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Identity in Trainspotting

Identity in Trainspotting

This is a 50 slide full colour PowerPoint Presentation on national identity versus British identity (as well as multicultural, globalized Britain) in the 1996 film Trainspotting (Danny Boyle). This is very useful for** EDUQAS A Level Film Studies** because of the focus on representations in the film, including how particular aspects of **mise-en-scene **link to identity, narrative themes and character. This presentation can be used to study the film’s binary oppositions and how Scotland and London come to represent different outlooks, rather than just different geographical locations.
Winter's Bone - binary analysis

Winter's Bone - binary analysis

This chart helps to understand how the narrative conflicts in Winter’s Bone are related to different ideological positions, with respect to values such as community versus individual rights, ‘omerta’ versus whistleblowing, and ‘honour’ versus responsibility/ humanity.
Global Cinema Comparative Study: MUSTANG & TIMBUKTU

Global Cinema Comparative Study: MUSTANG & TIMBUKTU

This 23 full colour slide presentation offers A-Level Film Studies Students many interactive exercises that will help them to compare and contrast these two films from global cinema. Mustang (Erguven, 2015, Turkey/France) tells the story of five sisters living in rural Turkey, where village and local Islamic traditions are still strictly enforced. Timbuktu (Sissako, 2014, Mauritania/France) dramatises the occupation of Northern Mali by Jihadist Islamists in 2012, and revolves around the real life story of a couple who were stoned to death for having a child out of wedlock. The two films are studied as excellent examples of post-millennial global cinema and offer many points of comparison. Both films offer means of studying religious debates, culture and global politics. This presentation should fill an entire one hour lesson and may be extended into longer or more developed exercises.
A Marxist Analysis of TRAINSPOTTING

A Marxist Analysis of TRAINSPOTTING

This 35-slide PowerPoint Presentation can be used for the ‘ideologies’ study of Trainspotting for the Eduqas A Level Film Studies Component 1C. (British Films). It provides a full interactive 2 hour lesson plan with focus on exams. Marxist ideology is introduced gently with a few key concepts including: class struggle, alienation, exploitation, consumerism, commodity fetishisaton and false consciousness. Marxist concepts are applied to particular aspects of the film’s mise-en-scene and to particular sequences. Issues are explored through discussion with lots of question prompts to allow discussion and debate.
No Country For Old Men Analysis (A-Level Film & Media Studies)

No Country For Old Men Analysis (A-Level Film & Media Studies)

This fully animated, interactive presentation is comprised of 43 full colour slides. The analysis of narrative, formal elements and spectatorship aims at preparing film studies students for the A-Level Exam, (EDUQAS FIlm Studies, Component 1B - American Cinema). It is equally useful for any film or media course. Elements of narrative, as well as camera, sound design, mise-en-scene and lighting are all analysed in this comprehensive study of this modern Western gothic film. This presentation is designed to form the basis for a full one hour lesson, and could be extended to further sessions.
Fallen Angels (Wong Kar-Wei) - a narrative study

Fallen Angels (Wong Kar-Wei) - a narrative study

This fully animated, interactive 20 Slide illustrated Power-Point presentation forms the basis of a lesson, ideal for a post-screening discussion of narrative in Wong Kar-Wei’s 1995 Hong Kong New Wave film FALLEN ANGELS. The presentation provides several opportunities to pause and discuss aspects of narrative in the film and encourages students to think about the ways in which Wong’s cinema breaks away from conventional genre storytelling methods. The presentation is ideal for the Global CInema / Experimental Cinema component of EDUQAS Film Studies A-Level or for any film studies course interested in Hong Kong New Wave, Auteur studies, or Global Cinema.
The Cinema of Wong Kar-wei: an introduction

The Cinema of Wong Kar-wei: an introduction

Suitable for teaching the EDUQAS FILM STUDIES A-LEVEL, this resource comprises a 23-slide presentation giving an overview of the distinctive features of Wong Kar-wei’s films. Useful for the EDUQAS A-LEVEL film studies Component 2: Global Filmmaking perspectives, Section D, Modern Experimental Film, this resources is fully animated and contains links to illustrative You Tube videos. This presentation provides an introduction to the cinema of Won Kar-wei and works well as background / contextualisation of CHUNGKING EXPRESS or FALLEN ANGELS. time: 1 hour