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Positive Thinking and Growth Mindset Assembly
Designed for KS3 but easily modified to deliver to KS2 or KS4.
Positive thinking is important for our students. This assembly does not come with a script, but is 15 slides that are fairly self-explanatory and you can change or add to as you see fit according to your own style.
This assembly helps you to help the students think about their attitudes and thinking.

Factors in Real life, and calculating factor trees
Students often ask: what is the point?
Factors and factor trees are in fact both interesting and important. Use this resource to help explain why and to spark interest in those who previously have expressed no interest in maths!
The first part of this lesson answer that question through a presentation (and gives them a worksheet to complete).
They then calculate those factors with a step by step presentation (with a worksheet to complete).

Computer Hardware KS3 Worksheet set
Four lessons worth of worksheets for a hardware unit aimed at KS3 students.
Full of activities and fun for your students!

Computing Christmas Quiz 2016
A quiz for the class for the end of autumn term 2016. Can be used from year 7 to 11, but loosely aligns with the KS3 national curriculum (it's Christmas themed!).
Either run with one answer sheet per pupil or put the students into teams and let them choose a scribe.
Happy Christmas to everyone who downloads this.

Mindfulness Assembly / Lesson Presentation
A beautiful mindfulness presentation with 18 slides that is designed to be used for either an assembly or a session.
Mindfulness is incredibly important in a busy school; but how can we educate our young people in such a skill?
Perhaps stress levels have risen during tests and exams, and you have seen behaviour go downhill.
Use this fantastic resource to raise awareness of mindfulness, and encourage your students to use the enclosed techniques to manage their stress levels and improve both their behaviour and wellbeing.
New for 2019 - included a fun weekly log for students to practice mindfulness with.

Open Source Vs Proprietary Software lesson for GCSE Computer Science
Presentation and worksheet designed for GCSE Computer Science

Chemistry GCSE Multiple Choice Questions
More than 100 GCSE Chemistry multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

Brexit tutor time activity
An activity for secondary schools.
Fill out 5 advantages and 5 disadvantages for each part of the diagram. Can be used as part of a Brexit discussion.

Loops practical for GCSE Computer Science using Python
Teaches students about for loops, while loops and parameters.
The full lesson includes booklet and homework.
Practical session based around a 60 minute lesson.
This resource uses Python version 3.4

Loops and iteration - GCSE Computer Science OCR 9-1 Programming with Python
A complete bundle for OCR 9-1, introducing Python. Has both theory and practical lessons; could be spread over two, three or four lessons as suitable for your context.

Santas website (HTML) Computing Christmas lesson
A complete session (could be a lesson, could be longer if you wanted) to get students to create a website.
Full instructions provided - give them the files and the booklet and go. They love changing the text and images and it's all related the the computing curriculum!
No special software required, uses notepad and Internet Explorer (all Windows computers have these installed)

36 Business Studies lesson ideas
36 ideas (starter, plenary and lesson included) fully aligned to the OCR Business Studies specification. Really great ideas that cut down on your preparation time, allowing you to build a full lesson in no time at all.
The idea is to provide you with a great lesson with the least preparation time possible, while giving great ideas to great teachers.
1.1 spotting a business opportunity
1.2 Showing enterprise
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the start-up effective
3.1 Marketing
3.2 Meeting Customer Needs
3.3 Effective financial management
3.4 Effective people management
3.5 The wider world
Business in 2017

Pokémon GO Viruses, Malware Computing lesson for KS3 and KS4
Students learn about how installing Apps onto mobile phones needs some consideration.
Learning objectives:
o Be aware that Apps from alternative sources may not be safe
o Understand that you exchange some element of privacy in exchange for using Apps on a phone
The narrative flow of the lesson follows the following:
• How malware is installed on computers
• How malware is social engineering - making people install Pokémon go from other sources is dangerous
• Pokémon Go is actually known as malware for some people!
• Pokémon Go was just the type of App that people were excited to get they would take risks for: but was this worth it?

Arrays - GCSE Computer Science OCR 9-1 Programming with Python
A complete bundle for OCR 9-1, arrays in Python. Covers both one dimensional and two dimensional arrays.
Has both theory and practical lessons; could be spread over two, three or more lessons as suitable for your context.
Take the stress away from your lesson preparation; this bundle is really the way to go.

Arrays theory for GCSE Computer Science
Teaches students about arrays.
There is also a supporting (free for ever) article about arrays on Medium to support your teaching: https://studeappsblog.medium.com/programming-with-arrays-298d0e594353.
This resource is not based on any particular programming language, so is applicable for any particular language you choose.
It can feel tricky to teach this topic. These resources are there to help you, with the same support that is always avaliable for you when you purchase on of StudeApp’s resources.
Helps with the use of arrays (or equivalent) when solving problems, including both one and two dimensional

Arrays (lists) practical for GCSE Computer Science using Python
Teaches students about arrays (lists).
The full lesson includes booklet and homework.
Practical session based around a 60 minute lesson.
This resource uses Python version 3.4