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Hello! Welcome to the official Teachingisgood shop! I myself have seen loads of presentations, worksheets, booklets and resources which just bore you and have too much text or not enough information. My aim is to get rid of these resources and bring in resources that are interactive and fun. It will engage you with the topic and encourage you to learn by the use of a simple layout, animations, links, videos to help you follow along!




Hello! Welcome to the official Teachingisgood shop! I myself have seen loads of presentations, worksheets, booklets and resources which just bore you and have too much text or not enough information. My aim is to get rid of these resources and bring in resources that are interactive and fun. It will engage you with the topic and encourage you to learn by the use of a simple layout, animations, links, videos to help you follow along!
Análisis de María Llena Eres de Gracia

Análisis de María Llena Eres de Gracia

A complete analysis of the film “María Llena Eres de Gracia” based on AQA A-level Spanish syllabus. The following headings are explored: Temas claves Personajes claves Citas claves Contexto social Each heading is broken down into section. This full presentation breaks down all the sections into spider diagrams which each have their own subsection (focusing on a particular area of the section) with details about scenes, characters or themes which link within that topic. The “citas claves” section gives key quotes from the film which can be memorised to improve essay knowledge points. Each quote also includes context as to where in the film it occurred.
AQA A-level Spanish 2018 Paper 2 Model Answer

AQA A-level Spanish 2018 Paper 2 Model Answer

A model answer from the A-level Spanish 2018 writing paper (Paper 2). This includes answers from both papers and is from a student who achieved an A* in AQA A-level Spanish. The paper is a photocopy of the student’s work which was sat in exam and timed conditions. A clear plan of the essays is also included. Questions to the paper can be found directly from AQA. The questions are based on the film “María llena eres de gracia” and the play “La Casa de Bernada Alba” from the AQA syllabus.
A-level Spanish Example Film Essays

A-level Spanish Example Film Essays

teachingisgood is proud to present 2 full essays which include all the content required to answer the A-level Spanish essay questions based around a film. The essays are based on the AQA film selection “María, llena eres de gracía” and the play selection “La Casa de Bernada Alba”. The questions follow AQA-style, but this also fits in nicely with other exam boards. The essay questions answered are: Analiza cómo crea Lorca un ambiente de tensión a lo largo de la obra hasta llegar al trágico final. “La razón por la que María quiere dejar Colombia es su relación con su madre y su hermana”. ¿Hasta qué punto estás de acuerdo con esta afirmación? Justifica tus respuestas. These questions relate to Section A and Section B of the exam respectively. The essay questions are at the high end level and use judicious vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures throughout. The student who wrote these essays achieved an A* overall in their A-level examinations.
A-level Spanish Remembering Facts

A-level Spanish Remembering Facts

A PowerPoint presentation which utilizes animations and clear and simple bullet points to aid learning of A-level Spanish facts. These facts directly link to topics which could come up in the A-level Spanish speaking exam. The topics are based on the AQA syllabus for A-level Spanish.
A-level Further Maths Decision 1 Complete Lessons

A-level Further Maths Decision 1 Complete Lessons

8 Resources
All presentations for Edexcel A-level Further Maths Decision 1 teaching. All presentations use animations, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Year 1. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that they also include loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. To further test students’ understanding, presentation also have animations, videos, interactive slides, and mini-quizzes on a range of key topics which have a difficult core content.
A-level Further Maths Decision - Critical Path Analysis

A-level Further Maths Decision - Critical Path Analysis

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Critical path analysis. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Modelling a project Dummy activities Early and late event times Critical activities The float of an activity Gantt charts Resource histograms Scheduling diagrams
A-level Further Maths Decision - The simplex algorithm

A-level Further Maths Decision - The simplex algorithm

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, The simplex algorithm. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Formulating linear programming problems The simplex method Problems requiring integer solutions Two-stage simplex method The big-M method
A-level Further Maths Decision - Linear programming

A-level Further Maths Decision - Linear programming

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Linear programming. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Linear programming problems Graphical methods Locating the optimal point Solutions with integer values
A-level Further Maths Decision - The travelling salesman problem

A-level Further Maths Decision - The travelling salesman problem

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, The travelling salesman problem. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. The classical and practical travelling salesman problem Using a minimum spanning tree to find an upper bound Using a minimum spanning tree to find a lower bound Using the nearest neighbour algorithm to find an upper bound
A-level Further Maths Decision - Route inspection

A-level Further Maths Decision - Route inspection

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Route inspection. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Eulerian graphs Using the route inspection algorithm Networks with more than 4 odd nodes
A level Further Maths Decision - Algorithms on graphs

A level Further Maths Decision - Algorithms on graphs

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Algorithms on graphs. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Kruskal’s algorithm Prim’s algorithm Applying Prim’s algorithm to a distance matrix Using Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path Floyd’s algorithm
A level Further Maths Decision - Graphs and networks

A level Further Maths Decision - Graphs and networks

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Graphs and networks. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Modelling with graphs Graph theory Special types of graphs Representing graphs and networks using matrices The planarity algorithm
A-level Further Maths Decision - Algorithms

A-level Further Maths Decision - Algorithms

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Algorithms. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Understanding and using algorithms Flow charts Bubble sort Quick sort Bin-packing algorithms Order of an algorithm
A-level Further Maths Core Pure 1 Complete Lessons

A-level Further Maths Core Pure 1 Complete Lessons

9 Resources
All presentations for Edexcel A-level Further Maths Core Pure 1 teaching. All presentations use animations, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that they also include loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. To further test students’ understanding, presentation also have animations, videos, interactive slides, and mini-quizzes on a range of key topics which have a difficult core content.
A-level Further Maths Y1 Vectors Complete Lesson

A-level Further Maths Y1 Vectors Complete Lesson

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Vectors. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Equation of a line in 3 dimensions Equation of a plane in 3 dimensions Scalar product Calculating angles between lines and planes Points of intersection Finding perpendiculars
A-level Further Maths Y1 Proof by Induction Complete Lesson

A-level Further Maths Y1 Proof by Induction Complete Lesson

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Proof by Induction. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Proof by mathematic induction Proving divisibility results Proving statements involving matrices Proving statements involving sequences
A-level Further Maths Y1 Linear Transformations Complete Lesson

A-level Further Maths Y1 Linear Transformations Complete Lesson

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Linear Transformations. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Linear transformations in two dimensions Reflections and rotations Enlargements and stretches Successive transformations Linear transformations in three dimensions The inverse of a linear transformation
A-level Further Maths Y1 Matrices Complete Lesson

A-level Further Maths Y1 Matrices Complete Lesson

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Complex Numbers. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Introduction to matrices Matrix multiplication Determinants Inverting a 2x2 matrix Inverting a 3x3 matrix Solving systems of equations using matrices
A-level Further Maths Y1 Volumes of Revolution Complete Lesson

A-level Further Maths Y1 Volumes of Revolution Complete Lesson

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Volumes of Revolution. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Volumes of revolution around the x-axis Volumes of revolution around the y-axis Adding and subtracting volumes Modelling with volumes of revolution
A-level Further Maths Y1 Roots of Polynomials Complete Lesson

A-level Further Maths Y1 Roots of Polynomials Complete Lesson

This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Roots of Polynomials. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification. teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students. This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge. The topics covered in this presentation is as follows. Roots of quadratic equations Roots of cubic equations Roots of quartic equations Expressions relating to the roots of a polynomial Linear transformation of roots