All my resources are aimed at teaching students to the top, that's the USP! You can find them on the UK's second largest English teaching channel, Mr Salles Teaches English, and also see how I deliver them there. If you want to be an even better teacher, try The Slightly Awesome Techer,
All my resources are aimed at teaching students to the top, that's the USP! You can find them on the UK's second largest English teaching channel, Mr Salles Teaches English, and also see how I deliver them there. If you want to be an even better teacher, try The Slightly Awesome Techer,
Dickens is a master of his craft, but by God, you can tell he was paid by the word, can’t you? Never was a man so in love with a sentence, loaded with clauses, garnished with phrases and then, to add to the confusion, the main clause tagged on at the end. What 16 year old wouldn’t struggle?
I’ve abridged this great novel down to 90,000 words, from 163,000! So each chapter can be read in 20 minutes or less. That’s a 45% reduction in reading time, which buys you an 45% more time to teach your analysis!
Better than that, it actually makes for a more entertaining read. The conversation feels much more natural, and has some real pace. You can easily have your students taking parts.
As a bonus, I’ve placed in bold the most important quotation in each chapter. This means your students should find it much easier to make notes, and you can find it easier to decide on key passages to approach in your teaching.
Use 8 short paragraphs describing Scrooge and the weather to explore how the weather mirrors the changes in Scrooge’s morality and personality.
Teach how Dickens also uses contrast, repetition, personification, sibilance, alliteration to signpost the changes in Scrooge’s character.
Show how the descriptions of weather in the countryside and the weather reveal Dickens’ attack on the problems of urbanisation and his campaign to persuade contemporary readers to change their attitude to the deserving poor.
Teach students how Tiny Tim is a metaphor for Scrooge himself, and how his weak morality is rescued by Christmas and the child within.
Mrs Birling as you’ve never thought of her before. This is an analysis which goes much deeper than you would expect.
Here is a sample to show you what I mean:
But What if Mrs Birling is Right?
However, a counter argument to that is how Priestley reveals Eric’s exploitation of Eva last, as though to emphasise that his actions were worse. There is also a further counter argument. Eva could actually have accepted the stolen money. She could actually have accepted Eric’s offer of marriage. And she certainly did tell the charity and Mrs Birling a number of lies:
• That she was called Mrs Birling.
• That she was married.
• That her husband had “deserted her”.
So, in terms of the facts, she is quite right to say “The girl had begun by telling us a pack of lies.”
When Eva tells her that she wouldn’t take stolen money, Sybil’s reaction “all a lot of nonsense – I didn’t believe a word of it” is not just snobbery. It is also a logical doubt to have given the lies which preceded it.
Another psychological problem for Mrs Birling to accept is that Eva would rather commit suicide than take the stolen money, or marry Eric, even though she describes him as “he didn’t belong to her class, and was some drunken young idler”.
“An Unknown But Innocent Freedom of the Soul”.
This is part of a series of 5 short extracts on Hyde. They will enable your students to answer any essay on Hyde. Each extract is explicitly linked to the following 5 themes. Understanding any two of these fully ought to be enough to gain a grade 7. Referencing more than 2 is likely to propel students into grade 8.
Key words and phrases are analysed in each slide and linked to each of the 5 themes.
I’m pricing this as cheaply as TES will allow! If you really want a bargain, buy all 5 extracts in the bundle!
If you want any help on how to teach them, follow the links to thee videos.
Christian Morality Tale
Fear of Scientific Progress
Repressed Homosexuality
Love of the Gothic and Detective Genres
Hypocrisy of Middle Class Men
This resource takes you through 6 ways to link details of Shakespeare’s marriage to Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet.
Here’s one of them:
Now, let’s consider the subservient role of women in the patriarchal society of the day. Yes, women were considered the property of their husbands by law, but what did that mean in everyday life? Is it likely that the 17 or 18 year old Shakespeare seduced Anne, or is it more likely that she took the initiative? When we think this way, we can clearly see why he would write parts for clever, passionate, powerful women, like Lady Macbeth. We might infer that he did not see women as weaker or inferior beings, but men’s equal in many respects.
It also links to two videos, one for each play.
Get ready for the AQA exam by preparing your students fully for two comparison questions:
Compare Pip to Miss Havisham, and Pip to Magwitch, my two top picks for the 2019 paper.
There are 20 ideas for each essay, and 20 quotations for each.
It also gives you at least 3 big ideas for each essay, so that students can debate Dickens purpose and claim gades 7, 8 and 9.
Get an in depth analysis of 5 key themes of Jekyll and Hyde to propel your students to get the top grades.
Ideal to teach from or print off as revision cards.
An amazing bargain.
What if you could teach your students 3 key skills which would make their essays worth grades 7-9?
What if you could show your students 7 mistakes students make, which reduce their marks?
And then, what would happen if your students learned to correct those mistakes? Then they would get grades 7, 8 and 9.
A poll of over 600 students on my YouTube channel shows that 79% of students think my resources earned them at least one extra grade, and 38% think that they went up by at least two grades.
You can find the video which teaches this presentation on Mr Salles Teaches English so that your students can also dramatically improve their grade.
Propel students to top grades in their full understanding of the context of this poem. It is propaganda, we know. But teaching the rhyme scheme and dactyl metre reveals a surprising alternative, that Tennyson is horrified at the senseless slaughter of the soldiers. Students who understand ‘form and structure’ achieve at least grade 7.
A video also explains everything, so your students can follow up the lesson with homework, or can use it as flipped learning before you teach the poem.
What this resource includes:
Mnemonic to remember rhetorical, persuasive techniques: MAD FATHERS CROCH
How to plan an answer
9 skills necessary in a top answer
The mark scheme explained
Model answer
Model answer, annotated and explained
Why exam topics will never be interesting
Sample topics and question
Here is the beginning of the sample text:
Model Answer
So you want to get rid of school uniform. Perhaps Daddy and Mummy are rich, rich, rich and you want to show us all your designer gear, parading an endless range of just-off-the-shelf splendour and fashion to make your friends praise you and your rivals sick with envy.
Direct address, emotive language, anecdote, rule of three, contrasting pairs, metaphor. Creating an enemy.
Or perhaps you love lounging about at home in your sportswear, festooned with the right labels, hats and trainers still with their price tags proudly displayed, a sea of pristine white, kept shop-display neat.
Repetition, alliteration, anecdote, emotive language, metaphor. Creating an enemy.
Or perhaps you have other tribes: you are a Goth, an Emo, you’re indie, a hipster, you’re a dude, a dudette, a geek, a gangsta, or some other made up group you’re so desperate to belong to in your teenage years before adult life ‘ruins’ it all.
Hyperbole, repetition, direct address, rule of three, emotive language, metaphor, alliteration. The opening three paragraphs create an enemy through humour.
This resource is so comprehensive, that it also explains the whole of the play.
Because the Inspector deals with every character, the whole play is covered.
Because he is the proxy for Priestley’s viewpoint, every possible exam question can be answered simply by knowing this resource.
Can your students do without it?
Try a flavour of it in this extract:
This powerpoint teaches 5 key skills which are necessary to get full marks when writing about the structure of the text. The resource includes a full 8 mark answer, with annotations and explanations of how the answer meets all the criteria for Grade 9.
This appears in both PPT and Word form, so is fully editable, and can easily be printed so that students can easily make relevant notes based on your teaching.
Grades 7, 8 and 9 depend on students exploring different interpretations. Focus on why Stevenson, the atheist, writes the novella with Christian themes. Then see how his description of Jekyll undermines these themes, promoting a freer society.
Watch the video to see how to get the most out of this PPT, or print it off for your students to take notes on while they watch the video.
You’ll also see how Hyde acts as Jekyll’s bravo, and why only Jekyll has a motive to kill Sir Danvers Carew and cause the death of Lanyon.
This is also explained by the historical context and the 1885 Act of Parliament outlawing homosexuality.
Finally, explore why Stevenson might prefer Hyde to Jekyll and how he chooses to reject England and it’s Christian society to live the rest of his life in Samoa.
Students can achieve grade 7 and above just from reading this - they wouldn’t even have to read the novel! When they do, it will make so much more sense to them. They get a very clear summary, linked to lots of top grade interpretations, ready to simply fit into their essay writing.
This is a brilliant way to improve students’ vocabulary, learn to write great description, and to plot a narrative.
Then there is the fantastic bonus that it makes the quotations from the poem truly memorable.
Here is the beginning. I hope you like it.
Description/ Narrative Based on Storm on The Island
Wizened by hope, the old man sits in the waiting room. His mind dives from the cliffs of cancer - yes, the tests will show if it has spread, Mr Stook - it twirls through fear, spins at the thought of nothing, of nothing waiting beyond the dark, of emptiness, and summersaults towards hope, spread before him like a sunlit lake. Perhaps they have caught him in time.
He chuckles optimistically to himself, fingers curled in a ball upon his walking stick, his back stooped by the blows of time, the blasts of age, rounded, like a ball. He thinks, “I ought to be easy to catch!”
Here is the beginning of the 21st C text, ideal to teach informative writing for Question 5, or how to analyse informative features, for Question 4.
Dubrovnik: city of nightmares, or city of dreams?
There are few less likely victims of war. Dubrovnik’s thick stone walls stand defiantly on cliff tops, cradled by mountains, an imposing and forbidding barrier to siege. Soldiers would fire down from a hundred feet up, from fortifications far taller than the puny castles you might be used to at home. Magnificent walls, the backdrop to a charming harbour.
Yet, as you walk the battlements, gasping at the beauty of the town enclosed within the womb shaped walls, you are struck by a subtle shift in colour. New, tiled roofs abound, like an orange carpet. In 1991 the Serbians attacked from the skies, dropping missiles to spread terror in this most beautiful of preserved cities. The miracle of design, three and four-foot-thick walls built to defeat earthquakes, astonishingly swallowed up the fires and explosions from the skies. The flames burnt out, starved of fuel, even where whole streets are only about eight feet apart.
So yes. Dubrovnik is something of a miracle, a survivor with its whole history intact.
What’s the one thing exam boards fail to give you for the narrative question?
Stories. Can you find a story 500-700 words long? Do you have a single story that a student could write in 45 minutes?
If the answer is no, then this bundle is for you. Not only does it give you 6 stories, but over a dozen interest ways to teach from them.
And at this price, how can you resist?