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GCSE Physics: Sound, Boundaries and Ultrasound

GCSE Physics: Sound, Boundaries and Ultrasound

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P5.1.3 Sound Properties and Uses. Includes student activities and full worked answers. Ray diagrams Absorption, reflection and transmission Sonar Ultrasound Rearranging equation Refraction Relationship between wave speed and wavelength Data analysis
GCSE Physics: EM waves - Uses and Dangers

GCSE Physics: EM waves - Uses and Dangers

This presentation cover the OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P5.2.2 Uses and Dangers of EM radiation. PowerPoint includes student activities with full worked answers. Recall that light is an electromagnetic wave Give examples of some practical uses of electromagnetic waves in the radio, micro-wave, infra-red, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma-ray regions Describe how ultra-violet waves, X-rays and gamma rays can have hazardous effects, notably on human bodily tissues. Explain that electromagnetic waves transfer energy from source to absorber to include examples from a range of electromagnetic waves Precautions for ultra-violet waves, X-rays and gamma rays
OCR A level Physics: Energy Levels in Atoms

OCR A level Physics: Energy Levels in Atoms

OCR A level Physics: 19.4 Energy Levels in Atoms Module 5 Newtonian World and Astrophysics This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Atoms have different electron arrangements Ground state energy Bound electron states being negative Converting between joules and electronvolts Calculating the change of energy between energy states Calculating a photon’s frequency and wavelength
OCR A level Physics: Life Cycles of Stars

OCR A level Physics: Life Cycles of Stars

OCR A level Physics: 19.2 Life Cycles of Stars Module 5 Newtonian World and Astrophysics This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Calculating mass in kg from solar mass Life cycle of stars with a mass between 0.5 and 10 solar masses Life cycle of stars with a mass above 10 solar masses Pauli exclusion principle and electron degeneracy pressure Red giants and white dwarfs The Chandrasekhar limit Red supergiants to black holes and neutron stars Stellar nucleosynthesis
OCR A level Physics: Objects in the Universe

OCR A level Physics: Objects in the Universe

OCR A level Physics: 19.1 Objects in the Universe Module 5 Newtonian World and Astrophysics This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: The size of astronomical objects: Universe, Galaxies, Solar systems, Stars, Planets, Planetary satellites, Comets, Artificial planetary satellites Comparing planets and comets The birth of stars Stars in equilibrium during the main sequence
OCR A level Physics: Spectra

OCR A level Physics: Spectra

OCR A level Physics: 19.5 Spectra Module 5 Newtonian World and Astrophysics This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: The electromagnetic spectrum and wavelengths Definition of spectroscopy Electrons and energy levels Continuous spectra Emission spectra from gases Absorption spectra from gases
OCR A level Physics: Stellar Luminosity

OCR A level Physics: Stellar Luminosity

OCR A level Physics: 19.7 Stellar Luminosity Module 5 Newtonian World and Astrophysics This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: The electromagnetic spectrum, frequency/wavelength, and temperature Black body radiation Wein’s displacements law Stefan’s law (Stefan-Boltzmann law)
OCR A level Physics: Discharging Capacitors

OCR A level Physics: Discharging Capacitors

OCR A level Physics: 21.4 Discharging Capacitors Module 6 Particles and Medical Physics This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Exponential increase and exponential decay Explaining how capacitors discharge through a resistor in parallel Definition of time constant for a capacitor Showing that time constant has units of seconds Iterative method for finding how capacitors discharge Using exponentials and logs. Solving a differential equation (needed for A-level Maths).
OCR A level Physics: Charging Capacitors

OCR A level Physics: Charging Capacitors

OCR A level Physics: 21.5 Charging Capacitors Module 6 Particles and Medical Physics This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided. This lesson covers: Explaining how capacitors charge with a resistor in series Explaining how 𝑉, 𝐼, or 𝑄, change with time 𝑡 for a charging capacitor. Sketching graphs for 𝑉, 𝐼, or 𝑄, after time 𝑡 for a charging capacitor. Calculating 𝑉, 𝐼, or 𝑄, change with time 𝑡 for a charging capacitor.
OCR A level Physics: Particle Physics

OCR A level Physics: Particle Physics

5 Resources
OCR A level Physics: Chapter 24 Particle Physics is apart of the Module 6: Particle and Medical Physics All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. 24.1 Alpha-particle scattering experiment 24.2 The Nucleus 24.3 Antiparticles, Leptons, & Hadrons 24.4 Quarks 24.5 Beta decay Developments of scientific models Thompson’s plum-pudding model Rutherford’s nuclear (planetary) model Rutherford’s experiment, observations, and conclusions Using Coulomb’s law to find the minimum distance between particles Nucleons Isotopes Nuclear notation Atomic mass units (u) Radius for atomic nucleus equation Volume and density of atomic nuclei The strong nuclear force Antiparticles, their properties, and symbols Particle and antiparticle annihilation The four fundamental forces (strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces) and their properties. Definition and examples of hadrons and leptons. The Standard Model of particle physics Quarks, anti-quarks and their charges Baryons and mesons Properties of neutrinos Nuclear notation Nuclear decay equations Beta-plus and beta-minus decays Quark transformation
OCR A level Physics: Nuclear Physics

OCR A level Physics: Nuclear Physics

4 Resources
OCR A level Physics: Chapter 26 Nuclear Physics is apart of the Module 6: Particle and Medical Physics All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. 26.1 Einstein’s Mass-Energy Equation 26.2 Binding Energy 26.3 Nuclear Fission 26.4 Nuclear Fusion Mass-energy is a conserved quantity Einstein’s mass-energy equation Particle and antiparticle annihilate each other Rest mass and increasing mass with increased kinetic energy Interpretation of mass-energy equivalence Definition of mass defect Definition of binding energy Binding energy per nucleon Calculating mass defect, binding energy, and binding energy per nucleon. Explaining nuclear stability Fuels in nuclear fission reactors Moderators and thermal neutrons Conservation of mass-energy Energy released in fission reactions Control rods Nuclear waste management Conditions for nuclear fusion Binding energy and released energy
OCR Applied Science: 6.1 Mechanical Properties of Materials

OCR Applied Science: 6.1 Mechanical Properties of Materials

This PowerPoint presentation with worked examples and student activities covers: Topic 6.1 of Module 1: Science Fundamentals of the OCR Applied Science Spec. • Interpreting laboratory tests for stress-strain graphs and Young’s modulus • Awareness that repeated loading cycles may cause failure by fatigue below the yield strength • Use of diagrams to understand that the way molecules are arranged in polymers determines the properties: chain length, crosslinking, use of plasticizers and crystallinity. • Use and rearranging of the density equation.
GCSE OCR Physics: P2 Forces Full scheme

GCSE OCR Physics: P2 Forces Full scheme

20 Resources
All resources for P2 GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1.Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Includes: Distance, time, and speed Vectors and scalars Acceleration Distance-time graphs Velocity-time graphs Equations of motion and Kinetic Energy Forces and interactions Free-body Diagrams Newton’s first law Newton’s second law Everyday forces and their effects Momentum Work and Power Stretching springs Stretching materials and storing energy Gravitational Fields and Potential Energy Turning Forces Simple Machines Hydraulics
GCSE Physics: Simple Circuits

GCSE Physics: Simple Circuits

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P3.2.1 Simple Circuits. Circuit Symbols Electric field lines and potential difference Modeling Circuits with Rope Measuring Potential Difference Energy Transferred Equation for Electricity Rearranging Equations
GCSE Physics: Current and Forces with Equation

GCSE Physics: Current and Forces with Equation

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P4.2.1 b Current and Forces. Units for Magnetic Field Strength Converting from mT to T Magnetic Force Equation Rearranging Equations Increasing the force on a current carrying conductor in an external magnetic field. Student questions and worked answers
GCSE Physics: Vectors and Scalars

GCSE Physics: Vectors and Scalars

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P1.2.2. Content covered: Definition for vector and scalar Vector addition in 1 D Vector addition in 2 D Scaled drawings and Pythagoras’ theorem Worked examples and student problems with answers included
GCSE Physics: Kinetic Energy

GCSE Physics: Kinetic Energy

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P2.1.6 Kinetic equation Rearranging equations with three different methods. Plotting velocity vs kinetic energy Evaluating square relationships Worked problems with solutions Student problems with solutions
GCSE Physics: Work Done and Power

GCSE Physics: Work Done and Power

This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P2.2.7 Work done equation Rearranging work done equation Questions and answers for work done Power equation and definition Rearranging power equation Different units for work done: J, N m, kg m^2/s^2