Black Death - Source analysisQuick View

Black Death - Source analysis

<p>Discover an engaging Year 7 lesson on the causes and events of the Black Death. The lesson revolves around the enquiry question ‘what was life like during the black death?’</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format and the worksheets are in PDF format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p> <p>Lesson 1: Events of the Black Death - FREE!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 2: Experience of the Black Death<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 3: Impacts of the Black Death<br /> <a href=""></a></p>
Drainage basinsQuick View

Drainage basins

<p>Discover an engaging KS3 lesson on drainage basins. This lesson models, defines and examines the nature of the water system around the enquiry question ‘How does the hydrological cycle operate within a drainage basin?’</p> <p>There are step by step models of the Hydrological cycle supported by video links to aid students visualisation of drainage basins</p> <p>There are multiple opportunities for formative assessment and key check points built in that act as Hinge moments to adapt learning to the needs of the students.</p> <p>The lesson ends with an optional GCSE extention question -'Describe how the hydrological cycle operates within a drainage basin?"</p> <p>The Lesson is provided in powerpoint format and worksheets in PDF format. Feel free to adapt the lesson to fit your best use.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - What are rivers? - FREE<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 2 - Hydrological cycle<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 3 - Drainage basins<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 4 - River Tees - FREE<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 6 - waterfalls<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 7 - Causes of Flooding<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 8 - Flood Management<br /> <a href=""></a></p>
Hydrological cycleQuick View

Hydrological cycle

<p>Discover an engaging KS3 lesson on the Hydrological cycle. This lesson models, defines and examines the nature of the water system around the enquiry question ‘what are the key features of the Hydrological cycle?’</p> <p>There are step by step models of the Hydrological cycle supported by video links to aid students visualisation of the Hydrological cycle.</p> <p>There are multiple opportunities for formative assessment and key check points built in that act as Hinge moments to adapt learning to the needs of the students.</p> <p>The lesson ends with an optional GCSE extention question - ‘Why would deforestation lead to flooding?’</p> <p>The Lesson is provided in powerpoint format. Feel free to adapt the lesson to fit your best use.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - What are rivers? - FREE<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 2 - Hydrological cycle<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 3 - Drainage basins<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 4 - River Tees - FREE<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 6 - waterfalls<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 7 - Causes of Flooding<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 8 - Flood Management<br /> <a href=""></a></p>
WaterfallsQuick View


<p>Discover an engaging KS3 lesson on the formation of waterfalls. This lesson models waterfall formation along the enquiry question ‘How and where do waterfalls form?"</p> <p>There are step by step models of waterfall formation supported by video links to aid students visualisation of the process.</p> <p>There are multiple opportunities for formative assessment and key check points built in that act as Hinge moments to adapt learning to the needs of the students.</p> <p>The lesson ends with an optional GCSE extention question - ‘Why would deforestation lead to flooding?’</p> <p>The Lesson is provided in powerpoint format with worksheets in PDF format. Feel free to adapt the lesson to fit your best use.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - What are rivers? - FREE<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 2 - Hydrological cycle<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 3 - Drainage basins<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 4 - River Tees - FREE<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 7 - Flood Causes<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 8 - Flood Management<br /> <a href=""></a></p>
Flood ManagementQuick View

Flood Management

<p>Discover an engaging KS3 lesson on the management of flooding. This lesson revolves around the enquiry question ‘How are hard and soft strategies used to manage a river?’</p> <p>The lesson is sequenced so that students first have to define, then categorise then apply hard and soft management strategies.</p> <p>The lesson ends with a GCSE style question ‘Explain how soft engineering can reduce the impact of flooding.’</p> <p>The Lesson is provided in powerpoint format with worksheets in PDF format. Feel free to adapt the lesson to fit your best use.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - What are rivers? - FREE<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 2 - Hydrological cycle<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 3 - Drainage basins<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 4 - River Tees - FREE<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 6 - waterfalls<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 7 - Causes of Flooding<br /> <a href=""></a></p>
Black Death - ConsequencesQuick View

Black Death - Consequences

<p>Discover an engaging Year 7 lesson on the causes and events of the Black Death. The lesson revolves around the enquiry question ‘How did life in Europe change as a result of the Black Death?’</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format and the worksheets are in PDF format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p> <p>Lesson 1: Events of the Black Death - FREE!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 2: Experience of the Black Death<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 3: Impacts of the Black Death<br /> <a href=""></a></p>
Flood causesQuick View

Flood causes

<p>Discover an engaging KS3 lesson on the causes of flooding. This lesson contextualises the causes of flooding by first modelling a flood and then analysing factors that lead to flooding.</p> <p>This is reinforced by a look at the Boscastle case study (supported by videos) and the human and physical causes of this flood.</p> <p>The lesson ends with a hinge question ‘How do human and physical factors lead to flooding?’</p> <p>The Lesson is provided in powerpoint format with worksheets in PDF format. Feel free to adapt the lesson to fit your best use.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - What are rivers? - FREE<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 2 - Hydrological cycle<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 3 - Drainage basins<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 4 - River Tees - FREE<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 6 - waterfalls<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lesson 8 - Flood Management<br /> <a href=""></a></p>
The Liberal Reforms (1906-1910)Quick View

The Liberal Reforms (1906-1910)

<p>Lesson 31 of the AQA GCSE unit: Medicine through time.</p> <p>Discover an engaging KS4 lesson that explores the causes and impacts of the Liberal reforms</p> <p>The lesson contextualises the changing politics that led to the Liberal reforms, the reforms themselves, and the impact of the reforms.</p> <p>There are opportunities for deliberate practice for: explanation of significance, evaluation of causation. All worksheet and information sheet are PDF format.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘How did the Liberal reforms improve public health?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p> <p>FREE!</p> <p>Health and the people AQA revision guide - <a href=""></a></p>
Edward Jenner & VaccinationQuick View

Edward Jenner & Vaccination

<p>Lesson 7 of the AQA GCSE unit: Medicine through time.</p> <p>Discover an engaging KS4 lesson that explores the historical significance and opposition to Vaccination.</p> <p>The lesson contextualises Edward Jenner’s background, the discovery of Vaccination and initial opposition to vaccination.</p> <p>There is modelling of source analysis and opportunities for deliberate practice for: source analysis and a reciprocal reader on Jenner’s work. All worksheet and information sheet are PDF format.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘What opposition did Vaccination face?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p> <p>FREE<br /> Health and the people AQA revision guide - <a href=""></a></p>
Galen - Medicine through timeQuick View

Galen - Medicine through time

<p>Lesson 2 of the AQA GCSE unit: Medicine through time.</p> <p>Discover an engaging KS4 lesson that explores the historical significance of Claudius Galen.</p> <p>The lesson contextualises Galen’s background, approach to medicine and his impact on Medieval treatments.</p> <p>There is modelling of source analysis and opportunities for deliberate practice for: source analysis, explanation of significance and categorising medieval treatments. All worksheet and information sheet are PDF format.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘How did Galen impact Medieval treatments?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p> <p>FREE<br /> Health and the people AQA revision guide - <a href=""></a></p>
Hippocrates - Medicine through timeQuick View

Hippocrates - Medicine through time

<p>Lesson 1 of the AQA GCSE unit: Medicine Through Time.</p> <p>Discover an engaging KS4 lesson that explores the historical significance of Hippocrates and his impact on Medieval beliefs.</p> <p>The lesson contextualises medieval and modern knowledge of disease, Hippocrates biography and the impacts of Hippocrates on medieval medicine.</p> <p>There is deliberate practice focused on explaining the historical significance of Hippocrates. Both the worksheet and information sheet are PDF format.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘How did Hippocrates impact medieval beliefs?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p> <p>FREE!<br /> Health and the people AQA revision guide - <a href=""></a></p>
Silk RoadQuick View

Silk Road

<p>Ideal unit for diversifying the curriculum by exploring Asian history. This unit contextualises and then evaluates the Silk Road’s historical importance.</p> <p>Free Lesson 1 available here: <a href=""></a></p> <p>Provides students with an understanding of the connections between Asia and Europe.</p> <p>Lessons included:</p> <ul> <li>What was the Silk Road?</li> <li>Chronology of the Silk Road</li> <li>Trade along the Silk Road</li> <li>Silk Road &amp; Slavery</li> <li>The Mongol Empire</li> <li>Marco Polo</li> <li>The historical significance of the Silk Road</li> </ul> <p>Key historical skills:</p> <ul> <li>Chronology</li> <li>Source analysis</li> <li>Significance</li> <li>Historical interpretation (edited Susan Whitfield ‘Slaves on the Silk Road’)</li> <li>16 mark Edexcel GCSE plan &amp; model answer</li> </ul> <p>The lessons comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt to suit your needs best!</p>
Pearl HarbourQuick View

Pearl Harbour

<p>Discover an engaging KS3 lesson that explores the historical significance of the Pearl Harbour attack within the wider question of ‘Why did the USA enter WW2?’</p> <p>The lesson contextualises US involvement in the second world war, the US relationship with Japan prior to WW2 and the events of Pearl Harbour.</p> <p>There are video links to support students appreciation of the Pearl Harbour attack and question how they would have reacted in response.</p> <p>There is deliberate practice focused on explaining causation (What led to US entry into WW2?). Both the worksheet and information sheet are PDF format.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘Why did the USA enter WW2?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p>
Domesday Book  - Norman ConquestQuick View

Domesday Book - Norman Conquest

<p>Discover an engaging KS3 lesson that brings the Domesday Survey to life, exploring its key features and uncovering the aims of William the Conqueror.</p> <p>The lesson contextualises William’s economic problems after the conquest, the aims and creation of the Domesday survey.</p> <p>There are video links to support students engagement and help them to visualise the creation of the Domesday survey.</p> <p>There is an opportunity to model source analysis followed by multiple sources where students can practice this skill.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘What were the key features of the Domesday book?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p>
The New Deal - USAQuick View

The New Deal - USA

<p>Lesson 12 for the AQA history unit- America: Opportunity and Inequality.</p> <p>The lesson starts with retrieval practice on the Great Depression and 1932 presidential election so that teachers can quickly identify and adapt to existing misconceptions.</p> <p>The lesson contextualises the 3 aims of the New Deal: Relief, recovery and restructure followed by examining the key policies of the New Deal.</p> <p>There are video links to support students engagement and help them to visualise the impact of the New Deal.</p> <p>There is deliberate practice focused around explaining the importance of each New Deal policy and a worksheet categorising the alphabet agencies. Both worksheets are in PDF form.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘How did the New Deal impact ordinary Americans?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p>
The Red Scare - USAQuick View

The Red Scare - USA

<p>Lesson 8 for the AQA history unit- America: Opportunity and Inequality.</p> <p>The lesson starts with retrieval practice on cultural and immigration changes in the 1920s so that teachers can quickly identify and adapt to existing misconceptions.</p> <p>The lesson contextualises the attitudes towards immigrants, the Palmer raids and the Sacco and Vanzetti case.</p> <p>There is deliberate practice focused around a reciprocal reader for students to extend their knowledge of the red scare.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘How did the red scare impact immigrants to America?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p>
1920s Immigration - USAQuick View

1920s Immigration - USA

<p>Lesson 7 for the AQA history unit- America: Opportunity and Inequality.</p> <p>The lesson starts with retrieval practice on women and cultural changes in the 1920s so that teachers can quickly identify and adapt to existing misconceptions.</p> <p>The lesson contextualises the historical background of US immigration, the changing attitudes towards immigration and the shift in immigration laws during the 1920s.</p> <p>There are a series of sources enabling opportunities to both model source analysis and extensive deliberate practice.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘How did US immigration laws change in the 1920s?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p>
Economic Boom causes - USAQuick View

Economic Boom causes - USA

<p>Lesson 2 for the AQA history unit- America: Opportunity and Inequality.</p> <p>The lesson starts with retrieval practice on the economic boom and ford case study so that teachers can quickly identify and adapt to existing misconceptions.</p> <p>The lesson expands upon the economic boom to evaluate the causes of the Boom through five key factors: Natural resources, WW1, Government policies, Mass production, Consumerism.</p> <p>There is an opportunity for deliberate practice where students categorise the evidence into causes followed by explanations of importance.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘why was there an economic boom in 1920s America?’ with the lesson concluding in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt to suit your needs best!</p>
The Economic Boom - USAQuick View

The Economic Boom - USA

<p>Lesson 1 for the AQA history unit- America: Opportunity and Inequality.</p> <p>The lesson contextualises the American economic boom of the 1920s through the key case study of the Ford Factory.</p> <p>There are video links to support students engagement and enable them to visualise the industrial changes in the ford factory.</p> <p>There is an opportunity to model the nature of the economic boom followed by deliberate practice where students apply this model to the ford factory case study.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘what was the economic boom?’ with the lesson concluding in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt to suit your needs best!</p>
1920s cultural change - USAQuick View

1920s cultural change - USA

<p>Lesson 5 for the AQA history unit- America: Opportunity and Inequality.</p> <p>The lesson starts with retrieval practice on the economic boom, wealth inequality and women’s lives so that teachers can quickly identify and adapt to existing misconceptions.</p> <p>The lesson contextualises 3 key changes to US culture in the 1920s: Sport, entertainment and movies.</p> <p>There are video links to support students engagement and enable them to visualise the culture of 1920s America.</p> <p>There is deliberate practice focused on summarising the key cultural changes of the 1920s. The worksheet is found in PDF format.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘How did US culture change during the 1920s?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p>
1920s women - USAQuick View

1920s women - USA

<p>Lesson 4 for the AQA history unit- America: Opportunity and Inequality.</p> <p>The lesson starts with retrieval practice on the economic boom and wealth inequality so that teachers can quickly identify and adapt to existing misconceptions.</p> <p>The lesson contextualises the changing position of women prior to and during the 1920s and the impact that this had on their lives.</p> <p>There are video links to support students engagement and help them to visualise the changing lives of 1920s women.</p> <p>There is deliberate practice focused around a reciprocal reader whereby students have to identify the changes to women’s lives.</p> <p>The lesson revolves around the key enquiry question ‘How did the role of women change in the 1920s?’ with the lesson ending in a PEE paragraph as a formative knowledge test.</p> <p>The lesson comes in PowerPoint format, feel free to adapt the lesson to suit your needs best!</p>