lesson works towards preparing for both the extended and comparative exam questions, which can be used in the following lesson or homework tasks. Fully annotated copies of both poems are included. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Unseen Poetry Reservist and Anthem for Doomed Youth - PowerPoint of lesson Reservist poem annotated - Word document of poem Anthem for Doomed Youth annotated - Word document of poem Reservist poem - Word document of poem Anthem for Doomed Youth - Word document of poem **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
'For Heidi With Blue Hair' poem unseen exam question

'For Heidi With Blue Hair' poem unseen exam question

Preparing students for the unseen poetry question, this lesson uses 'For Heidi With Blue Hair' by Fleur Adcock. Beginning with finding three poetic techniques used in the poem, the lesson encourages more independent analysis before developing ideas in paired work. The lesson develops with class analysis of the poem, concluding with independent planning for a practice exam question which leads to beginning to write their own response. This task can then be extended to the following lesson or become a homework task. Files in this resource: For Heidi With Blue Hair unseen poem exam question - PowerPoint of lesson For Heidi With Blue Hair - Word document of poem
'For Heidi With Blue Hair' - Fleur Adcock

'For Heidi With Blue Hair' - Fleur Adcock

A fully planned one-hour lesson, this is linked to the 2017 IGCSE English Literature specification, but could be adapted for other exam boards. Allowing students to initially independently analyse the poem before teacher input, this is an ideal lesson to help build confidence when approaching the unseen paper. The lesson closes with preparing for an exam-style question, which could be completed as a homework task or in a following lesson. Files in this resource: For Heidi with Blue Hair - PowerPoint of lesson For Heidi with Blue Hair - Word document of poem
Edexcel English Language Paper 2 practice

Edexcel English Language Paper 2 practice

3 Resources
Three mock exam papers that can be used in class or for homework to help prepare for Language Paper 2. Each lesson is designed for feedback as answers are written during class time, to help identify revision areas promptly. A generic mark scheme has been included for teachers reference. Alternatively, the PowerPoint could be converted to a Word document and presented as an actual mock exam. Paper 2 resources (Non-fiction and Transactional writing): The extracts cover arranged marriages, two experiences of Iraq during the war and two contrasting autobiographies (Peter Kay and Barak Obama). Each resource can be easily adapted to a Homework task for students to prepare for the exam independently. The opening slides detail an overview of the exam and what skills are being assessed in this paper. This could be turned into a quiz to test your class's memory! Teacher judgement can be used for marking Section A. A generic mark scheme has been included for Section B, Writing, taken from one of Edexcel's Paper 2 example papers.
Edexcel English Language Paper 2 practice

Edexcel English Language Paper 2 practice

This lesson is a mock paper to help prepare students for Edexcel GCSE English Language Paper 2 (Non-fiction and Transactional writing). The sources for this paper explore two experiences of Iraq during the war and the writing section has a choice of two questions. Lesson is designed for feedback as answers are written during class time, to help identify revision areas promptly. A generic mark scheme has been included for teachers reference. Alternatively, this PowerPoint could be converted to a Word document and presented as an actual mock exam. Files in this resource: English Language Paper 2 - PowerPoint of exam questions Text 1 - Word document of Text 1 Text 2 - Word document of Text 2 English Language Paper 2 generic mark scheme - PDF of mark scheme for writing section
AQA English Language Paper 2 practice

AQA English Language Paper 2 practice

This lesson is a mock paper to help prepare students for AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2 (Writers' viewpoints and perspectives). The sources for this paper are about Neil Armstrong and Mo Farah; Section B asks students to debate the topic of heroes. Lesson is designed for feedback as answers are written during class time, to help identify revision areas promptly. A generic mark scheme has been included for teachers reference. Alternatively, this PowerPoint could be converted to a Word document and presented as an actual mock exam. Files in this resource: English Language Paper 2 - PowerPoint of exam questions Source A Neil Armstrong - Word document of Source A Source B Mo Farah - Word document of Source B English Language Paper 2 generic mark scheme - PDF of mark scheme
IGCSE English Literature Paper 4 - Unseen poetry and prose

IGCSE English Literature Paper 4 - Unseen poetry and prose

A Word document of the entire Unseen Paper 4, this resource is ideal for allowing students to practice analysing unknown texts. The opening of the document outlines the paper and AOs, following with the mark scheme. This will enable teachers to discuss how to obtain marks in the paper and the band boundaries. In addition, students could use this mark scheme as a self-assessment before attempting the paper, to set targets and correct their work as responding to the questions. It could also be used for peer-assessment. The Unseen poem used is 'Poppies' by Jane Weir which is used in the AQA spec, so should be accessible for all students. The prose is an extract from 'Birdsong' by Sebastian Faulks. File in this resource: Unseem exam practice - poetry and prose - Word document of the practice exam
IGCSE English Literature Paper 4 - Unseen poetry and prose

IGCSE English Literature Paper 4 - Unseen poetry and prose

A Word document of the entire Unseen Paper 4, this resource is ideal for allowing students to practice analysing unknown texts. The opening of the document outlines the paper and AOs, following with the mark scheme. This will enable teachers to discuss how to obtain marks in the paper and the band boundaries. In addition, students could use this mark scheme as a self-assessment before attempting the paper, to set targets and correct their work as responding to the questions. It could also be used for peer-assessment. The Unseen poem used is 'Long Distance II' by Tony Harrison which is used in the OCR spec, so should be accessible for all students. The prose is an extract from 'Of Mice and Men'. File in this resource: Unseem exam practice - poetry and prose - Word document of the practice exam
OCR English Literature Paper 2 practice - Poetry

OCR English Literature Paper 2 practice - Poetry

Helping prepare students for their Literature Poetry exam, this lesson begins by testing students on how much they remember about the exam in terms of length, structure and assessment objectives. The lesson then introduces an exam question, using 'Long Distance II' as the named poem and 'Elegy for my Father's Father' as the unseen comparative. (This poem is used in the IGCSE poetry specification, so should be accessible for students, although it can initially be considered as quite challenging - perhaps ideal for students to practice with.) There are several ways this lesson could be executed, which are detailed in the PowerPoint, enabling students to independently analyse each poem before preparing a plan for the question. The lesson finishes with students identifying areas they feel have been successful and revision targets. This question could be completed in a second lesson or for homework. Files in this resource: English Literature Paper 2 practice - PowerPoint of lesson Long Distance II - Word document of the poem Elegy for my Father's Father - Word document of the poem
'The Secret River' - Racial differences

'The Secret River' - Racial differences

Completing hierarchy pyramids to start, students consider how racial differences influence society in 'The Secret River'. Two hierarchy pyramids are completed: the first has no parameters and therefore encourages students to consider what they base their pyramids on; the second is wholly based on race, therefore leading towards the planning of an essay question. Characters are provided for both tasks. The lesson develops towards paired planning of an essay question, using the AOs as a rough checklist to ensure students are demonstrating the key skills required. This is also used to shape the plenary. This lesson could be continued to a second session with the option of paired writing or a formal assessment. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Racial differences: PowerPoint of the lesson Hierarchy pyramid 1: Word document for Starter task Hierarchy pyramid 2: Word document for development task **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
'The Secret River' - Essay Round Robin

'The Secret River' - Essay Round Robin

A lesson that allows group work and collaboration, with hopefully little teacher input! Ideal for classes revising 'The Secret River', this lesson allows students to tackle four different exam questions independently before having whole-class feedback. The lesson could be rolled over into a second session to allow for a detailed review of each question and could also be developed to use as an assessment piece. Alternatively, this resource becomes a useful essay bank for future tasks! I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Essay round robin - PowerPoint of the lesson Essay questions - Word document of the four essay questions to print for each essay **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
'The Secret River' - The Prologue

'The Secret River' - The Prologue

This lesson encourages students to explore the significance of the Prologue. Beginning with an analysis of the extract, students consider how the Prologue foreshadows later events in the novel. The lesson works towards pair planning an essay question which is then developed with further pair work. The question could then be completed as an assessment or Homework task. Files in this resources: Strangers - PowerPoint of lesson Strangers - Word document of Prologue