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A Level Chemistry: Electrophilic Substitution Reactions of Benzene

A Level Chemistry: Electrophilic Substitution Reactions of Benzene

OCR A level Chemistry: 25.2 Electrophilic Substitution Reactions of Benzene This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Defining an electrophile Substitution reactions Nitration of Benzene Reaction mechanisms Halogenation of Benzene Common Halogen Carriers Friedel-Crafts Alkylation Reactions Acyl Chloride Acylation Reactions of Benzene Reactivity of Alkenes and Arenes
GCSE Physics: Series and Parallel Circuits

GCSE Physics: Series and Parallel Circuits

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P3.2.2 Series and Parallel Circuits Rule for current in series and parallel circuits Rule for potential difference in series and parallel circuits. Working scientifically Student activities with worked solutions Exam questions with worked solutions
GCSE Physics: Nuclear Fusion

GCSE Physics: Nuclear Fusion

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P6.2.3 Nuclear Fusion This PowerPoint is a whole lessons included with student activities and animated answers. Mass and energy equivalence Nuclear fusion conditions Fuel for nuclear fusion Benefits of nuclear fusion Nuclear equations Comparing nuclear fusion and fission
OCR A level Physics: Ideal Gas

OCR A level Physics: Ideal Gas

4 Resources
OCR A level Physics: Ideal Gas is a part of the Module 5: Newtonian World and Astrophysics. All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks.
OCR AS Chemistry: Polymerisation of Alkenes

OCR AS Chemistry: Polymerisation of Alkenes

OCR AS Chemistry: 13.5 Polymerisation of Alkenes This PowerPoint is a whole lessons included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Monomers and repeat units Addition Polymerisation for: Polyethene Polypropene Polylactate Polystyrene Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Environmental Concerns from polymers including: Combustion of polymers recycling PVC biogradeable bioplastics photodegradable polymers feedstock recycling
OCR A Level Physics: Kepler’s Laws

OCR A Level Physics: Kepler’s Laws

OCR A level Physics: 18.4 Kepler’s Laws This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: The terms: eccentricity, aphelion, perihelion, astronomical unit Kepler’s First Law Kepler’s Second Law Kepler’s Third Law Graphs of T^2 against r^3 to determine the gradient (constant of proportionality, k). Equating (4π)^2/𝐺𝑀 to the gradient (constant of proportionality, k)
OCR A level Physics: Electric Fields

OCR A level Physics: Electric Fields

5 Resources
OCR A level Physics: Chapter 22 Electric Fields is apart of the Module 6: Particle and Medical Physics All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. 22.1 Electric Fields 22.2 Coulomb’s Law 22.3 Uniform electric fields and capacitance 22.4 Charged particles in uniformed electric fields 22.5 Electric potential and energy Electric field line pattern from point charges, uniformly charged objects, and capacitors. Rules for electric field lines Interacting field lines for attraction and repulsion Detecting electric fields with a charged gold leaf Definition of electric field strength Explaining that electric field strength is a vector with magnitude and direction Apply the equation for electric field strength Electric force related to the product of charge and square of the separation The constant of proportionality 𝑘 Permittivity of free space Experiment for investigating Coulomb’s Law Electric Field Strength and Coulomb’s Law Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) Electric field between two charged parallel plates Deriving an equation for electric field strength of a parallel plate capacitor. Accelerating charged particles in a uniformed electric field Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with an insulating (dielectric) material - relative permittivity Millikan’s experiment Equations for constant acceleration Maximum kinetic energy of a charged particle in a uniformed field Sketching trajectories for charged particles in uniformed fields Calculating velocities for horizontal and vertical components Definition of electric potential energy Definition of electric potential. Definition of electric potential difference. Using a force-distance graph to determine electric potential energy Using electron-volts and joules in calculations Capacitance of an isolated charged sphere
GCSE Physics: Momentum

GCSE Physics: Momentum

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P2.2.6 Momentum Equation Rearranging the momentum equation Momentum as a vector Vector addition with momentum Exam question with worked solutions Student problems with answers Proportionalities
OCR AS level Physics: Forces in Action

OCR AS level Physics: Forces in Action

9 Resources
OCR AS level Physics presentations for module 3: Forces in Action. All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. This covers topics from weight as a force to Archimedes’ principle.
GCSE Chemistry: Mole Calculations

GCSE Chemistry: Mole Calculations

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Rearranging Equations • Stoichiometry as relative abundances • Relative Atomic Mass, Relative Formula Mass and Molar Mass • Calculating the number of moles present • Conservation of mass
GCSE Chemistry: Bond Energies and Energy Changes

GCSE Chemistry: Bond Energies and Energy Changes

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Definition of bond energies • Calculating bond energies per mole • Calculating change in bond energies in reactions • Determining if a reaction is exothermic or endothermic from the change in bond energy.
GCSE Chemistry: Neutralisation Reactions

GCSE Chemistry: Neutralisation Reactions

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Word equations for neutralisation reactions • Describing how ions form salts • Describing how water is formed • Predicting the names of salts formed
GCSE Chemistry: Alcohols

GCSE Chemistry: Alcohols

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Functional groups of alcohols, alkanes, and alkenes. • Comparing incomplete and complete combustion of alcohols • Mnemonic device for naming alcohols • General formula for alcohols • Drawing the structural formula for alcohols
GCSE OCR Physics P5 Waves

GCSE OCR Physics P5 Waves

13 Resources
Resources for P5 GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1 Triple and Combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Each lesson includes student activities and full worked answers. Definition of a wave Mechanical waves Electromagnetic waves Transverse waves Longitudinal waves Amplitude Wavelength Frequency Time period Calculating frequency and equation Relationship between frequency and wavelength when speed is constant. Calculating time period from frequency with equations The speed equation Measuring distance and time Simple experiment for the speed of sound Improving experiments Echoes Speed of sound experiment with microphones and oscilloscope. Ray diagrams Absorption, reflection and transmission Sonar Ultrasound Rearranging equation Refraction Relationship between wave speed and wavelength Structure of the ear. Frequency range of human hearing. Explanation of the limited frequency range of humans. Explanation for hearing deteriorating with age. Order of the electromagnetic spectrum Wavelength and frequency relationship Application of wave speed equation Rearranging equation Producing and detecting radio waves Recall that light is an electromagnetic wave Give examples of some practical uses of electromagnetic waves in the radio, micro-wave, infra-red, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma-ray regions Describe how ultra-violet waves, X-rays and gamma rays can have hazardous effects, notably on human bodily tissues. Explain that electromagnetic waves transfer energy from source to absorber to include examples from a range of electromagnetic waves Precautions for ultra-violet waves, X-rays and gamma rays Careers: Medical Physicist X-rays CT scans Gamma imaging Thermogram Magnetic Resonance Imaging Precautions for using ionising radiation Law of reflection Labeling and measuring angles of incidence and reflection Practical activity instructions - fully animated. Reflection, absorption, and refraction is affected by wavelength of electromagnetic wave. Refraction the change of velocity - speed and direction Magnitude of refraction depending on wavelength Magnitude of refraction depending on optical density Refraction practical activity instructions Wave speed, wavelength, and frequency relationship in refraction Convex and Concaves lenses Eyes and corrective lenses Refraction and wavelength Focal points for lenses Determining the type of images produced through a lens Names of colours for the visible spectrum Coloured filters Coloured objects acting as a coloured filters White light and refracting prism Refraction and wavelength Specular reflection Diffuse scattering Scattering - Why the sky is blue and milk is white.
OCR AS Chemistry: 17.2 Infrared Spectroscopy

OCR AS Chemistry: 17.2 Infrared Spectroscopy

OCR AS Chemistry: 17.2 Infrared Spectroscopy This PowerPoint is a whole lessons included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Absorb infrared radiation increasing vibrations What determines the magnitude of vibration Fingerprint region Identifying peaks
GCSE OCR Physics: P8.3 Beyond Earth

GCSE OCR Physics: P8.3 Beyond Earth

5 Resources
All resources for P8.2 Powering Earth GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1. Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Key facts about the Big-Bang model Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB, CMBR) Doppler Red shift of light from stars in galaxies Hubble’s evidence of absorption spectra being red shifted Structure of the solar system Nuclear Fusion Evolution of large stars Evolution of Sun like stars Gravitational force and force from nuclear fusion Natural Satellites Geostationary Satellites Low Polar Orbit Satellites Speed is constant and velocity is changing in stable orbits. Changing speed and radius Gravitational force, acceleration, and speed. Plotting data and describing relationships All objects emit electromagnetic radiation Describe how changing temperature changes frequency, wavelength, and intensity of the radiation produced. Explain why objects change temperature by absorbing and emitting radiation. Explain why the temperature of the Earth changes due to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. S and P waves Structure of the Earth Reflection, absorption, and refraction of waves Sonar to map the ocean floor
OCR A level Chemistry: Aromatic Compounds

OCR A level Chemistry: Aromatic Compounds

4 Resources
OCR A level Chemistry: Aromatic Compounds is apart of the Module 6: Organic Chemistry and Analysis. All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks Molecular, empirical, skeletal formula for benzene. The Kekulé model for benzene Evidence against the Kekule model The delocalised model for benzene Nomenclature for benzene rings and aromatic (arene) compounds Naming benzene containing compounds Drawing benzene containing compounds Defining an electrophile Substitution reactions Nitration of Benzene Reaction mechanisms Halogenation of Benzene Common Halogen Carriers Friedel-Crafts Alkylation Reactions Acyl Chloride Acylation Reactions of Benzene Reactivity of Alkenes and Arenes Naming phenols Distinguishing between phenols and alcohols Distinguishing between phenols and alkenes Distinguishing between phenols and carboxylic acids Phenol as a weak acid Electrophilic reactions with phenols Comparing and explaining the reactivity of phenols and benzene Naming positions on the aromatic ring Activating groups and deactivating groups 2-and-4-directing and 3-directing groups ortho-and-para directing and meta directing groups Two-step synthesis routes for benzene using directing groups. Nitration of benzene Halogenation of benzene Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of benzene
OCR A level Chemistry: Amines, Amino Acids, and Polymers

OCR A level Chemistry: Amines, Amino Acids, and Polymers

3 Resources
OCR A level Chemistry: Aromatic Compounds is apart of the Module 6: Organic Chemistry and Analysis. All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. 27.1 Amines 27.2 Amino acids, Amides and Chirality 27.3 Condensation Polymers Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons Amines being derived from ammonia (NH3) Classifying amines as primary, secondary, and tertiary Naming amines Naming ammonium salts Amines neutralisation reactions with acids Preparation of aliphatic amines Preparation of aromatic amines Locants: alpha, beta, and gamma Functional groups of amino acids General formula for amino acids Reactions of amino acids (alkali and acid) Esterification of amino acids Amide functional groups Naming amide molecules Drawing optical isomers Explanation of superimposable and non-superimposable images Identifying chiral centers Recap of addition polymerisation Identifying monomers and repeat units from condensation polymers Polyesters and ester links Polyamides and amide links Polyesters and polyamides formed from one monomer Polyesters and polyamide formed from two monomers Alkali hydrolysis of polyamides and polyesters Acid hydrolysis of polyamides and polyesters
A level Chemistry: Condensation Polymers

A level Chemistry: Condensation Polymers

OCR A level Chemistry: 27.3 Condensation Polymers This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Recap of addition polymerisation Identifying monomers and repeat units from condensation polymers Polyesters and ester links Polyamides and amide links Polyesters and polyamides formed from one monomer Polyesters and polyamide formed from two monomers Alkali hydrolysis of polyamides and polyesters Acid hydrolysis of polyamides and polyesters
A level Chemistry: Interpreting Proton NMR Spectra

A level Chemistry: Interpreting Proton NMR Spectra

OCR A level Chemistry: 29.5 Interpreting Proton NMR Spectra This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Predicting proton NMR spectra for molecules Identifying the number of different proton environments Identifying the types of proton environment and chemical shifts Integration traces (area of peaks) and relative number of protons The spin-spin splitting pattern (n + 1)