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Test: la famille, les articles, la description physique

Test: la famille, les articles, la description physique

This handout includes two pages. In the first exercise the students have to read a text about a family and label the images according to the descriptions read. In the second exercise the students have to insert the definite article in French in front of the family members and then write the definition of the nouns in English.
Les articles définis ou les articles indéfinis ?

Les articles définis ou les articles indéfinis ?

This download includes a PowerPoint presentation, a handout with notes and exercises and another PowerPoint presentation with a quiz. All the three components are about the difference between the definite and the indefinite articles
Ma famille et moi

Ma famille et moi

In this bundle you will find a PowerPoint presentation together with a handout with a reading text about “My family and I” which can then serve as a model for a writing task.
Les adjectifs

Les adjectifs

During this lesson the students will learn adjectives related to physical description. This bundle includes: a worksheet with interactive notes and exercise an interactive PowerPoint presentation
La famille

La famille

This bundle includes a PowerPoint presentation and a handout with notes and activities about the members of the family.
Les chiffres de 0 a' 20. The numbers

Les chiffres de 0 a' 20. The numbers

During this lesson the students will learn the numbers in French from zero to twenty. It includes a PowerPoint presentation, a handout, and some flashcards with the numbers that can be easily cut out and used for an activity.