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Easter problems
A worksheet using a variety of mathematical processes to solve simple Easter problems,
Two worksheets to reinforce knowledge of the Old Testament story of Moses.
Simple division using pictures.
Homework challenges
A series of simple research challenges used for homework.
Ordinal Number
A worksheet on ordinal number using the letters of the alphabet.
Past tense verbs
A worksheet to reinforce knowledge of simple past tense verbs.
The Three Trees
A philosophical enquiry/discussion lesson based on the Easter legend of the three trees.
Spring Rhyming
A worksheet where children think of words to rhyme with different words on the theme of Spring.
Ie words
A worksheet to help reinforce the spelling of 'ie' words.
Electrical Items wordsearch
A wordsearch featuring different electrical items.
People Who Help Us wordsearch
A wordsearch of People Who Help Us and related words.
Three worksheets about the use of adjectives.
Cars wordsearch
A wordsearch of car related words
Drama Vocabulary
A worksheet where children find the meaning of drama related vocabulary using a dictionary.
Joseph and His Brothers
A worksheet to reinforce knowledge of the Old Testament story of Joseph.
The Call of Samuel
A simple worksheet for early primary.
What is Fairness?
A philosophical/discussion lesson where children work in small groups to discuss the concept of fairness and what it really means. Suitable upper primary.
Quotation Marks
Two worksheets in which children can practise the correct use of quotation marks.
Multiplication problems
A worksheet of simple multiplication problems.
TU addition
A worksheet giving practice in the addition of TU.