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Exponential Growth and Decay GCSE Maths Revision
Exponential growth and decay GCSE maths worksheet and revision.
Contains full answers, great resource for use with your classes.

Straight line graphs (GCSE Maths revision)
Straight line graphs worksheet and answers for GCSE maths. The idea behind this is that there is no teacher preparation required!

Maths revision mega bundle
Mega bundle of revision sheets.
Ready to go, questions and answer key provided.
Saved many teachers hours of preparation time!

File handling practical for GCSE Computer Science using Python
Teaches students about basic file handing including the basic operations; open, read and write.
The full lesson includes booklet and homework.
Practical session based around a 60 minute lesson.
This resource uses Python version 3.4

Business Studies GCSE (EDEXCEL) Multiple choice questions and definitions
Over 100 multiple choice questions for EDEXCEL GCSE Business Studies (unit 1)
Suitable for tests, games and lessons etc. Hours of preparation goes into these, and they are presented to save you that time.
Also definitions for both unit 1 and unit 3 for EDEXCEL GCSE Business Studies.

Factorials (!) - Maths enrichment
Students love to be extended. Here students are introduced to factorials through real life concepts, and are introduced to permutations.
Want more out of your students? You need to ask more.

Feliz Navidad - Spanish Bingo
32 Bingo cards for Spanish learners
Uses and teaches Spanish Vocab
Simply give each student a bingo card (32 supplied) and the teacher reads out a random word from the Vocab sheet.
Simple, and zero preparation required from the teacher.

micro:bit (microbit) three lesson KS3 Scheme of work (SoW)
Three lesson scheme of work for KS3 including worksheet and explainations!
Each lesson has video support

Direct and inverse proportion revision sheet (GCSE Maths)
Direct and inverse proportion worksheet with answers.

2d Arrays (lists) practical for GCSE Computer Science using Python
Teaches students about two dimenstional arrays (lists).
The full lesson includes booklet and homework.
Practical session based around a 60 minute lesson.
This resource uses Python version 3.4

Computing Cover one off lesson resources (KS3 and KS4)
KS3 and KS4 computing cover lessons.
Some require use of computers, some are specifically off-computer tasks

Python Christmas - Create a Xmas Tree Lesson
Create a Christmas tree using python 3.x
No presentation, give the students the worksheet and see how they can progress!

GCE A Level Business Studies Multiple Choice Questions for AQA (Legacy spec)
More than 100 A Level Business Studies multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

Recursion and Recursive techniques in computing and computer science
A great lesson around how to teach recursion away from the computer.
Based around a flood fill recursive technique, and also includes an exercise to teach shortest network path (with in the teacher notes). The worksheets are available for your use, and contain answers to the programming challenges in Java, Python and Pascal.
Backed by the following post (free forever) https://studeappsblog.medium.com/recursion-what-is-it-b4e9093db4c4
This could be used for an A level or GCSE classes and can be used with a high ability KS3 class.

GCE AS Level Business Studies Multiple Choice Questions (Unit 2) for AQA
AS Level Business Studies multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

GCSE History Study notes for AQA History B: Full and Short Courses (9145)
Study notes for AQA History B: Full and Short Courses (9145).
Suitable for revision or a starting point at the beginning of the year.
Shows materials for Unit 1 only.

Santa's Kidnap - Two Step Equations (A Mathematical Maths Christmas)
Students find who kidnapped Santa!
Complete a range of two step equations.
Complete with sheet and answer key to solving the problem!

GCE AS Level Business Studies Multiple Choice Questions (Unit 1) for AQA
AS Level Business Studies multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on

A very Python Christmas
A selection of resources to bring a bit of Christmas cheer into your computing classroom.
Designed for Python
Suitable for all levels of students, particularly KS3 and KS4 although some resources may be suitable for KS2.