Easter Multiplication
Easter multiplication worksheets.
Little Red Riding Hood Sharing PPT Groups of two
Share numbers into groups of 2
Find half of a group of objects
Find half of a group of objects for LA and MA group and find a quarter of a group for HA group.
Find half of a group of objects
Year 1
Use counters to share between the two smiley faces. Then count the cubes on 1 face.
Find Half of a group for LA and MA and find a quarter of a group for HA.
Word Problem Differentiated
Year 1 Maths word problems differentiated. Both addition and subtraction.
Year 1 Simple maths problems
Differentiated simple maths problems year 1.
Use counting on to add accurately
Year 1 Counting on Differentiated
Estimate and count reliably
How many star jumps, pencil jumps and hops can you do in one minute? Estimate then check by counting.
Identify more and less
The big bad wolf has
stolen some number bricks from the
pig’s house. Can you replace the numbers?
Finding more or less differentiated year 1 worksheets.
Identify the tens and units in two digit numbers
Year 1 identify the tens and units in two digit numbers for LA, MA and HA plus a challenge for HA.
counting coins, making amounts up, and solving addition money problems.
Counting in 2s
Counting in 2s
I can combine groups of 2
Counting in 2s mats
Describe 2D shapes and Shape Patterns
Year 1 Describe 2D Shapes and make shape patterns differentiated.