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Fun Christmas lesson: Weihnachtswerbungen
Fun activity to do at the end of term (takes around 30 minutes)- students watch a series of German christmas adverts, awarding a score and a comment for each using the worksheet provided. At the end of the lesson, vote for the best advert!
Tarsia puzzle- Travel and Tourism GCSE French
2 page cut out to make one tarsia puzzle!
Great plenary for the end of the Travel and Tourism GCSE French module.
GCSE French Tourism- Conti Worksheet on Hotels
Conti style worksheet with vocab for describing and reserving hotel rooms.
Les représailles French A level Worksheet
A worksheet on the reprisal massacre that took place in the French village of Oradour sur Glane.
Suitable for the French A level topic of l’occupation et la résistance.
Tarsia les structures familiales, a level french
Tarsia les changements dans les structures familiales, a level french (edexcel spec)
l'immigration A level french worksheet
Introductory worksheet with key vocab and quotes to do with immigration
French Christmas lesson song gap fill (Last Christmas in French)
Easy and difficult printable gap=fills to go along with this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHxgHMXf4Tc
Three tenses auxiliary verbs revision sheet (past with avoir and être+ future with aller)
Quick revision exercise and then the sheet can be used as a cheat sheet when students are writing their 90 words
A2 How the gig economy affects workers rights
Powerpoint and Reading comprehension adapted from a Europe 1 article on the ‘ubérisation’ of the economy.
Cheat Sheet/Knowledge Organiser- Perfect Past and Near Future in French
I give this to my year 8 class at the start of term to refer to when we’re doing tense work
I am sharing this for free, however if you are able to make a donation, here’s the link to buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/susierb
Die Weiße Rose (The White Rose), Sophie Scholl activities
A powerpoint and worksheet (easy version and hard version) to accompany a lesson(s) watching the PG rated film 'Sophie Scholl: die letzten Tagen.
I have taught this to year 9s and 10s, and they were very engaged. This film is a good way to investigate life in Germany during the Nazi era and have an in-depth discussion with your class about it (they will have felt that this is taboo up until you do a lesson like this with them!). Hopefully some students will find Sophie’s actions in the resistance inspirational :)
I am sharing this for free, however if you are able to make a donation, here’s the link to buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/susierb
Cheat Sheet German Dative and Accusative
Cheat sheet about the dative and accusative cases in German
I am sharing this for free, however if you are able to make a donation, here’s the link to buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/susierb
Freedom of expression homework
Comprehension questions for a subtitled youtube report on Charlie Hebdo
I am sharing this for free, however if you are able to make a donation, here’s the link to buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/susierb
French past tense song gapfill
Gapfill of the song ‘j’ai vu la vie’ by Christophe Maé. Can be adapted to make it easier or more difficult!
Once done you can
-Ask students to highlight all examples of the past tense in the song (regular and irregular)
-Ask students to look through the song and note down any useful new vocab that they can see
I am sharing this for free, however if you are able to make a donation, here’s the link to buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/susierb
Templates powerpoint
Powerpoint with template slides that you can use when building an MFL lesson (French and German).
La musique: Louane Segment translation.
Segment Translation which helps refresh appearance, family and music. Good to use when covering music!
They need to find the French for each segment in the text and copy it out.
Afterwards, you could play them a clip of Louane singing ‘je vole’ or singing on ‘La voix’.
Dieser Weg (Xavier Naidoo) song gap fill
German gap-fill song by Xavier Naidoo about the hurdles that we face on life’s journey.
Nice activity for key stage 4 end of term or maybe tenuous link to social problems unit(!)