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Pupil Passport Template and examples

Pupil Passport Template and examples

This is a pupil passport template including anonymised completed examples. Ideal for SEN students. If completed alongside the student it is far more effective and becomes person centered as set out in the SEND code of practice. Sections include: I would like you to know that... I find it difficult to.... It would help me if you could.... etc I started off using these with my SEN students, however, now most students in my school have these and take control of these passports - very powerful tool.
How to Revise Science

How to Revise Science

PowerPoint/Google Slideshow covering What is revision? why revise? The brian How to revise - time management - how to prioritse - Revision techniques - suggested websites/apps/podcasts etc - least effective methods Great starting point for any year group on where to begin with their revision.
Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle

Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle

Developed to facilitate the APDR process. As SENCO, I use this to support me in collecting evidence for the assessing and reviewing stages and to inform conversations with parents in the planning and reviewing stages.
Teacher Feedback Form

Teacher Feedback Form

As SENCO, I use this form to collect individual teacher feedback on students prior to EHCP reviews/ meetings with parents.
Student Support Booklet Template

Student Support Booklet Template

As a SENCO I found it extremely frustrating constantly having to remind teachers about specific students needs and how to support these. Despite having access to an inclusion register. I have created this booklet that has been given to all staff to ensure they are fully aware of all students with additional needs and how to support these fully in their lessons. The contents have been collated from various websites and sources for ease of use in one document. Including key documents made by myself. The booklet contains: 1. An introduction to the booklet and how to use it 2. Key and Acronyms 3. Broad areas of need explained 4. List of students identified with SEND (anonymized ready to input your school’s information into) 5. Students for whom reasonable adjustments should be made (anonymized ready to input your school’s information into) 6. Supporting Pupils with Statements of SEND/EHCPs (anonymized ready to input your school’s information into) 7. Student’s Health Care Plans. 8. Named Students/students with mentors 9. Specific Learning Difficulties (SPLD) definition 10. ADHD and Autistic Spectrum Disorder definition 11. Supporting students with Dyslexia 12. Supporting students with ASD 13. Supporting students with numeracy difficulties. 14. Supporting students with ADHD 15. Supporting Students with SLCN 16. Questioning Blank Levels 17. Simplifying questions 18. Differentiation techniques to teach key vocabulary and key concepts 19. Referral form – Learning Concerns 20. Referral form – Behavioural and emotional concerns 21. Record of concern form (CP) 22. Subject teacher feedback form 23. Pupil passport proforma 24. Interventions offered in school 25. Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle
Circulatory System

Circulatory System

explain what is meant by a double circulatory system 2. understand that the blood carries glucose molecules and oxygen to the muscles, and waste products such as carbon dioxide away from muscles 3. relate the components of the blood to their functions, including: a. red blood cells – transport oxygen b. white blood cells – fighting infections c. platelets – blood clotting at injury sites d. plasma – transporting nutrients (e.g. glucose and amino acids), antibodies, hormones and waste (carbon dioxide and urea) 4. understand how red blood cells are adapted to their function, limited to: a. packed with haemoglobin (to bind oxygen) b. no nucleus (more space for haemoglobin) c. biconcave shape (increased surface area for oxygen exchange) 5. describe and name the main structures and blood vessels of the heart including the left and right atria and ventricles, vena cava, aorta, pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery, coronary arteries and valves 6. describe the function of valves in the heart and veins 7. understand how tissue fluid is formed in capillary beds and that it assists the exchange of chemicals by diffusion between capillaries and tissues, to include oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose and urea.
Assess, Plan, Do, Review - proforma

Assess, Plan, Do, Review - proforma

This form can be used to facilitate meetings with parents, set targets for students and review previous targets set. As outlined in the new SEND code of practice, this process has to take place 3 times a year for SEND students - this form evidences and tracks the whole cycle.
Learning Walk Proforma - TA/SEND

Learning Walk Proforma - TA/SEND

A Learning walk proforma designed specifically to focus on SEND and TAs in the classroom. Designed to make the process much more efficient and allows for feedback to be given to TA in a timely fashion - including good practice seen.
SENCO Toolkit

SENCO Toolkit

8 Resources
Includes: Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle Focused feedback forms x 3 Intervention tiers Pupil Passports template Student support booklet template Learning Walk proforma Student observation sheet
Behaviour and emotional concerns - Teacher concern/feedback/referral form

Behaviour and emotional concerns - Teacher concern/feedback/referral form

This form can be made available to teachers in your school to enable them to report concerns they may have with a pupil's behavior and/or emotional well-being. Makes it easier to collate information on particular pupils if concerns are raised. Creates an easy way of contacting the SENCO/Inclusion Manager/Year heads - rather than being told things in passing whilst walking down a corridor!!