This download will provide you with:
- A KS1 music planning unit - composition
- A composing knowledge organiser
- A music progression of skills tracker
The unit begins on developing children’s body percussion knowledge and then progresses into children composing 2 or 3 note melodies. The children will be challenged to begin to make connections between notations and musical sounds.
This is a lesson resources I have used within KS1 in England. It can be easily adapted to EYFS.
Skills met:
• Improvise simple vocal chants, using question and answer phrases.
• Create musical sound effects and short sequences in response to stimuli.
• Understand the difference between creating a rhythm pattern and a pitch pattern.
• Invent, retain and recall rhythm and pitch patterns and perform these for others.
• Recognise how graphic notation can represent created sound.
• Explore and invent own symbols
• Listen to sounds in the local school environment, comparing high and low sounds.
• Sing familiar songs in both low and high voices and talk about the difference in sound.
• Explore percussion sounds to enhance storytelling.
• Follow pictures and symbols to guide singing and playing.
• Create music in response to a non-musical stimulus (e.g., a storm, a car race, or a rocket launch).
• Work with a partner to improvise simple question and answer phrases, to be sung and played on untuned percussion, creating a musical conversation.
• Use graphic symbols, dot notation and stick notation, as appropriate, to keep a record of composed pieces.
• Use music technology, if available, to capture, change and combine sounds.
Please see my further Music resources to complement this unit.
Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.