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All lessons posted are full lessons, which include all necessary worksheets and sources. All lessons posted have been tried and tested in the classroom. All schemes of work are available as a pack or individually, check out the free lessons to get an idea about the types of sources and activities included in other lessons.




All lessons posted are full lessons, which include all necessary worksheets and sources. All lessons posted have been tried and tested in the classroom. All schemes of work are available as a pack or individually, check out the free lessons to get an idea about the types of sources and activities included in other lessons.
*5 Full Lessons* Changing Nature of the Royal Navy (Edexcel A-Level History)

*5 Full Lessons* Changing Nature of the Royal Navy (Edexcel A-Level History)

5 Resources
This is a series of lessons covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914. This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy. The Bundle contains the following lessons: Lesson 1: Introduction to the Royal Navy and the Age of Sail. Lesson 2: Development of Technology Lesson 3: Changing Role of the Navy (Suppression of the Slave Trade) Lesson 4: Royal Navy and the Suppression of Piracy Lesson 5: Royal Navy Voyages of Discovery Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit
*Full Lesson* Lesson 5 - Attacking a Castle

*Full Lesson* Lesson 5 - Attacking a Castle

This is the fifth lesson of a scheme of work in about Medieval Castles. The focus of the lesson is to have pupils evaluate the different methods used to attack castles. During the lesson pupils will: - Use an ISM to develop an initial list of the ways that castles could be attacked. - Use information to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different methods to attack castles. - Use the information from the lesson to plan an attack on a castle. - Complete peer assessment to evaluate plans of attack from other pupils. This lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and resources needed. This lesson is aimed towards year seven but could be easily adapted for key stage 1 or 2. If you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think.
*Full Lesson* Slavery: The Middle Passage

*Full Lesson* Slavery: The Middle Passage

This is the fourth lesson in a scheme of work about the Atlantic Slave Trade. This lesson in particular focuses on the middle passage and conditions for slaves on the ships. This lesson includes - * Discussion of the conditions for slaves on the slave ships. * Source analysis activity for pupils to gather information about the conditions on the slave ships. * Source activity looking at the usefulness and reliability of sources explaining aspects of the middle passage. The whole scheme of work (7 lessons) is available to buy for £5. Click on my username to see the rest of my resources.
*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Declaring the PRC (Edexcel A-Level History)

*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Declaring the PRC (Edexcel A-Level History)

This is the third lesson in a series of six covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic One: Establishing Communist Rule 1949 - 1957. The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will investigate: * Mao's proclamation of the PRC * Problems facing Mao and the communist party in 1949. * Mao Zedung though and the stages of communism according to Marx. * The common program for China and Mao's political vision for China * Beginning of political reform in China The first lesson in this scheme of work is available for free and all 6 lessons in the scheme of work are available for £5 in my shop. (Click on my username above) If you buy, please review. Thanks
*Full Lesson* Conditions in the Trenches during the First World War

*Full Lesson* Conditions in the Trenches during the First World War

This is a lesson from a scheme of work covering the First World War. During this lesson, pupils will use a variety of different sources to investigate and make judgements about the conditions in the trenches. This lesson was designed for a year 9/KS3 class but could be easily adapted for other classes or levels. The lesson is ready to teach and the power point contains all the resources required. During the lesson pupils will complete the following activities: * Complete a true or false activity about some of the myths about the First World War - Watch video to reinforce learning. * Briefly look at the Von Schlieffen plan plan and how it led to the development of trenches - Watch video to reinforce learning. * Pupils are presented with an opinion stating that conditions in the trenches were good. They will then consider a number of slides covering aspects of the trenches such as rats, lice, trench foot, food, equipment and they must find evidence to support or contradict the opinion. (This could be completed as a gallery task) *Complete a written task (writing frame provided) using evidence to respond to the opinion. If you buy this lesson, please leave a review and let me know what you think. Check out my shop (click on my user name above) to see more premium and free History lessons.
*6 Full Lessons* Battle of Hastings 1066

*6 Full Lessons* Battle of Hastings 1066

6 Resources
This bundle contains six full lessons of a scheme of work about the Battle of Hastings. The lessons included in the bundle are: Lesson 1: Claimant to the Throne Lesson 2: The Battle of Stamford Bridge Lesson 3: Battle of Hastings Soldiers Lesson 4: What happened at Hastings Lesson 5: Battle of Hastings assessment Lesson 6: Why did William win the Battle of Hastings. All lessons are ready to go and include all necessary resources. Click on my username above to see the rest of my resources. If you buy this bundle, please make sure to leave a review. Thanks
*Full Lesson* The Tudors: Henry VIII and the Break from Rome

*Full Lesson* The Tudors: Henry VIII and the Break from Rome

This is the third lesson in a scheme of work about the Tudors. The scheme of work is directed towards year 7 but could easily be adapted for KS1, KS2 or other year levels. The focus of this lesson is on evaluating the reasons why Henry VIII changed religion. During the lesson pupils will: - Recap Henry's problems from previous lesson. - Investigate the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism. - Investigate the Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon as a reason for his change in religion. - Prioritise the main reasons for his change in religion. - Complete a writing frame to evaluate learning during the lesson. This lesson is ready to teach and the power point includes all necessary resources. If you buy this resource, please leave a review. Check out my shop (click on my username above) for other free and premium History resources.
*Full Lesson* The Roman Empire: Boudica's Rebellion

*Full Lesson* The Roman Empire: Boudica's Rebellion

This is the fourth lesson of a scheme of work covering the Roman Empire. The aim of the lesson is to investigate and develop a roleplay about Boudica's Rebellion During the lesson pupils will: - Use ISM of the statue of Boudica to identify why she might be significant and why she has a statue in London. - Complete a short card sort to identify the chronology of Boudica's rebellion. - Use the information from the card sort to create a short role play portraying her rebellion. - Develop and apply success criteria to peer assess each other's role plays. This lesson is aimed towards year seven but could be easily adapted for key stage 1 or 2. This lesson is ready to teach and includes all the resources needed. if you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think.
*Full Lesson* Lesson 4: Canada- The impact of the Durham Report (Edexcel A-Level History)

*Full Lesson* Lesson 4: Canada- The impact of the Durham Report (Edexcel A-Level History)

This is the fourth lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914. This series of lessons covers the second depth study: Learning from past mistakes:Canada and the Durham Report, 1837 - 40 The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refers to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Investigate the character of the Earl of Durham and his early work in parliamentary reform. * Use source analysis to identify the reasons why Durham was chosen to deal with the Canadian situation * Investigate the actions taken by Durham in Canada and evaluate his reputation as a reformer and the reasons for the failure of the Canada mission. * Investigate and evaluate the impact of Durhams advisers Wakefield and Buller. * Decide if Durham deserves to be remembered as a reformer. * Evaluate British actions and decide if the way they dealt with Canada shows that they had learnt from their mistakes. Go to my shop for more free and premium history resources. (Click on my username above) If you buy this resource, please leave a review. Thanks
*Full Lesson* Lesson 3: Canada - Events and results of the Canadian Revolts, 1837 (Edexcel History)

*Full Lesson* Lesson 3: Canada - Events and results of the Canadian Revolts, 1837 (Edexcel History)

This is the third lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914. This series of lessons covers the second depth study: Learning from past mistakes:Canada and the Durham Report, 1837 - 40 The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refers to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Investigate declarations of independance from Upper and Lower Canada and identify any similarities and differences to the American declaration of Indedence. * Investigate and identidy the key events of the revolts in Upper and Lower Canada and decide which revolt the British might reguard as the most serious. * Investigate the results of the each revolt and the impact they had on the provicences. Prioritise the results to identify the most serious issues to be dealt with. * Decide and discuss if the Canadian revolts represented a serious threat to British control of the colonies. * Decide if the situation in Canada leading to revolt and the impact showed that the British had learnt from their mistakes after the loss of the American colonies. Go to my shop for more free and premium history resources. (Click on my username above) If you buy this resource, please leave a review. Thanks
*Full Lesson* The Roman Empire: Legacy of the Romans

*Full Lesson* The Roman Empire: Legacy of the Romans

This is the fifth lesson of a scheme of work covering the Roman Empire. The aim of the lesson is to investigate and evaluate the legacy of the Romans through History During the lesson pupils will: - Watch a video identifying the key aspects of life for a Roman child and compare it with their own life. - Use an information sheet to develop a poster identifying what they think are the most significant legacy of the Romans through History. - Share and compare their ideas with other pupils in the class through a gallery task. - Complete a short writing activity to evaluate the most significant legacy of the Romans. This lesson is aimed towards year seven but could be easily adapted for key stage 1 or 2. This lesson is ready to teach and includes all the resources needed. if you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think.
*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Why did Mao launch the Cultural Revolution (Edexcel A-Level History)

*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Why did Mao launch the Cultural Revolution (Edexcel A-Level History)

This is the second lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic Three: The Cultural Revolution and its Aftermath, 1966 - 76 The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Identify and evaluate Mao's reasons for launching the Cultural Revolution * Complete a writing task to evaluate these reasons. * Investigate the split in the CPC between ideologues and pragmatists as a reason for the Cultural Revolution. * Complete a source analysis task to create a profile of an average Red Guard member. * Use the text to outline information about the Red Guard and their role in the Cultural Revolution. * Consolidate knowledge about the Red Guard by creating a Dazibao (big character poster) * Complete writing task to evaluate reasons for the Cultural Revolution This lesson is based on a double lesson (100 minutes) but could easily be broken up into a number of smaller lessons. Please go to my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium History lessons. If you buy this resource, please leave a review.
*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Aims of the Cultural Revolution (Edexcel A-Level History)

*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Aims of the Cultural Revolution (Edexcel A-Level History)

This is the First lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic Three: The Cultural Revolution and its Aftermath, 1966 - 76 The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Suggest why Mao swam across the Yangtze River in 1966 and investigate the significance of the event in Mao's political life. * Compare depictions of Mao from 1958 and 1966 and suggest how and why they have changed. * Watch a video introducing pupils to the Red Guard and denunciations. * Analyse propaganda posters from the Cultural Revolution and suggest how the use of propaganda had changed since the 1950s. * Investigate the four olds and their significance * Consider a timeline and sources describing the key events of the Cultural Revolution * Use the information from the lesson to suggest why Mao launched the Cultural Revolution in 1966. This lesson is based on a double lesson (100 minutes) but could easily be broken up into a number of smaller lessons. Please go to my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium History lessons. If you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think. Thanks If you buy, please review.
*Full Lesson* Industrial Revolution: Coal

*Full Lesson* Industrial Revolution: Coal

This is a full lesson from a scheme of work about the Industrial Revolution. This lesson is aimed towards key stage three but could easily be adapted for other key stages. The focus of the lesson is to investigate the importance of coal during the Industrial Revolution and evaluate and suggest solutions for the problems facing coal miners. During the lesson pupils will: - Try to guess the subject of the lesson based on some clues. - Investigate how coal was used and evaluate the actions of a steam engine. - Identify problems facing coal miners and suggest possible solutions that could be implemented. - Compare pupil generated solutions with real solutions. - Write and peer assess a PEE paragraph to evaluate learning from the lesson. This lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and resources needed. If you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think.
*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Impact of the Korean War (Edexcel A-Level History)

*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Impact of the Korean War (Edexcel A-Level History)

This is the fifth lesson in a series of six covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic One: Establishing Communist Rule 1949 - 1957. The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. The lesson is quite long and could be easily split into two. During the lesson pupils will: * Identify the link between successful war and a leaders popularity. Make links with Mao in the Early 1950s. * Identify and explain Mao's atttitude towards the west before and during the Korean War. * Investigate the causes and main events of the Korean War and Chinese involvement. * Complete a card sort activity to prioritise the positive and negative impact of the Korean War on China. * Investigate and analyse communist propaganda linked to the Korean War. * Homework task - Complete essay to decide if the Korean War was worth fighting for Mao. The first lesson in this scheme of work is available for free and a bundle of all 6 lessons in the scheme of work are available for £6 in my shop. (Click on my username above) If you buy, please review. Thanks
*Full Lesson* The First World War: Joining Up

*Full Lesson* The First World War: Joining Up

This is the Third lesson in a scheme of work about the First World War. The lesson focuses on nationlistic feeling at the start of the war and the study of propaganda posters to begin to explain why young men joined the army at the start of the First World War. The lesson is ready to teach and includes all required resources in the PowerPoint. During the lesson, Pupils will complete the following: * Recap work from previous lessons and identify how far Gavrilo Princip was responsible for the start of the First World War. * Source analysis of a picture of a line to get into an Army recruitment office. Pupils begin to suggest reasons why young men joined the army at the start of the First World War. * Class and individual analysis of the effectiveness of propaganda posters. Pupils to report their findings to the rest of the class. * Homework task: Pupils create their own propaganda poster. Check out my shop (click on my user name above) to see more premium and free History lessons. If you buy this lesson, please leave a review and let me know what you think.
*Full Lesson* The Birth of British Australia: Gov Phillips and Maquarie (Edexcel A-Level)

*Full Lesson* The Birth of British Australia: Gov Phillips and Maquarie (Edexcel A-Level)

This is the second lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914. This series of lessons covers the second depth study: The Birth of British Australia 1788 - 1829. The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Follow up on previous lesson by evaluating the successes and limitations of Phillips leadership * Identify and evaluate the political instability caused by the Rum Rebellion and the conflict between William Bligh and the New South Wales Corp * Investigate the measures taken by Governor Maquarie and evaluate his leadership. * Compare and contrast the leadership of Phillips and Maquarie and decide which one was more significant to the development of the Australian colony. Go to my shop to see more History resource. (Click on my username above) If you buy, please review.
*Full Lesson* British Empire: India and the East India Company

*Full Lesson* British Empire: India and the East India Company

This is the First lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914. This series of lessons covers the fourth depth study: Nearly Losing and Empire: The British in India 1829 - 58. The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Investigate the punishment of "Blowing from a gun" inflicted on Sepoys involved in the 1857 uprising. * Analyse a map showing initial European settlement of India. * Use the text to begin to investigate the East India Company and its role in India. * Watch a video outlining the History of the East India company. Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit. If you buy this resource, please leave a review.
The Spy Game - Background to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The Spy Game - Background to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

This lesson introduces pupils to the spying aspect of the Cold War with a particular emphasis on the Cuban Missile Crisis. During the lesson, pupils work in groups to evaluate different scenarios and present courses of action that America could take. In their groups pupils will: * Give suggestions of the best way to use the U2 spy plane against the USSR * Analyse spy plane photos of Soviet Missile Sites in Cuba * Consider different courses of action and advise JFK on what he should do about the missiles. *Hot-seat a briefing for JFK and what decision he should take. All resources needed for the lesson are on the power point and I have included brief notes on the slide to advice as to the best way to use them. I have used this lesson for many years (including during an outstanding observation) with great success. I have uploaded all 17 lessons from this Cold War scheme of work and they are available to purchase for £5. (Click on my user name to see all of my resources.)
Impact of Prohibition

Impact of Prohibition

Lesson on the impact of prohibition of American Society. The worksheet referred to for the spider diagram are from the textbook "The USA 1919 - 1941" by Steve Waugh and John Wright.