Ramayana Audiobook - The Story behind the Indian festival DiwaliQuick View

Ramayana Audiobook - The Story behind the Indian festival Diwali

<p>Our audiobook on the Ramayana was written and narrated by two school going brothers, Shreyas and Ayur Pulle. Both boys had done skits and projects at school on the Ramayana as part of their RE work. They read several versions of the story and felt a need for the story to be conveyed in a succinct and comprehensible manner.</p> <p>They re-wrote this epic story from India over 4 years and finally narrated it themselves. The audiobook was published on Audible in 2016 and has received a lot of acclaim, including featuring in the The Times, UK as “One of the best audiobooks of 2017”.</p> <p>THe audiobook is only an hour long and explains the story behind the Indian festival Diwali. To set the mood, the chapters have musical interludes.</p>
Ramayana Puppet ShowQuick View

Ramayana Puppet Show

<p>Based on our audiobook titled “Ramayana - An Ancient Indian Epic”, we at Puranas Ltd have produced a 15 minute puppet show on the Ramayana, which is the story behind the Indian festival, Diwali.</p> <p>All the puppets, props have been designed and made in London by artists from the world of puppetry. The music has been composed bespoke for the story. There are subtitles, to help the hearing impaired to take in the visuals and enjoy the story.</p> <p>The puppets have been dressed in different costumes, to illustrate the scenes better. Hope you enjoy our production.</p> <p>Any feedback, please write to me</p> <p><a href="mailto:info@puranas.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">info@puranas.co.uk</a></p> <p>Many Thanks,<br /> Neelima</p>
Ramayana - Story Behind the Hindu Festival DiwaliQuick View

Ramayana - Story Behind the Hindu Festival Diwali

2 Resources
<p>We at Puranas Ltd, have produced a one hour audiobook on the Ramayana. The story has been re-written and narrated by teenage brothers, Shreyas Pulle and Ayur Pulle in 2016 when they were 17and 12 years old.<br /> The audiobook featured in The Times, UK as one of the “Best Audiobooks of 2017”.</p> <p>We have also produced a puppet show that visually illustrates the story behind the Indian festival, Diwali. The puppets have been designed and made in London. The music has been composed bespoke for the show. We performed several shows at The Mayor of London sponsored Diwali in Trafalgar Square in 2018 and 2019. We also performed performed at the prestigious, The Nehru Center, which is the Indian Cultural center associated with the High Commission of India in London. We received excellent feedback at both our performances. The puppet show is 15 minutes long.</p> <p>We are offering the audiobook and the puppet show video for £10 during the lockdown period. Hope you enjoy listening to the audiobook and watching the puppet show!</p>