This is the BTEC Level 3 Business Unit 8 The Recruitment Process Distinction Level Exemplar this essay was audited by BTEC in 2018 this was used as coursework and should only be used as an exemplar.
It's very jumbled and difficult to understand as it's vaguely covered the specification...<br />
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I was not made aware of this when looking at the description of this resource.<br />
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My relationship with TES has been punctured by this transaction.<br />
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Overall i'm dishearten at the fact that i paid £8.49 as in my opinion it's useless.
5 years ago
I apologies that in your opinion you feel misled in anyway, however as stated in the title and description of this resources it is an exemplar of a piece of work. The fact is it was graded by BTEC a Distinction because it satisfied all of the specification.
Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user