I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
This powerpoint contains 20 photos of famous people that students can practice describing with adjectives. There is also a supporting worksheet that accompanies it. Students circle the correct adjective for each famous person. Great activity as a warm up after a couple of days of adjective practice. Powerpoint photos also work as a stand alone activity where students produce adjectives that describe the photos.
This project asks students to demonstrate understanding of a wide variety of preterite verbs by creating and illustrating their own creative version of a poem similar to "The House that Jack Built". Lesson contains instructions, grading rubric, sample sentences and a copy of the original poem in English that could be used as a warm up. Project takes one day in class to write, and a weekend to create. Students can work solo or in pairs. poems are fun to share in class or do a gallery walk in the computer lab. This project works best with level II students who are learning the preterite tense. Dowload also contains a sample powerpoint story you can share with your students.
This project is my brainchild of 10 years of teaching. The Cultural Investigation Portfolio contains 101 different activities linked to various aspects of Hispanic culture, organized by interest (music, culinary, historical, artistic, etc) These student led projects start my class every day for the first 5-10 minutes as the 1-2 students of the day present their project and findings show- and-tell style. Because there are so many different activities, there is something for everyone in the room. Often one project leads to another, as a student is inspired by a classmate to pursue a topic further or connect it to another. I love this portfolio because kids have so many different choices, and most will select projects that showcase their individual talents in other areas, so you and the class learn about each others artistic or musical abilities. Many of these adventures are designed to send students into the Hispanic community to interact with local employees and business owners...
24 Chronologically ordered questions that follow the movie Real Women Have Curves, a PG-13 film that deals with issues that a Mexican-American family deals with in their work and personal lives, great conversation starter for students about sweatshops, discrimination. A very light and entertaining film, full of Spanish and the capability to add English subtitles this movie is suitable for any level of high school Spanish.
Movie guide follows the film La Lengua de las Mariposas, a film about a friendship between a teacher and young boy during the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. This film has one strong/violent scene in it that should be omitted by teacher and is not necessary to the plot. The movie gives students a very good idea of the fear that people felt during Franco's reign. Film is in Spanish, so are study questions.
This 17 minute podcast is one of my absolute favourite Radio Ambulante Episodes that recounts the story of a woman who winds up in jail for having extended her help to a pair of orphaned children. The worksheet contains 15 questions that accompany the episode in chronological order and a short essay topic for reflection upon completion of the episode. Radio Ambulante episodes work best for Heritage Learners that can comprehend Spanish for sustained periods of time. This activity could also be used with an AP Spanish V class if you are prepared to repeat it a couple of times or stop it periodically so students can catch up to what they understood . Play the podcast as a whole group or send students to the computer lab to listen at their own pace. Lesson takes one class period to complete. Answer key is included.
This 30 minute podcast from Radio Ambulante tells the story of how a detained migrant died in a US detention center. Was it a suicide or was he killed? Radio Ambulante interviews his family, doctors and fellow prisoners to try and determine the plight of a detainee. This podcast is excellent for Heritage Learners or AP Spanish V that are studying the challenges of immigration. Radio Ambulante has a visual transcript that accompanies the narration to this episode to facilitate comprehension while students are listening they can read what is being said. Listening guide contains 19 questions that accompany the podcast and a follow up topic for students to respond to after completing the activity. Takes one full class period to complete, or play the podcast twice and assign the prompt as homework. Answer key also included.
This is the first audio cast in a two part series on Radio Ambulante about the perils of clandestine plastic surgeries performed in Colombia. Audio episode is about 25 minutes long and details the story of a plastic surgery gone wrong. Excellent listening practice with an important message about the value of self acceptance, this audiocast ties in with both AP themes of beauty and aesthetics and global challenges. Download includes comprehension questions, essay topic for reflection and a pre listening discussion activity based on the infographic. This practice is best suited for an AP Level V class or a Heritage Language learner class where students can comprehend Spanish for sustained period of time.
This download accompanies the story of a Peruvian immigrant who marries an American and relocates to a small town in rural Maine. Following the recent Presidential election, he chronicles how attitudes towards Hispanics have changed since President Trump took office. This audiocast is excellent discussion material for Heritage Language Learners and could be a launch point for a group share if you are seeking to gain a better understanding of some of the daily challenges your own Hispanic students may be facing. Download contains comprehension questions in chronological order and an essay topic for reflection folloing the podcast.
This download accompanies the 2nd of a two part audiocast about the perils of illegal plastic surgeries performed on women in Colombia. Download contains questions for comprehension in chronological order, useful vocabulary, essay topic and links to follow up articles. These audio casts are best suited for an AP level V class or Heritage Language learner classes where students can process sustained Spanish. This lesson links to the AP themes of beauty and aesthetics and global challenges. The latter part of this podcast explores Colombian law, why prosecuting illegal clinics is so difficult. Answer key included.
This A/B Partner practice has students completing conditional sentences with past subjunctives. EX: Compraria un coche deportivo si... --> ganara el powerball. Students take turns starting the conditional sentences and then waiting for their partners to complete the situation creatively using the past subjunctive. Practice works best in a level IV or V AP class or a Heritage Speakers class where students have already been working with the past subjunctive for a couple of days and are familiar with forming both regular and irregular verbs. Download also includes an essay prompt for students to practice writing past subjunctives in response to a condition, prompt has rubric included as well.
This super cute film is based on a true story of a doctor and his family from Zaire who accept a position as a village doctor in provincial France. As expected, they face many obstacles at first in their struggle to be accepted, as the town has never seen a black family before. This film has so many great moments for teaching and discussion and is suitable for any level French class, especially when you are talking about identity. Download contains 20 questions in French and English versions, plus several topics for follow up discussion with students. Movie is available on Netflix and takes 2-3 class periods to watch, depending on if you pause for discussion. After viewing there are links in download to watch Kamini’s hit rap song Marly Gomont.
This 56 minute documentary on Netflix is the best thing I have seen this year for either a Spanish or Social Studies. 4 college students spend 56 days in a remote Guatemalan village on 1 dollar a day budget, while exploring effects of living in extreme poverty and some innovative solutions people have come up with to survive. Excellent for any Spanish class where you have been studying immigration and reasons people leave their home countries to risk their lives traveling to the US, or for a Social Studies class looking at underdeveloped countries and what it means to live in extreme poverty. My students loved this film bc it was created by four college students and used their observations and connections as narrative between interviews with people in the village. (Interviews are in Spanish with subtitles, narrative in English. ) Suitable for any level middle, high school, available on Netflix, this film was such a gem you will want to own a copy. Movie guide contains 29 questions.
This project works best in a unit with natural and man made disaster vocabulary and preterite verbs. Students should have a good grasp of both regular and irregular preterite verbs before taking this project on. Student work in pairs to create a short newscast of current events. They can use real events or create their own. Download contains instructions for project, grading rubric and an outline for students to take notes on their current event before creating their newscast, and a thematic vocabulary list. Project works best with level II or higher and each newscast takes about 5 minutes to present in class. Project could be easily differentiated to creating a video.
Click here to see a link of a finished student project:
Film covers what happens when ICE agents invade a meat processing plant in Postville Iowa. A true story, this film is EXCELLENT at explaining how undocumented workers are detained, deported, separated from families, how they are processed, why they come to work, and the responsibilities of the people who own businesses that benefit from their presence. Movie guide contains 26 questions in chronological order of the film, with opportunities for students to brainstorm, pair share and discuss their reactions. Runs just over an hour and is available for purchase at http://abusedthepostvilleraid.blogspot.com/ or on demand at vimeo.
There are several links for follow up trailers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDG6-1zp52w&list=PL00B092D3FE38B664 if you want to track with students what happened a year later. This film works well for Social Studies class discussing immigration or Spanish class. The documentary is in English with subtitled interviews in Spanish.
This new Netflix documentary examines consumer habits and the culture of excess and waste created in the interest of generating profits, particularly in the retail clothing, tech and food industries. Also discussed is the environmental impact our consumer habits have on our planet. This subversive documentary unpacks the tricks brands use to keep their customers consuming and the real impact they have on our lives and the world.
Download contains a pre-watching survey for students followed by questions in chronological order that follow the film and finally a reflection on their own consumer habits post viewing. This film would be excellent for any science class examining environmental impact, a business class studying how internet giants like Amazon function, or an ethics class. Film takes 2 days to watch or 3 if you want to extend the activities and allow for time to answer questions.