Ok, so this is my programming guide for visual basic. It is a WORK IN PROGRESS but i have had requests for it so i've uploaded. I use it for GCSE Computing and A level Computing. There is a link to the editable GoogleDoc for collaboaration.
This is a HTML reference guide for students that i made when i was a lowly network manager in a school.
I've tried to make it as comprehensive as possible, but other sections and feedback is always appreciated.
This is a unit devised for A-level computing to teach all the concepts required for A level computing. it contains all the lesson powerpoints as well as workbook with titles and examples for the students to work through.<br />
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Contains lessons and resources for normalization, SQL as well as all the theory required(hopefully!) I've also tried to base it around an Access Database example. so has Access query examples as well as SQL<br />
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most powerpoints have some form of starter, but not all.
<p>Complete set of lessons for a Year 8 SmallBasic.</p>
<p>Includes a word doc with all the lesson resources and lesson powerpoints for each unit, compelte with starter main and plenary.</p>
<p>Each unit has also levels of challenge task and is mapped to the computing curriculum. the intention is so that all students start at foundation level and build up to their current level.</p>
A set of 4 powerpoints that go through the Principals of Boolean Logic, Demorgan's law, Karnaugh Maps and Flip Flops.<br />
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This was originally written for the OCR A-Level Specification in computing, but could be easily used for AQA.
This is a powerpoint I made explaining how the algorithms for bubble and insertion sorts work.<br />
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This powerpoint contains custom animations demonstrating the effect and algorithms in simple terms as well as a comparison of the work.
This is a PowerPoint I made to demonstrate the concept of File merge and merge sort algorithms. This PowerPoint has custom animations to demonstrate the effects as well as an easy to understand algorithm explaining this in pseudocode prior to coding
A powerpoint I made in order to demonstrate the quicksort algorithm. the powerpoint contains custom animations in order to demonstrate the quicksort algorithm and Pseudocode that easy to understand in order to explain the concept prior to coding.
This is a poster i made after finding something online(link on poster). I've tried to reword to make more 'kid-friendly'.
Not sure if i'm completely happy with it yet, but i'm open to suggestion as to how to improve it. Please rate and comment if you have suggestions.
I used these last year as exercise sheets for my computing class. Start them in lesson and finish for homework.
Am currently re-designing them as Pseudocode exercises with hints on how to write. Comments always welcome, need help on more i can write.
Programming. This is a display that i made, slightly changed from my initial display, but it makes a full board of topics.
Please rate and can you comment too of anything else you think i could add to make this better.
A Programming Task i designed. should last 3/4 lessons. I gave it to a differentiated group of KS4 students with mixed results. Please comment so i can improve.
<p>A resource i made in conjunction with youthfed in the north west.</p>
<p>These are a set of cyber security posters that i made with quotes and images from people who actually do the job. anything you find that is wrong or out of date, please let me know!</p>