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OCR A level Physics: Magnetic Fields

OCR A level Physics: Magnetic Fields

6 Resources
OCR A level Physics: Chapter 23 Magnetic Fields is apart of the Module 6: Particle and Medical Physics All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. 23.1 Magnetic fields 23.2 Understanding magnetic fields 23.3 Charged particles in magnetic fields 23.4 Electromagnetic induction 23.5 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law 23.6 Transformers Attraction and repulsion of magnets Rules for magnetic field lines The magnetic field of Earth Applying the right-hand cork screw rule How to create uniformed magnetic fields Solenoids Fleming’s left hand rule Determining the direction of force on a current carrying conductor Calculating the magnitude of force on a current carrying conductor Angles between the magnetic field and current carrying conductor An experiment to determine the magnetic flux density of a field. Apply Fleming’s left-hand rule to charged particles Deriving an equation for the magnetic force experienced by a single charged particle (F = BQv) Charged particles describing (moving) in circular paths in magnetic fields. The velocity selector. The Hall probe and Hall voltage. Electromagnetic induction produces an induced e.m.f Conditions to produce electromagnetic induction How to increase electromagnetic induction Magnetic flux density, magnetic flux, and magnetic flux linkage Units of weber (Wb) Magnetic flux density and magnetic flux linkage Faraday’s Law Lenz’s Law Alternators and induced e.m.f. Graphs of flux linkage and induced e.m.f. Structure of transformers Step-up and step-down transformers The turn-ratio equation The ideal transformer equation Why transformers are used in the National Grid
A level Chemistry: Combined Techniques

A level Chemistry: Combined Techniques

OCR A level Chemistry: 29.6 Combined Techniques This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Percentage yield to determine empirical formula Mass spectra Infrared spectra Carbon-13 NMR spectra Proton NMR spectra
GCSE Physics: Atmospheric Pressure

GCSE Physics: Atmospheric Pressure

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P1.3.3 Atmospheric Pressure This presentation includes: Balanced and unbalanced forces Resultant force Changing atmospheric pressure Exam style question with mark scheme
GCSE Physics: Acceleration

GCSE Physics: Acceleration

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P1.2.3. Content covered: Definition for acceleration Worked solutions Students problems with answers Exam style question with mark scheme
GCSE Physics: Newton's Second Law

GCSE Physics: Newton's Second Law

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P2.2.4 Newton’s Second Law in Mathematical Form Proportionalities Rearranging Equations Student’s problems with answers Exam style questions with solutions
GCSE Physics: Mains Electricity

GCSE Physics: Mains Electricity

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P8.2.4 Mains Electricity This PowerPoint is a whole lessons included with student activities and animated answers. Domestic Electrical Supply being 230 V, AC at 50 Hz. Direct potential difference and alternating potential difference. Reasons for insulation on wires. Potential Difference between different conductors. Function of the earth conductor. Double insulation and no earth wire. Reasons the live wire is dangerous. Reasons why live to earth is dangerous.
OCR AS level Physics: Drag and Terminal Velocity

OCR AS level Physics: Drag and Terminal Velocity

OCR AS level Physics: Drag and Terminal Velocity is a part of the Module 3: Forces and Motion Presentation come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. Drag and speed relationship Free body diagrams Net forces and acceleration
GCSE Chemistry: The Mole

GCSE Chemistry: The Mole

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Using Standard Form • Avogadro’s constant • Relative Atomic Mass, Relative Formula Mass and Molar Mass • Rearranging Equations • Calculating the number of moles present
GCSE Chemistry: Half Equations and Ionic Equations

GCSE Chemistry: Half Equations and Ionic Equations

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Precipitation in chemical reactions • Definition of ions • Ionic Half equations • Dot and cross diagrams for electron structure • Introduction to full ionic equations and net ionic equations
GCSE Chemistry: Detecting Anions

GCSE Chemistry: Detecting Anions

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: Definitions for anions, cations, anodes, cathodes. Tests for carbonate ions Tests for sulfate ions Tests for halide ions
GCSE Chemistry: Alkanes

GCSE Chemistry: Alkanes

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student questions covers: • Definition of hydrocarbons • Carbon and hydrogen saturation • Mnemonic device for naming alkanes • Comparing complete and incomplete combustion • Balancing complete combustion reactions
OCR AS Chemistry: Reactions of Alkenes

OCR AS Chemistry: Reactions of Alkenes

OCR AS Chemistry: 13.3 Reactions of Alkenes This PowerPoint is a whole lessons included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Alkene addition reactions: Hydrogen with a nickel catalyst Halogens Hydrogen halide Steam with an acid catalyst Test for unsaturated alkenes. Bond enthalpy for sigma and pi bonds.
OCR AS Physics: Potential Dividers

OCR AS Physics: Potential Dividers

OCR AS Physics A: Potential Divider is a part of the Module 4: Electrons, Waves, and Photons. PowerPoint with worked examples and homework. Application of the ratio of resistances Application of the potential divider circuit Deriving the potential divider equation Rearranging the potential divider equation
GCSE Physics: Light and Colour

GCSE Physics: Light and Colour

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P5.3.3 Light and Colour Includes student activities and full worked answers. Names of colours for the visible spectrum Coloured filters Coloured objects acting as a coloured filters White light and refracting prism Refraction and wavelength Specular reflection Diffuse scattering Scattering - Why the sky is blue and milk is white.
GCSE Physics: Atoms and Isotopes

GCSE Physics: Atoms and Isotopes

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P6.1.1 Atoms and Isotopes All presentations come with student activities and worked solutions. Structure of atom Properties of subatomic particles Atomic Number Mass Number Nuclear Notation Calculating the number of neutrons
GCSE OCR Physics: P7.2 Power and Efficiency

GCSE OCR Physics: P7.2 Power and Efficiency

6 Resources
All resources for P7.2 P7.2 Power and Efficiency GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1. Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. All powerpoints include student activities and worked examples. Electrical Work Done Paying for Electricity Electrical Energy Transfers Electrical Heating Thermal Conductivity Efficiency and Sankey Diagrams
A level Chemistry: Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

A level Chemistry: Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

OCR A level Chemistry: 26.3 Carboxylic Acids This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Naming acyl chlorides Naming acid anhydrides Naming esters Esterification Acid hydrolysis of esters Alkali hydrolysis of esters Producing acyl chlorides from carboxylic acids Producing carboxylic acids from acyl chlorides Producing esters from acyl chlorides and phenols Primary, secondary, and tertiary molecules Producing primary amides from acyl chlorides Producing secondary amides with acyl chlorides Producing esters and carboxylic acids wirh acid anhydride