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Vocabulary Sorting Activities - Free Sample
This is a free sample containing 2 vocabulary sorting activities. Sorting activities help Foreign Language, Elementary and ESL/ELL students make connections between words, brainstorm for writing, or practice new vocabulary. Their versatility, ease of use, and the fact that they differentiate themselves make them one of my favorite things to use in my own classroom!
Each activity contains 4 different categories which students must complete with words that they know and fit each category. These are a quick, easy way for students to recycle vocabulary that they have previously learned or integrate vocabulary they are currently studying.
They can also be used to gauge a student's progress in acquiring language when compared over the school year and they differentiate themselves!
These work well as a class starter or closing activity. Once students have completed an activity, it is easy to use their work as a jumping off point for writing tasks or inspiration for oral drill and conversation.
Use them when you need a sub plan and ask students to write a paragraph or sentences as a follow up activity! These are low prep and ready to print and go! You can even skip the print step and just display them for students!
The full length product includes 30 activities and is available in both Spanish and English.

Spanish-Speaking Country Mnemonic
A pair of sayings (mnemonics) to assist students in learning the Spanish-speaking countries of North America, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America as well as labeling them on a map.

Reward Coupons for Secondary Classrooms
These reward coupons will leave your students begging to be good...so that they can be bad (well, kind of bad).
Many of the rewards that work well for energetic elementary students just don't matter to apathetic high school students. These awards are sure to motivate even your students that "don't care" about, well, anything...
The best part? These rewards are free to give and require minimal planning on the part of the teacher.
This download includes the following coupons:
-Charge your phone in any outlet
-Sit on top of your desk in the back row for a day
-Stand by the door 2 minutes before the bell rings
-Sit in the teacher's rolly chair
-Get out of study hall
-Ask 1 Yes or No question to the teacher during the test
Don't forget to follow my store for new product and freebie alerts. If you download this product I would LOVE to have your feedback so that other teachers know what you thought before downloading!

Giving Directions in La Zona Rosa
In this activity, students use a map of La Zona Rosa in Mexico City to give directions from the hotel they are staying in to many of the tourist attractions in the area. Both the map and activity are included in this download. There is also an additional activity to teach map skills and visual literacy.
A possible extension activity would be to have students research one of the 8 tourist attractions mentioned in this activity.

Spanish Future Tense Fortune Teller Activity
In this activity, students play the role of a fortune teller as they tell what WILL (future tense) happen to 12 different people when given some key information. Lots of possible answers mean students are creating original thoughts and authentic responses. Students will enjoy sharing their answers and trying to figure out how others responded.

Spanish Future Tense & Technology
In this activity, students are given 10 different situations that involve common things that can go wrong with technology (dead cell phones, broken printers, lost passwords, etc) and are asked to tell what they will or will not do next using the Future Tense.
This is a fun way to get students writing about something they are interested in while relating it to everyday problems.

Monstruo Body Parts Activity
In this activity, students determine the physical make up of their monster at random, draw it, label it, name it, and then describe it in Spanish.
A fun, creative way to practice vocabulary related to the face and body!

Spanish Future Tense: Problems at the Airport
In this activity, students are given 10 real life problems that can occur while traveling and are asked to write what they WILL do to deal with the problem. This activity gives students exposure to lots of travel/airport vocabulary and allows for writing practice in the future tense.

Expressions with Tener Grammar & Drawing Activity
This worksheet features 16 sentences in which students must conjugate the verb TENER in the present tense. Next, they must draw the sentence to demonstrate understanding of the 16 different tener expressions used.

Interactive Notebook - House Fold-it
This foldable can be used to help students practice common items found in the home, rooms of the home, or household chores. The foldable features a house with six rooms, each of which can be opened. This foldable works well as part of an interactive notebook or as a stand alone practice activity.
This product includes:
-Instructions on assembling the foldable
-Teaching Ideas
-House foldable (front & back)

La Hora Latina
This Power Point addresses the cultural difference in respect to time and punctuality as it exists in Hispanic culture. Included in the Power Point are questions for discussion, basic information, example party invitations, and 2 wrap-up activities.

Interactive Notebook - Feelings (Sentimientos) Fold-it
This fold-it hides faces which can be used to practice vocabulary related to feelings/emotions. The blank page includes in this download makes it easy to use the same foldable to practice physical description or parts of the face.
This foldable learning aid makes a great addition to an interactive notebook or may be used independently.
This product includes:
-Instructions on assembling the foldable
-Teaching Ideas
-Feelings Foldable (with vocabulary words) (front & back)
-Customizable Feelings Foldable (without vocabulary words)

Negative Informal Commands of Verbs Ending in -CAR -GAR -ZAR
This activity provides students with a brief tutorial on how to form negative tú (informal) commands out of verbs ending in -CAR, -GAR, and -ZAR and opportunities to practice this new skill.
This worksheet consists of 24 fill in the blank practice sentences in which students will change the given infinitive into a negative tú command. English translations of each command are also provided.
This product includes:
-brief tutorial on the formation of negative tú commands of verbs ending in -CAR, -GAR, and -ZAR
-10 fill in the blank sentences with verbs ending in -CAR
-7 fill in the blank sentences with verbs ending in -GAR
-7 fill in the blank sentences with verbs ending in -ZAR
-Answer Keys for all activities

Spanish School Supply Letter Search Puzzle
This puzzle will help your students practice the spelling of words related to school and school supplies in Spanish.
While typical word search puzzles only target vocabulary recognition, your students will practice actually producing Spanish words as they play against a partner or group to earn the most points by correctly spelling Spanish words.
This game is self-differentiating, so even if your students haven't learned (or don't remember) every word, they will still be able to play and pick up a couple new words along the way!
Included in This Product:
-Guide for Educators
-Student Example
-1 School Supplies Letter Search Puzzle

Spanish Colors Letter Search Puzzle
This puzzle helps Spanish students to produce words related to color in the target language in a fun and engaging way.
Students will take turns using a letter grid to spell out color words in Spanish, earning one point for each letter used. The student with the most points at the end wins!

Silly Spanish Sentence Writing Activity - Preterite Tense Irregular Verbs
Silly Spanish Sentence Activities are a great way to motivate students and spice up your typical boring grammar drills while building vocabulary.
These activities promote both interpretive reading and presentational writing skills. They provide a structure that will help struggling students while at same time allowing more advanced students to add details according to their abilities. This type of self-differentiation is very helpful in classes where students are at a variety of stages in their fluency and language acquisition.
Students will choose 1 word each from a series of word boxes with the goal of creating funny sentences. They will need to apply grammatical concepts like conjugation and sentence structure while at the same time recognizing key vocabulary items. When they have created 10 sentences, they will choose a favorite and write it on the tear-off section of the activity.
This set of Silly Spanish Sentence activities focuses specifically on preterite tense irregular verbs.
This Product Includes:
-Guide for Educators with Tips and Extension Activity Ideas
-Irregular Verbs Silly Sentence Activity (hacer, venir, querer, estar, andar, tener, poner, poder, etc)
-Irregular Verbs Silly Sentence Activity (ser, ir, dar, traer, producir, conducir, introducir, ver, etc)

Spanish Speaking Prompts - La Familia (Family)
These speaking prompts are designed to move students from asking/answering basic questions in Spanish to responding to increasingly complicated prompts around the theme of Family (La Familia).
There are 4 categories of prompts that ask students to move between different levels of communication including the presentation of facts, opinions, feelings, and towards complete openness in social situations.
Category A – Yes or No Questions, Either/Or Questions
Category B – Additional Information Questions
Category C – Expressing Opinions and Feelings
Category D – Situational Speaking Prompts & Extended Response
You may approach these prompts by moving students through them from Categories A-D in a sequential manner, or you may use them as an opportunity for easy differentiation between the various proficiency levels of Novice to Intermediate learners that may be present in your classroom.
Although these prompts have been designed as speaking prompts, they can also be used as writing prompts for individual practice, homework, or assessment.
Ideas for Usage:
-Pair students for one on one practice.
-Form small groups and have students interview a student.
-Invite a guest speaker or native speaking student to your classroom and have students select questions to ask them during a Q&A session
-Have students write additional prompts or variations of existing prompts on the blank cards provided
-Pull 1 prompt from each category for a challenging oral proficiency assessment
-Have students develop role plays based on the situational prompts
This Product Includes
-Guide for Educators
-15 Category A Prompts
-15 Category B Prompts
-9 Category C Prompts
-6 Category D Prompts
-Blank Cards to allow for creation of additional questions if desired

Spanish Speaking Prompts - Basic Personal Information
These speaking prompts are designed to move students from asking/answering basic questions in Spanish to responding to increasingly complicated prompts around the theme of Providing Basic Personal Information
There are 4 categories of prompts that ask students to move between different levels of communication including the presentation of facts, opinions, feelings, and towards complete openness in social situations.
Category A – Yes or No Questions, Either/Or Questions
Category B – Additional Information Questions
Category C – Expressing Opinions and Feelings
Category D – Situational Speaking Prompts & Extended Response
You may approach these prompts by moving students through them from Categories A-D in a sequential manner, or you may use them as an opportunity for easy differentiation between the various proficiency levels of Novice to Intermediate learners that may be present in your classroom.
Although these prompts have been designed as speaking prompts, they can also be used as writing prompts for individual practice, homework, or assessment.
Ideas for Usage:
-Pair students for one on one practice.
-Form small groups and have students interview a student.
-Invite a guest speaker or native speaking student to your classroom and have students select questions to ask them during a Q&A session
-Have students write additional prompts or variations of existing prompts on the blank cards provided
-Pull 1 prompt from each category for a challenging oral proficiency assessment
-Have students develop role plays based on the situational prompts
This Product Includes
-Guide for Educators
-15 Category A Prompts
-15 Category B Prompts
-9 Category C Prompts
-6 Category D Prompts
-Blank Cards to allow for creation of additional questions if desired

Spanish Speaking Prompts - School (Escuela)
These speaking prompts are designed to move students from asking/answering basic questions in Spanish to responding to increasingly complicated prompts around the theme of Escuela (School).
There are 4 categories of prompts that ask students to move between different levels of communication including the presentation of facts, opinions, feelings, and towards complete openness in social situations.
Category A – Yes or No Questions, Either/Or Questions
Category B – Additional Information Questions
Category C – Expressing Opinions and Feelings
Category D – Situational Speaking Prompts & Extended Response
You may approach these prompts by moving students through them from Categories A-D in a sequential manner, or you may use them as an opportunity for easy differentiation between the various proficiency levels of Novice to Intermediate learners that may be present in your classroom.
Although these prompts have been designed as speaking prompts, they can also be used as writing prompts for individual practice, homework, or assessment.
Ideas for Usage:
-Pair students for one on one practice.
-Form small groups and have students interview a student.
-Invite a guest speaker or native speaking student to your classroom and have students select questions to ask them during a Q&A session
-Have students write additional prompts or variations of existing prompts on the blank cards provided
-Pull 1 prompt from each category for a challenging oral proficiency assessment
-Have students develop role plays based on the situational prompts
This Product Includes
-Guide for Educators
-15 Category A Prompts
-15 Category B Prompts
-9 Category C Prompts
-6 Category D Prompts
-Blank Cards to allow for creation of additional questions if desired

Spanish Inductive Grammar Lesson: Verbs like Gustar
This inductive grammar lesson leads students to discover the rules behind using verbs like gustar to express likes and dislikes in Spanish.
Students will follow a 4 step inductive process to make learning grammar more meaningful.
Step 1: Students will see examples of correct usage and create rules based on what they observe.
Step 2: Students will test those rules against additional examples of correct language usage.
Step 3: Students will make adjustments and additions to their rules based on more observations.
Step 4: Students will apply the rules while producing their own language.
These scaffolded activities promote higher order thinking skills and represent the method of grammar instruction that is recommended by national organizations like ACTFL.