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My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.




My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Stem change verbs mini guided practice (Present tense)

Stem change verbs mini guided practice (Present tense)

Stem change verbs mini guided practice (Present tense) For each infinitive, write the stem and the appropriate verb ending in the template provided. Note: The stem change occurs in all conjugations except nosotros and vosotros. *There are 6 sentences for each infinitive listed below. Infinitives included: E-IE STEM CHANGE VERBS: Empezar, Querer, Preferir O-UE STEM CHANGE VERBS: Almorzar, Poder, Dormir E-I STEM CHANGE VERB: Pedir U-UE STEM CHANGE VERB: Jugar Example: Empezar Template: Subject + Stem + Ending + Rest Yo + ___________ + ___________ + la escuela por la mañana. Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, study guide, quiz, entry / exit slip.
La ropa: Matching and personal questions practice

La ropa: Matching and personal questions practice

La ropa: Matching and personal questions practice Part 1: Write the correct letter of the translation for each word. (27 total) e. It fits me well / v. Clothing / k. It is hot / l. Sweater _____ 1. La ropa _____ 6. El suéter _____ 21. Hace calor _____ 26. Me queda(n) bien Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in the present tense, using appropriate vocabulary related to clothing. (10 questions total) ¿Qué ropa llevas tú normalmente? (Give 2) ¿Qué ropa te gusta llevar en el otoño? ¿Por qué? (Give at least 2 articles of clothing) Answer key is included on page 3 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip. Students can also do the personal questions orally in pairs or small groups. *This practice can also be used with chapter 2A (Preliminary vocabulary) of Realidades 2.
Reflexive verbs basic intro conjugation practice

Reflexive verbs basic intro conjugation practice

Reflexive verbs basic intro conjugation practice For each reflexive infinitive, complete the verb table with the appropriate reflexive pronoun, the infinitive stem, and the appropriate verb ending. Then, translate the sentences in the template provided. Infinitives included: Lavarse, Bañarse , Ponerse, Despertarse, Vestirse For each infinitive, students will write the conjugation for all persons and translate 6 sentences. A structured template is provided. *A table with reflexive pronouns and present tense -ar, -er, -ir endings is included for reference. Example: Lavarse (Yo) Reflexive pronoun Infinitive stem Verb ending Translations: Template: Subject pronoun + Reflexive pronoun + Conjugated verb + Rest I wash myself. You (tú) wash yourself. Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used when students are first introduced to conjugating reflexive verbs. It can be used as classwork, homework, review, study guide, entry / exit slip.
Regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs basic conjugation practice

Regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs basic conjugation practice

Regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs basic conjugation practice (Present tense) Part 1: For each infinitive, write the stem and verb ending in the table. Then, write the conjugation in the blanks below. There are 6 different infinitives for each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir) for a total of 18 infinitives. All 6 persons are included. *A table with present tense -ar, -er, -ir verb endings is included for reference. Example: Infinitive: Hablar Subject: Yo Stem: _____ Verb ending: _____ PART 2: Complete each blank with the correct verb conjugation in the present tense. (There are 6 sentences for each verb type for a total of 18 sentences) Example: -AR verbs Yo ______________ con mi amigo. (hablar) Tú _______________ un libro nuevo. (comprar) Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry or exit slip. *This practice can be used in Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 classes.
Go verbs mini paragraphs with questions practice

Go verbs mini paragraphs with questions practice

Go verbs mini paragraphs with questions practice Complete each paragraph with the correct conjugation using the word bank provided. Then, answer the four question from the paragraph in a complete sentence in the present tense. Your answers should not be repetitive (using the same words over and over). No on-line translators or unauthorized resources. Verbs included: Hacer, Poner, Salir, Traer, Oir, Tener, Venir, Decir (8 total) Example: Hacer: to do / to make Word bank: hacen / hacéis / hace / haces / hago Yo (1) ___________ mi tarea. ¿Qué (2) ____________ tú? ¿Qué (3) ____________ él? ¿Qué (4) ____________ vosotros? ¿Qué (5) ____________ Ellos? Answer key is included on pages 4-5 for conjugations only. For the questions, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry / exit slip. Students can also do questions #2-5 orally in pairs or small groups.
Preterit Imperfect clue words identification practice

Preterit Imperfect clue words identification practice

Preterit Imperfect clue words identification practice For each set, write the Spanish clue word based on the English translation, using the word bank. Then, in the last box, identify the tense of the clue word by writing P (preterit) or I (imperfect) *There are 10 sets total with 4 clue words each (40 clue words total). A structured template is provided for student responses. Example: Word bank: De niño / Anoche / Cada día / Ayer Spanish clue word: _______________ + ______________ + _____________ + ______________ English translation: Last night + As a child + Yesterday + Every day Tense: _____ + ______ + ______ + ________ As an added bonus, a quick review identifying the uses of preterit / imperfect is included. (10 total) Write P if the use described below requires the preterit tense or I if it requires the imperfect tense. _____ 1. A completed action _____ 2. Habitual action (used to do) Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, study guide, quiz, entry / exit slip.
Las actividades extracurriculares matching practice

Las actividades extracurriculares matching practice

Las actividades extracurriculares matching practice Write the correct letter of the appropriate extracurricular activity based on each person’s interest. (16 total) Example: p. El equipo de béisbol m. El club de arte _____ 1. Elena: Dibujar y pintar _____ 2. José: El béisbol This practice can be used with chapter 1B of Realidades 2. It can be used for classwork, homework, bell ringer, or entry / exit slip. Answer key is included on page 2.
Present, Preterit, Imperfect conjugation and questions practice

Present, Preterit, Imperfect conjugation and questions practice

Present, Preterit, Imperfect conjugation and questions practice Complete the verb table with the conjugations and answer the questions in a complete sentence using the appropriate tenses (Present, Preterit, Imperfect). Verbs included: -AR: Hablar, Comprar, Mirar -ER: Aprender, Correr, Leer -IR: Escribir, Salir, Vivir Irregular verbs: Ser, Ir, Dar, Ver, Hacer Example: Conjugate Hablar (Present), Comprar (Preterit), Mirar (Imperfect) for all 6 persons in the verb table. ¿Con quién hablas tú cada día? ¿Qué compró Marcos ayer? ¿Qué programa miraban Uds. de niños (as children)? (Program name can be in English) Answer key is included for the conjugations only. For the personal questions, student answers will vary. Pages 1-6 are the practice and pages 7-10 are the answer key. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review before a test or exam, quiz / test, entry / exit slip (broken into smaller sections), or as part of your sub plans.
Stem change verbs present tense mini practice

Stem change verbs present tense mini practice

Stem change verbs present tense mini practice Part 1: Write the correct letter of the conjugation. Then, conjugate the infinitive in the present tense, making stem changes as needed. Note: There is no stem change in the nosotros and vosotros conjugations. Verbs included (matching section) E-IE: Empezar, Entender, Mentir O-UE: Contar, Volver, Morir E-I: Pedir U-UE: Jugar Verbs included for conjugations (Students will write conjugations for all persons) E-IE: Pensar, Querer, Preferir O-UE: Almorzar, Poder, Dormir E-I: Repetir Example: E-IE stem change verbs Empezar: to start / to begin _____ 1. Yo _____ 4. Nosotros a. Empiezan d. Empiezas _____ 2. Tú _____ 5. Vosotros b. Empezáis e. Empezamos _____ 3. Él / Ella / Ud. _____ 6. Ellos / Ellas / Uds. c. Empieza f. Empiezo Conjugate Pensar for all 6 persons. Part 2: Write 8 original sentences with 8 of the aforementioned verbs using the guidelines provided. Answer key is included for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. Pages 1-4 are the practice and pages 5-8 are the answer key. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, entry / exit slip, or as part of your sub plans.
Preterit and imperfect regular and irregular verbs practice

Preterit and imperfect regular and irregular verbs practice

Preterit and imperfect regular and irregular verbs practice Infinitives included: Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Buscar, Jugar, Almorzar, Hacer, Dar, Ir, Ver, Ser (11 total) Part 1: Clue words matching (Write the correct letter of the English translation) (20 total) Example: n: Every day u: yesterday _____ 1. Ayer _____ 2. Cada día / Todos los días Part 2: For each infinitive, write the correct preterit and imperfect tense conjugations. Then, write a sentence using the infinitive in the preterit and imperfect tenses. Sentences should be 6 words minimum. Add 5 words after the subject (yo, tú etc). Sentences should not be repetitive (using the same words over and over). No on-line translators or unauthorized resources. Post the word count at the end of every sentence. Example: *Note: Each infinitive will be conjugated for all 6 persons in the preterit and imperfect tenses. *Note: For Ser, students will write a sentence in the imperfect (not preterit). Hablar: to speak Template: Preterit conjugation / Imperfect conjugation (Preterit) Ayer yo _______________________________ (Imperfect) Cada día Uds. ____________________________________ Pages 1-6 are the practice. Pages 7-10 are the answer key. For part 2, only conjugations are included in the answer key. Student answers will vary for the sentences. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, or as part of your sub plans.
Tener que infinitive with questions words practice

Tener que infinitive with questions words practice

Tener que infinitive with questions words practice In the template, write the correct conjugation of tener, que, the given infinitive. Then, add 2-3 words to answer the question word in the last box. (10 sentences total) *A structured template is provided for student responses. A table with present tense conjugations of tener is included for reference. Example: Infinitive: Hablar: to speak Template: Subject + Conjugation of tener + Que + Infintive + ¿Con quién? Answer: Yo tengo que hablar con mi amigo. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. Student answers will vary for the question words. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry or exit slip.
Irregular preterit with present tense practice

Irregular preterit with present tense practice

Irregular preterit with present tense practice Verbs included: hacer, querer, venir, andar, estar, saber, poder, poner, tener, decir, traer, conducir (12 total) For each infinitive, complete the template with the present tense conjugation, irregular preterit stem, irregular preterit ending, and the irregular preterit conjugation. Then, answer the two personal questions in a complete sentence in the appropriate tense. Note: All personal questions are in the tú conjugation. A structured template is provided and the irregular stem is listed next to each infinitive. A table with irregular preterit endings is also included for reference. Example: Hacer (g): to do / to make (Irregular preterit stem: hic) Template: Subject + Present tense conjugation + Irregular preterit stem + Irregular preterit ending + Irregular preterit conjugation ¿Qué haces después de la escuela? ¿Qué hiciste tú ayer? Answer key is included on pages 7-10 for conjugations only. For the personal questions, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip (broken into smaller sections), or as part of your sub plans.
Present, Preterit, Imperfect conjugations matching with clue words practice

Present, Preterit, Imperfect conjugations matching with clue words practice

Present, Preterit, Imperfect conjugations matching with clue words practice For each infinitive, write the correct letter of the conjugations. For the clue words, write the correct letter of the English translation. Verbs included: Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Empezar, Entender, Preferir, Volver, Almorzar, Dormir, Buscar, Jugar, Leer, Construir, Pedir, Dar, Ir, Ser, Ver, Hacer, Querer, Venir, Estar, Andar, Tener, Saber, Poner, Poder, Traer, Decir, Conducir (30 total) Each infinitive includes all 6 persons and 2 clue words (one preterit and one imperfect) Example: _____ 1. Hablar (Yo) a. Every day _____ 2. Hablar (Tú) b. hablan, hablaron, hablaban _____ 3. Hablar (Él / Ella / Ud.) c. hablamos, hablamos, hablábamos _____ 4. Hablar (Nosotros) d. Yesterday _____ 5. Hablar (Vosotros) e. habláis, hablasteis, hablabais _____ 6. Hablar (Ellos / Ellas / Uds.) f. hablas, hablaste, hablabas _____ 7. Ayer g. habla, habló, hablaba _____ 8. Cada día h. hablo, hablé, hablaba Answer key is included on pages 11-20. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review before exams, study guide, quiz / test, entry or exit slip (broken into smaller sections).
Practice: Present tense of -AR verbs

Practice: Present tense of -AR verbs

Practice: Present tense of -AR verbs *Only regular -ar verbs are used. Part 1: Conjugate the verbs below in the present tense. (10 total) Ex: Hablar / Yo : ____________ Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in Spanish. No on-line translators or unauthorized resources. (10 total: Combination of yes / no and information questions) ¿Hablas tú español o inglés? (hablar: to speak)________________________ Answer key is included on pages 3-4. Note: Student answers will vary for part 2. This practice can be used in Spanish 1 or Spanish 2 classes. It can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Ir stem change preterit short practice (Conjugation and questions)

Ir stem change preterit short practice (Conjugation and questions)

Ir stem change preterit short practice (Conjugation and questions) For each infinitive, write the stem (e-i) or (o-u) and the appropriate verb ending for the 3rd person singular (Él / Ella / Ud.) and 3rd person plural (Ellos / Ellas / Uds.) conjugations. Then, answer the two personal questions and complete the two blanks with the appropriate conjugation. Verbs included: Pedir, Servir, Preferir, Vestirse, Dormir Example: Pedir: to ask for, to order Yo: Pedí Nosotros: Pedimos Tú: Pediste Vosotros: Pedisteis Él / Ella / Ud: P ___ d ____ Ellos / Ellas Uds: P ___ d __________ ¿Qué pediste tú ayer en el café? ______________________________________ ¿Qué pedisteis vosotros en el restaurante? ______________________ Carlos ____________ una pizza ayer. Los estudiantes ________________ ayuda de su profesora. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. Note: Student answers will vary for the personal questions. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry or exit slip.
Commands matching practice (Tú, Ud, Uds.)

Commands matching practice (Tú, Ud, Uds.)

Commands matching practice (Tú, Ud, Uds.) Write the correct letter of each command form. (+ /-: Affirmative / Negative) Verbs included: Hablar / Comer / Escribir / Dar / Ir / Ser / Estar / Saber / Hacer / Poner / Venir / Tener / Salir / Decir / Ver / Empezar / Perder / Mentir / Almorzar / Volver / Dormir / Repetir / Jugar (23 total) Example: Hablar _____ 1. Tú affirmative a. (No) Hablen _____ 2. Tú negative b. (No) Hable _____ 3. Ud. (+ / -) c. No hables _____ 4. Uds. (+ / -) d. Habla Answer key is included on pages 6-10. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip (broken into smaller sections).
Ser and adjectives questions practice

Ser and adjectives questions practice

Ser and adjectives questions practice Answer each question in a complete sentence in the template provided using the word bank below. For each question, use adjectives of personality in the first template and an adjective of nationality in the second template. Do not repeat any adjectives. Be sure that your adjectives agree in number (singular / plural) and in gender (masculine / feminine). You can also use adjectives that are not in the word bank, as long as they make sense. *A word bank with a list of adjectives of personality and nationalities is provided with their English translation. A table with conjugations of ser and the question / answer chart is also included (ex: If the subject of the question is tú, the subject of the answer is yo). There are 7 questions total. Each question is structured the same (only the subjects will vary) Example: ¿Cómo eres tú? Template: Subject + Conjugation of Ser + Adjective + y + Adjective ¿De qué nacionalidad eres tú? Template: Subject + Conjugation of Ser + Nationality Answer key is included on pages 4-6. However, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry or exit slip. It can be used in Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 classes. It can also be used with chapter 1B of Realidades 2.
Ir and go verbs practice (present tense)

Ir and go verbs practice (present tense)

Ir and go verbs practice (present tense) Complete each sentence with the correct present tense conjugation of the verb in parenthesis. Note, for -go verbs, the yo conjugation ends in -go. Make stem and spelling changes in conjugations, where needed. Verbs included: ir, hacer, poner, traer, tener, venir, salir, decir, oir (9 total) There are 6 sets with 9 sentences each. The subject for all 9 sentences in every set will be the same. Subjects for each set: Set 1: Yo / Set 2: Tú / Set 3: Marcos / Set 4: Sara y yo (nosotras) / Set 5: Vosotras / Set 6: Uds. Example: Yo __________ a hacer mucho hoy. (ir) Yo __________ mi tarea. (hacer) Yo ___________ la mesa. (poner) Yo ___________ la comida para la fiesta. (traer) Yo ___________ que hacer mi tarea. (tener) Yo ___________ a la escuela temprano. (venir) Yo ___________ de la casa las ocho. (salir) Yo ___________ “hola” a todos mis amigos. (decir > e-i) Yo ___________ la música en la radio. (oír) Note: The first sentence in every set uses ir + a + infinitive. All sentences with tener will use tener + que + infinitive. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry or exit slip (broken into smaller sections).
Tener que with present tense verbs practice

Tener que with present tense verbs practice

Tener que with present tense verbs practice For each set of sentences, follow these guidelines: Write the correct conjugation of tener in the first blank. In the remaining blanks, write the present tense conjugation of the italicized infinitives (-ar, -er, -ir) from the first sentence. There are 7 sets with 4 sentences per set (28 total). Yo ______________ que hablar, comer, y escribir. Yo ______________ con mis amigos. Yo _______________ una pizza Yo ______________ un email. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry or exit slip.
El artista y su trabajo mini conversations

El artista y su trabajo mini conversations

El artista y su trabajo mini conversations Complete each mini conversation between Elena and Marcos about what an artist does. Use the word bank below. (12 conversations total) Word bank: museo / pintura / venden / sencillo / lienzo / el primer plano / realista / escuela / paleta / taller / maestros / galería / colores (2x) / el fondo / pincel / abstracto / mural / personas / callejero / eventos / diaria / muralista Example: Elena: ¿Qué hace un artista? Marcos: Un artista hace una __________________. Elena: ¿Qué usa un artista en su pintura? Marcos El artista usa varios ____________________. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 2A of Realidades 3. *Students can also do this practice orally in pairs.