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Back To School Activity – All About Me Stars

Back To School Activity – All About Me Stars

A fun, creative activity to help you get to know your students at the beginning of the school year. Make a star and hang your ‘galaxy of learners’ from the ceiling. The front of the star has flaps that open to reveal a picture of the student (draw a self-portrait or glue a photo) and the back shows 8 pictures of your student’s favourite things. Two Templates: ♦ With headings (see list below) ♦ Blank – add your own ‘favourite’ categories The 8 Favourite Things: ♦ Holiday location ♦ Food ♦ Animal ♦ Hobby ♦ TV Programme ♦ Game ♦ Colour ♦ Sport Template with US spelling/vocabulary is also included: color, program, vacation (instead of holiday). Two Paper Sizes: ♦ A4 size ♦ Letter size Easy-to-follow instructions are included. Each star requires two pieces of paper (front and back template). Approximate size: 18cm in diameter. Great as a classroom activity or set it as a homework project during the first 1-2 weeks of school. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Rugby Activity Sheets

Rugby Activity Sheets

A large set of print-and-go activity sheets for use during a topic study of RUGBY or for when special events such as the Rugby World Cup are on. DESIGNING ACTIVITIES: Rugby uniform (various templates) Rugby boot Rugby ball Water bottle Hoodie Jacket and Puffer Jacket Trophy Scarf, beanie and gloves Flag Supporter sign Postage stamp WRITING ACTIVITIES Interview questions Text Email View from the grandstand Would you rather play … Did you know … Argument writing (4 different statements) Newspaper article writing - (10 different photos, plus blank template) Designed on A4 size paper. Suitable for any classroom around the world as they are not country/team specific. © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Spy ID / Secret Agent ID  -  Template

Spy ID / Secret Agent ID - Template

Template for making a Spy ID (or Secret Agent ID). 4 templates per page. US and UK templates included (for the word 'colour/color') Add a photo, a fingerprint, or a photo with disguise props (eg glasses, hat, moustache) Loads of fun! © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Addition and Subtraction Math Games

Addition and Subtraction Math Games

Addition & Subtraction Dice Games for Maths. 4-in-a-row Gameboards ♦ 14 Different Gameboards. ♦ Equipment needed – dice, counters, gameboard ♦ Suitable for 2 players ♦ All games are provided in both colour and black and white. How to Play: 1. Player A rolls the dice. 2. Player A looks at the dice picture on the left side of the board and works out the required sum. 3. Player A finds the answer to the sum on the gameboard and covers one of those squares with his/her counter. 4. Player B has their turn. 5. Players continue to take turns. The winner is the first player to get 4 of their counters in a row. The Gameboards: ♦ dice + 1 1+1, 2+1, 3+1, 4+1, 5+1, 6+1 ♦ 5 + dice 5+1, 5+2, 5+3, 5+4, 5+5, 5+6 ♦ 10 + dice 10+1, 10+2, 10+3, 10+4, 10+5, 10+6 ♦ 10 – dice 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6 ♦ 20 + dice 20+1, 20+2, 20+3, 20+4, 20+5, 20+6 ♦ 20 – dice 20-1, 20-2, 20-3, 20-4, 20-5, 20-6 ♦ 100 + dice 100+1, 100+2, 100+3, 100+4, 100+5, 100+6 ♦ 100 – dice 100-1, 100-2, 100-3, 100-4, 100-5, 100-6 ♦ 100 + (dice x 10) 100+10, 100+20, 100+30, 100+40, 100+50, 100+60 ♦ 100 – (dice x 10) 100-10, 100-20, 100-30, 100-40, 100-50, 100-60 ♦ Doubles 1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+5, 6+6 ♦ 9 + dice 9+1, 9+2, 9+3, 9+4, 9+5, 9+6 ♦ 19 + dice 19+1, 19+2, 19+3, 19+4, 19+5, 19+6 ♦ 99 + dice 99+1, 99+2, 99+3, 99+4, 99+5, 99+6 © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Laptop Template - for wall display

Laptop Template - for wall display

A laptop / keyboard template for you to use however you wish! Suggestions would be to display things in the screen …. Computer rules, how to …, word of the day, reminder notices, etc. You could laminate it and write on it with a whiteboard marker or you could simply pin things to the screen. The templates: ♦ Grey ♦ Blue ♦ Pink ♦ Green ♦ Purple Designed on A3 size paper. © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Anzac Day – Poppy Pop Art

Anzac Day – Poppy Pop Art

A fun, effective art activity for your students when celebrating Anzac Day. Draw some patterns on the poppy / background and colour it in. 4 different templates are included: ♦ TEMPLATE 1 and 2 – the patterns are given in the boxes at the base of the sheet. Students transfer these patterns to the poppy and the background and then colour everything in. ♦ TEMPLATE 3 – this is a blank template. Your students decide on their own 5 patterns and draw them in the boxes at the bottom of the sheet. ♦ TEMPLATE 4 – the patterns are already given on the poppy and the background. This is just a colouring activity. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
The 3 Billy Goats Gruff - Stick Puppet Templates

The 3 Billy Goats Gruff - Stick Puppet Templates

3 Billy Goats Gruff - classroom resources Stick puppet templates - goats, troll and bridge Colour and black and white - Various options. Attach to an ice-block stick and have fun! Encourages story retelling and oral language development. Label the goat worksheet (with answer sheet). 2 per A4 sheet. © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
The Giraffe the Pelly and Me  -  by Roald Dahl

The Giraffe the Pelly and Me - by Roald Dahl

Fun Activity Sheets for Roald Dahl's great story - The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me. Great for photocopying / printing. Includes: * newspaper article template * job match - cut and paste * word search * order events from the story * design an alternative book cover * design a poster for the LWCC * design a bag for The Grubber * animal research templates - giraffe, pelican, monkey * problem/solution match - cut and paste * letter template x2 * drawing tasks * who am I? * design a new kind of sweet * design some cool sweet wrappers * character interview template * quiz - 25 questions * giraffe craft * stick puppets - colour and black and white Your students are bound to have fun with these great activities. © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Balance Task Cards for PE

Balance Task Cards for PE

Balance (Stability) task cards for Sport / Physical Education lessons. Non-locomotor movement. 72 task cards using a combination of 9 different parts of the body. Symbols used for indicating the part of the body. Provided in colour and in black and white. Included: * 72 task cards (4 to a page). * 9 flash cards (for learning the symbols). * Chart showing all 9 symbols and their body part. * Static Balance definition chart. * Teacher notes - suggested use, safety considerations, preparation. Examples of suggested use included in the resource: * Use as stations around the room. * Work with a buddy and move smoothly from one balance pose to another Great as a mini unit or tied into the likes of a gymnastics unit. Great for all ages / levels. Great for individual or co-operative work. Your students will have a lot of fun with this activity! © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Māori Myths and Legends - Word Searches

Māori Myths and Legends - Word Searches

A fabulous resource to have in New Zealand classrooms when studying Māori Myths and Legends. Great for a follow-up activity after reading the story, or to have as an early-finisher task. 12 word searches. Eleven of the word searches have a Māori themed border or panel that can be coloured after finding all of the words. One word search has a flame/fire themed border (How Maui Found the Secret of Fire). These word searches are designed to go with the fabulous stories written by Peter Gossage. These books are commonly found in NZ schools and are also easily available for purchase in book stores. If you are not sure what these books look like, I suggest you do a quick image search on the internet (I'm not able to include an image here due to copyright restrictions). The words used in the word searches are taken from the stories in these books. The 12 Word Searches: ♦ How Maui Slowed the Sun ♦ The Fish of Maui ♦ How Maui Found his Father and the Magic Jawbone ♦ How Maui Found his Mother ♦ In the Beginning ♦ How Maui Defied the Goddess of Death ♦ How Maui Found the Secret of Fire ♦ Battle of the Mountains ♦ Pania of the Reef ♦ Rona and the Moon ♦ The Giant of Lake Wakatipu ♦ Hinemoa and Tūtānekai Each word search is on A4 size paper and can easily be reduced to A5 if necessary. There are 16 words to be found on each word search. ANSWER SHEETS are included. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Koru Art – 4 Different Templates

Koru Art – 4 Different Templates

The koru is a popular symbol in New Zealand. Here is a set of 4 different templates that can be used in a variety of ways …. you decide! The 4 Templates: ♦ Plain (koru only) ♦ Radiating lines behind koru ♦ Patchwork lines behind koru ♦ Radiating lines with patterns behind koru Ideas: ♦ Draw patterns in the background spaces. ♦ Write words in the background spaces (eg ‘all about me’). ♦ Colour using warm/cool colours. ♦ Colour using blending/shading. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Diwali – Make a Salt Dough Diya

Diwali – Make a Salt Dough Diya

A fun, easy craft activity for celebrating Diwali (The Festival of Lights). Follow the instructions to make a diya out of salt dough and leave it to air dry for a few days. Decorate before drying (like the images provided), or dry and then paint/decorate. MAKING THE DIYA: Resources to assist with making the diya include: ♦ Teacher notes (with lots of ideas and hints). ♦ Recipe for your students to follow (makes 1 diya). ♦ Sequencing Cards – use as a recipe or as a sequencing task before making. These include pictures and text. WRITING TASKS: Two writing tasks are included as a follow-up to the craft activity. ♦ procedural / instructional writing (3 different templates). ♦ newspaper report writing (2 different templates plus an example). One of the newspaper reports is a fill-in-the-blanks template which is suitable for junior students. The instructions state to air dry the diya (takes a few days) but you could choose to dry it in the oven to speed up the process (details included in the teacher notes). WHAT YOU NEED: Flour, salt and water. Things to decorate it with (buttons, beads, shells, glitter, paint, etc). If you have junior students, this is a great activity for you to do with a buddy class who are a bit older. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Story Starters - third person - writing

Story Starters - third person - writing

Story Starters for writing lessons in the classroom. They are all for writing in the third person (ie they all contain the names of other characters, rather than using 'I') Print these out and laminate them back-to-back. Hand them out (or children can 'lucky-dip'). Students can then choose which story starter interests them the most and use that one to begin writing in their exercise book. Collect them in and use them again another time. 8 A4 sheets with 8 story starters on each page (total 64).
Stick Puppets  -  ANIMALS  -  102 puppets in total!

Stick Puppets - ANIMALS - 102 puppets in total!

Super-fun stick puppets! Simply laminate and attach a craft stick. Great for oral language development, co-operative learning, topic based study, drama, performance skills, engaging reluctant learners, etc … Can also be used as a writing prompt (eg script writing, narrative writing, descriptive writing …) This set contains 102 puppets in total. hippos, lions, leopards, elephants, antelope, liger, cow, zebra,monkey, rhino, cats, dogs, pigs, sheep, squirrels, chipmunk, walrus, seal, goats, cattle, ducks, peacock, chickens, bee, grizzly bear, polar bear, panda bear, kangaroo, elk, horse, bunny, owl, hedgehog, giraffe, llama, dinosaurs, birds, moose, wolf, flamingo, giraffe, frog, turtles. Your students will LOVE making up performances with these colourful stick puppets. © Suzanne Welch, 2016 Visit my store for more stick puppets and other great classroom resources. Your feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
Math Art - Fun with a Ruler - Sailboat

Math Art - Fun with a Ruler - Sailboat

A ‘Fun with a Ruler’ math/art project for your students. This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template. One set of lines makes a parabolic curve and the other set makes a zig-zag pattern. When they have finished drawing all of the lines they can give their artwork some colour. Included: ♦ Template ♦ Example – black/white ♦ Example - coloured ♦ Instructions ♦ Teacher notes Level of Difficulty: Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points (the curves are made with straight lines … it’s like magic!). The designs can look more complicated than they actually are. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult. Instructions: Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template. Equipment: You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc) Designed on A4 size paper. Keywords: string art, math, geometry, patterns, parabolic curves, water, ocean, wind, sport © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Math Art – Parabolic Curves - Pinwheel

Math Art – Parabolic Curves - Pinwheel

A ‘Fun with a Ruler’ math/art project that uses parabolic curves to make an interesting ‘pinwheel’ design. This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template. When they have finished drawing all of the lines they can give their artwork some colour. Included: ♦ Template (black or grey dots) ♦ Example ♦ Instructions ♦ Teacher Notes There are 2 different templates to choose from. One of them is more suitable for older students as more care needs to be taken in ‘congested’ areas of the design. The designs are the same (one just has more dots/lines). Level of Difficulty: Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points (the curves are made with straight lines … it’s like magic!). The designs can look more complicated than they actually are. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult. Instructions: Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template. Equipment: You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc) Size: The design is 17.5cm x 17.5cm. Designed on A4 size paper. Keywords: string art, math, geometry, patterns, parabolic curves © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Te Reo Māori – Math Activity Sheets – Numbers 1-20

Te Reo Māori – Math Activity Sheets – Numbers 1-20

A set of number activity sheets for use during math lessons when working on numbers 1-20. The worksheets for numbers 1-10 are slightly different from the worksheets for numbers 11-20. Worksheets 1-10 ♦ Write your name. ♦ Colour the numeral. ♦ Colour the word. ♦ Trace the numeral; write the numeral independently. ♦ Trace the word; write the word independently. ♦ Show a group by circling and colouring the stars. ♦ Show the number on the tens frame (colour the circles). ♦ Colour the correct number of fingers. ♦ Write the number that comes before / after. Worksheets 11-20 ♦ Write your name. ♦ Colour the numeral. ♦ Colour the words. ♦ Trace the numerals and words. ♦ Write the numerals and words independently. ♦ Show a group by circling and colouring the stars. ♦ Show the number on the tens frames (colour the circles). ♦ Fill in the 6 missing numbers on the number line. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Label the Zoo Animals

Label the Zoo Animals

A set of 26 zoo animals to label. Perfect for an animal study or as an activity pre/post a field trip to the zoo. Options: ♦ Cut and glue the labels into the correct boxes. ♦ Use the word bank to write the words into the correct boxes. The 26 Animals: Bear Crocodile Cheetah Elephant Flamingo Frog Giraffe Gorilla Hippopotamus Kangaroo Koala Lion Lizard Monkey Panda Parrot Peacock Penguin Polar Bear Rhinoceros Sloth Tiger Toucan Tortoise Walrus Zebra There are 5 labels on each picture. All pages are ‘landscape’ orientation and designed on A4 size paper. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Sentence Building  -  Zoo Animals

Sentence Building - Zoo Animals

Sentence building worksheets for the New Zealand junior classroom. 25 worksheets in four different formats so you can easily differentiate your student’s learning. 4 Different Formats: ♦ Cut and glue the words. ♦ Cut and glue the words + trace the sentence. ♦ Cut and glue the words + write the sentence. ♦ Cut and glue the words + trace and write the sentence. Also included are 25 sentence cards that you can use as a teaching aid. These cards contain a coloured picture and the sentence. The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’. The theme is ZOO ANIMALS. The pictures are gorgeous and your students will love adding colour to them. All of the sentences use high frequency sight words together with the name of the animal. Two of the sentences are questions. The Sentences: Look at the lion. Look at my lizard. I see a crocodile. I see the sloth. Here is a snake. Here is my tortoise. Here is the tiger. I like the flamingo. We like the cheetah. He likes the gorilla. Mum likes her parrot. Dad saw the elephant. I saw a rhino. She saw a peacock. We saw the bear. They saw the kangaroo. This is my toucan. This is a zebra. That is a penguin. That is my monkey. Where is the walrus? Where is my frog? The hippo is big. The koala is little. The giraffe is tall. A fun, effective literacy resource that your students will love. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Diwali - ‘Henna Hands’ art activity

Diwali - ‘Henna Hands’ art activity

A fun and creative art activity to celebrate Diwali (Deepavali), the Hindu Festival of Lights. ACTIVITY 1 Draw patterns on the hand templates using a black pen/marker/ink (there are lots of images on the internet to get inspiration). Cut out and display on a coloured background. ACTIVITY 2 Draw patterns in the hands of the boy/girl. Colour the rest of the picture. Three different templates provided (boy, girl, unisex). ACTIVITY 3 Draw patterns in the hand template and write an acrostic poem. Write your name or a fact about Diwali in the box under the handprint. INCLUDED: ♦ Teacher notes. ♦ Handprints – template. ♦ Handprints – template with border. ♦ Handprints – with coloured background (x2). ♦ Example – designs on hands with a coloured background. ♦ Example - designs on hands with a plain white background. ♦ Handprints – boy/girl/unisex. ♦ Single handprint with acrostic poem template. ♦ Single handprint (2 per page). ********************************************************************* © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources