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Cigarettes danger 1 jour 1 question
Comprehension questions in English with answers, based on the youtube video “1 jour, 1 question”.

Spanish weather phrases with cuando
This is a power point for year 7 students. It starts with a memory game about weather phrases and it contains two reading and two translation exercises. You can play this you tube song to reinforce and have a bit of fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9gsOH2X5tY

Speaking preparation Edexcel GCSE Italian
Presentation and activities for preparing speaking linked to the topic of festivals.

Speaking assessment slip ITALIAN
Slip with main points for speaking assessments/mocks Italian Edexcel marking criteria.

if clause - present and future ITALIAN
Presentation to introduce if clause within the topic of weather and sports.

A trip to Florence
Power point with listening activities linked to amici.
To learn about landmarks in Florence.

La tecnologia - technology and comparatives
Vocabulary presentation and sentence building with comparatives. KS3.

le vacanze - holidays past
presentation and reading activity based on the past participle sono andato, KS3.

New Year's Eve resolution - Propositi per l'anno nuovo
Find phrases and Horopscope activity in Italian.
Translated from a Spanish lesson found on TES.
Grammar point: vorrei, mi piacerebbe.