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SD English

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Thank you for visiting my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching resources that reduce the need for hours of planning and help learners to achieve their potential in English and English Literature. Please feel free to email me at sdenglish18@gmail.com with any queries, requests or comments.




Thank you for visiting my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching resources that reduce the need for hours of planning and help learners to achieve their potential in English and English Literature. Please feel free to email me at sdenglish18@gmail.com with any queries, requests or comments.
Politics in An Inspector Calls

Politics in An Inspector Calls

A straightforward comprehension activity on political theory in ‘An Inspector Calls’. Students read and respond to information on Marxism, communism and democratic socialism and its exploration in AIC. Slides 1 & 2: print back to back on A4 Slide 3: print single sided on A3. Teacher Notes included.
An Introduction to Dracula for LA KS3

An Introduction to Dracula for LA KS3

This is a simple re-telling of the first three chapters of Dracula, with comprehension and SPaG-based tasks. It could be used as cover work for KS3 lower-ability groups.
An Introduction to Dracula for MA KS3

An Introduction to Dracula for MA KS3

This is a simple re-telling of the first three chapters of Dracula, with comprehension and SPaG-based tasks. It could be used as cover work for KS3 middle-ability groups. Teacher notes provided.
Lady Macbeth Revision Questions

Lady Macbeth Revision Questions

In this Y11 revision resource, students read a character overview of Lady Macbeth and respond to detailed questions on her role in each act. You may wish to organise students into groups and ask them to focus on a particular act, presenting their ideas at the end of the lesson. Suggested answers are included. This resource could be used as a cover lesson, but in any event, students will need a copy of the play.
Leaflet Writing for GCSE

Leaflet Writing for GCSE

This lesson provides an introduction to leaflet writing for GCSE English. Do Now Task Students identify the purpose of different pieces of short text, giving reasons for their answers. Main Task Students plan and write their own leaflet. There is a planning sheet which can be used in your own, independent lessons in the future, should you wish to revisit the topic of leaflet writing at a later date. The exam style question focuses on the idea of parents helping students with revision in Year 11, and a sample answer is provided. Learning Review Revisiting the learning objective and checking understanding through questioning.
Descriptive Techniques Cover Task

Descriptive Techniques Cover Task

In this activity, students match up the descriptive techniques A-J to the examples 1-10. The techniques listed are: A. Metaphor B. Repetition C. Simile D. Vivid Verbs E. Alliteration F. Noun Phrases G. Sibilance H. Onomatopoeia I. Adjectives and Adverbs J. Personification They then use these to inspire their own descriptive paragraph or the beginning of a story based on one of the photo prompts provided. Alternatively, ask the students to work in groups to plan a description based on one of the images. In this case, A3 print outs could be provided.
An Inspector Calls Plot Summary & Tasks

An Inspector Calls Plot Summary & Tasks

This resource contains: An introduction to dramatic terminology, with 5 comprehension questions A series of worksheets, one for each Act of ‘An Inspector Calls’, with AO1-based tasks. Suggested answers are included. This resource could be used as cover and is aimed at lower ability students. Staff may wish to display the materials whilst students are working on them.
Macbeth: Plot Summaries and Actvities

Macbeth: Plot Summaries and Actvities

This resource contains a series of worksheets, one for each Act of ‘Macbeth’. Each worksheet contains a summary of the Act and an AO1-based task. Suggested answers are included.
A Christmas Carol Plot Activities

A Christmas Carol Plot Activities

In this resource, there are summaries of each stave of the novella. Each summary is accompanied by a number of staightforward, AO1 activities. This resource could be used as cover with lower to middle ability groups. Tip: print back-to-back and stapled. Suggested answers are included.
Family in A Christmas Carol Cover Work

Family in A Christmas Carol Cover Work

This is a double-sided task sheet that could be used as a cover task for mid-higher ability students who are already familiar with the full text. After some guided questions (side 1), students respond to a long answer question about the importance of the family in ‘A Christmas Carol’ (side 2). Students will need a copy of the novella to be able to refer to the passages specified. I’ve included notes for for additional support.
AQA 2024 GCSE Lang & Lit Combo Tracker

AQA 2024 GCSE Lang & Lit Combo Tracker

This assessment tracker uses the 2024 grade boundaries for AQA Paper 1 and 2 for Language and Literature (8700 + 8702) It will generate a grade for individual sections, each paper and each individual course. Please email me using the address on my store front if you would like any adjustments made to your tracker, e.g. additional columns. Please do not send any pupil data when requesting adjustments.
An Inspector Calls Context: Social Class

An Inspector Calls Context: Social Class

A simple worksheet for lower ability students on the subject of social class. Students read the information on the first side and then respond to the tasks that follow. Slide one: print single sided Slides two and three: print back to back This could be used as cover with a class already familiar with the plot. There are some sample answers for those unfamiliar with the play.
Gerald Croft: Hero or Villain?

Gerald Croft: Hero or Villain?

A straightforward lesson that encourages debate on the likeability of Gerald Croft in ‘An Inspector Calls’. After a picture-based association task to begin with, students examine the question of whether Gerald Croft is a hero or a villain. The lesson ends with students responding to a ‘for or against’ activity centering on Gerald’s Croft’s culpability in the suicide of Eva Smith. This lesson could be used a one-off cover lesson for students that have a good understanding of Gerald’s actions in the play.
A Christmas Carol Context: Malthusianism

A Christmas Carol Context: Malthusianism

This resource includes a double-sided summary sheet on Thomas Malthus’ ideas and their relevance to A Christmas Carol, along with corresponding comprehension activities (multiple choice and short answer questions) and an answer sheet. It could be used as cover for those studying Stave One of the novella. You may wish to print the tasks sheet on A3.
AQA 2024 GCSE English Literature Tracker

AQA 2024 GCSE English Literature Tracker

This assessment tracker uses the 2024 grade boundaries for AQA 8702 Paper 1 and 2 (English Literature). It will generate a grade for individual sections, each paper and the overall course. Please email me using the address on my store front if you would like any adjustments made to your tracker, e.g. additional columns. Please do not send any pupil data when requesting adjustments.
AQA 2024 GCSE English Language Tracker

AQA 2024 GCSE English Language Tracker

This assessment tracker uses the 2024 grade boundaries for AQA 8700 Paper 1 and 2 (English Language). It will generate a grade for Sections A and B of both papers and arrive at an overall grade for each paper and the whole course. Please email me using the address on my store front if you would like any adjustments made to your tracker, e.g. additional columns. Please do not send any pupil data when requesting adjustments.
Jekyll and Hyde: Mind Map Bundle

Jekyll and Hyde: Mind Map Bundle

Five mind maps on different aspects of J&H: The presentation of Jekyll The presenetation of Hyde The presentation of Lanyon The presentation of Utterson Women in the novel. NB. This is an updated listing. If you have previously paid for this resource and need a copy, please email me using the address on my store front.
Broadsheet Article Writing: Too Much TV

Broadsheet Article Writing: Too Much TV

This is a straightforward lesson that follows on from prior teaching of broadsheet article writing. The question is styled in the form of AQA but could be adapted for other boards. After a true or false Do Now task, the question is introduced and discussed. This is followed by brief coverage of a suggested article structure (heading, introduction, main body and conclusion). Students then work through a series of questions in response to a sample answer/WAGOLL. This sheet could be printed on A3. Staff then take feedback from students. Students write their own responses. The lesson concludes with a learning review composed of five key questions.
A Christmas Carol Storyboard

A Christmas Carol Storyboard

I created a storyboard version of ‘A Christmas Carol’ for lower ability learners. However, it could also be used as a revision tool for middle-upper ability learners as well. This resource contains 5 storyboards: 1 for each stave of the novella.
Scrooge Worksheets

Scrooge Worksheets

Three essays on the function of Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’ with accompanying tasks. Could be used as a cover lesson for those who have read the novella and would benefit from some revision. The essays have not been graded but are simply aimed at higher ability, middle ability and lower ability students.