BTEC Applied Science: Unit 3 pupil task sheets for section F - Diffusion
These are the tasks I give to pupils as I teach section F - Diffusion for the practical exam unit 3. The tasks are designed to teach and practice the key skills, as well as develop a good understanding of how they will be examined. All task sheets included mini assessment briefs developed from Exam past papers.
BTEC: Applied Science - Unit 2 Assignment D
This is a full assignment power point with activities and worksheets included. It is intended to be used in class over a number of lessons to produce work that peers and teachers can give feedback on. The work can then be incorporated into the final report for the assignment.
Teacher marking guidance is included
BTEC: Applied Science - Unit 2 Assignment 1
This includes a pupil workbook to be used alongside lessons and practical work and can be used by pupils, along with the hwk tasks, to build their report.
The teacher marking guide was developed to help teachers new to the BTEC make sense of the various materials Pearson has produced. In particular it details what to look for and comment upon when marking work.
BTEC Applied Science: Unit 3 Pupil task sheets for section D Enzymes
These are the tasks I give to pupils as I teach D - enzymes for the practical exam unit 3. The tasks are designed to teach and practice the key skills, as well as develop a good understanding of how they will be examined. All task sheets included mini assessment briefs developed from Exam past papers.
BTEC Applied Science: Unit 3 pupil task sheets
These are the tasks I give to pupils as I teach all sections for the practical exam unit 3. The tasks are designed to teach and practice the key skills, as well as develop a good understanding of how they will be examined. All task sheets included mini assessment briefs developed from Exam past papers.
BTEC Applied Science: Unit 3 Pupil task sheets for section E - Plants
These are the tasks I give to pupils as I teach section E - Plants for the practical exam unit 3. The tasks are designed to teach and practice the key skills, as well as develop a good understanding of how they will be examined. All task sheets included mini assessment briefs developed from Exam past papers.
BTEC Applied Science: Unit 3 pupil task sheets for section A-C
These are the tasks I give to pupils as I teach skills A-C for the practical exam unit 3. The tasks are designed to teach and practice the key skills, as well as develop a good understanding of how they will be examined. All task sheets included mini assessment briefs developed from Exam past papers.
Please note that only an overview of processing techniques are given. A separate maths and statistics booklet is available
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shot - TOF
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the mass spectrometry - time of flight calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
BTEC Applied Science: Unit 3 pupil task sheets for section G - Fuels
These are the tasks I give to pupils as I teach section G - Fuels for the practical exam unit 3. The tasks are designed to teach and practice the key skills, as well as develop a good understanding of how they will be examined. All task sheets included mini assessment briefs developed from Exam past papers.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots - Electrochemical Cells
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the electrochemical cells calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
BTEC: Applied Science - unit 2 assignment B
The pupils workbook is to be used alongside lessons and practical work. Pupils can then use it to base their report on. Two lesson power points are included that work alongside the workbook.
The teacher marking guidance pulls together the various bits of information from Pearson to build 1 detailed account of what teachers should be looking for in assessing pupil work. It is broken down in such a way that it can be used to give feedback on class and homework as well as allow for annotation of final reports.
BTEC Applied Science: Unit 3 prep work
This is given as a holiday homework prior to starting unit 3
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots - Titrations (incl. redox)
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on titration (including redox) calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots - Formulae
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the empirical and molecular formulacalculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots - Reacting Gas Volumes
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on reacting gas volumes calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
Chemistry Calculations: How to Guide
A power point that includes the key definitions, equations and methodology of all the calculations needed in A level chemistry. Also includes methods for identifying molecular shape and writing ionic and redox equations. I give this to my pupils as a quick reference guide in class. It is an excellent revision tool and follows alongside my ‘calculation shot’ intervention / revision power points.
A Level Chemistry Calculation Shots
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the calculations required at A level. This bundle includes 15 power points, each covering a different calculation. Each power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
BTEC Applied Science Unit 2 Assignment C - teacher marking Guide
This is guidance for teachers outlining what is required linked to the grading criteria and assignment brief. Use of this guidance allows for consistency between units and teachers when assessing pupils work and draws on exemplar material
A Level Chemistry Calculation shots - Reacting volumes and concentration
An A level chemistry revision / intervention resource focusing on the reacting volumes and concentrations calculations required at A level. The power point is designed for a 30min - 1hr session and includes examples and practice (with answers). Also useful as part of a normal teaching SOW.
BTEC Applied Science: Unit 3 teacher guide and pupil how to
The teacher guide is a summary of the task booklets given to pupils in support of their lessons. The pupil guide is a summary of the different skills from sections A - C they will require for the unit 3 exam given as a summary.