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Diamond 9 Templates
Diamond 9 templates - great as part of an activity where students need to rank, prioritise or make decisions.

Seating plan templates
These are intended to be viewed as the students see the room, so they’re suitable to display on the screen / whiteboard. They’re in a dyslexia friendly font and should be easy to edit to suit your requirements.
Each table or group can be edited (colour etc.) for carousel / differentiation purposes. It’s best to keep a master copy of the template you use and duplicate it as needed.
To duplicate a slide, simply right click on it and click ‘duplicate slide’.
The final slide is a ‘build you own’ template. Drag and drop from the units provided, copy and paste where necessary to suit your own classroom layout.
These are fully editable. If you have any comments then please let us know via Facebook, Twitter or e-mail.

Geography - the causes of flooding worksheet
A simple activity to be included with teaching about the causes of flooding.
Students read the descriptions and draw a diagram for each one.
Ideal for lower ability groups.

Tricky word bricks
Complete set of tricky words on bricks, can be used as a word mat to support reading / writing in lessons, or used for display.
One in colour, and the other in black and white - which could be used as a resource for children to colour in the words they can read / spell.

GCSE - AQA Geography - Command Words
Includes a set of display bricks, a set of pairing cards and a matching activity sheet for students to fill in. These are the command words as dictated by AQA for the new GCSE geography specification.

English - Phonics - Split digraph (a_e) board game
FREE and ready to print in A3, this board game will teach students to read words containing the split digraph a_e sound. A fun and colourful game to use as part of your teaching / small group interventions.

Christmas Acrostic Poetry
Christmas Acrostic Poetry
Examples poems and templates.
Great end of year activity.

Exam question technique sheet
The main aim is…
This is an exam question answer planning tool. It was developed for lower ability students; to help them form an answer to a long exam question and to practise their exam technique.
It is intended to help students see they do have the necessary understanding, but also answer the question correctly to achieve the higher marks.
Key ideas and content…
The students tackle an exam question in steps.
The idea is the students have everything they need on the sheet in front of them, to help focus lower ability students and coach them in answering longer exam questions.
Students can apply the same process to an actual exam.
Students can develop their exam question technique (application of key terms, use of connectives, structure etc.) to access the higher marks.
To differentiate…
Work through the steps as a class, then allow the students to answer the actual question.
If using a structure – give time for teach section (a minute per mark?).
Before photocopying, provide subheadings to help students structure their answer.
Several colour coded versions have been included to enable carousel activities / differentiated activities / group work etc.
To extend…
Higher ability students could write their own mark scheme for the question on the back.
Attach SPaG marks.
Use the sheet with the ‘structure’ box instead of the thought bubble. The students will have to draw the horizontal lines depending on the structure / number of paragraphs.
Higher ability students could plan their answer on the lined graphic, and then write their actual answer on lined paper / on the back.
To assess…
Can be assessed by the teacher against the mark scheme.
Provide students with a mark scheme and allow them to assess/see where the marks come from.

Geography - Geographical skills - Sketching wall display
Wall chart with a step by step guide to sketching - aimed at GCSE geography but appropriate to KS3 as well.
Print in A3.
The full lesson is available at:

English - Punctuation dice
Elements to include in a lesson around punctuation:
- Interactive element to display
- Differentiated resources to print

Geography - Display - Temperate Deciduous Forest definition
Print in A3 and stick on the wall somewhere.

Plenary phones
Several phones/tablets to use in your teaching. These are fully editable and in a range of sizes. They’re great as a plenary or as part of a lesson.
There are many ways to use these. They’re ideal for plenary activities where students can show their understanding. Choose a phone style and edit accordingly. Suggestions include:
Students pass the phone between groups of 2,3,4 and fill in the messages to develop a discussion about their learning.
Teacher displays a question / edits the phone before printing to have the question on the screen, students answer.
Students could tweet their answer / post to some kind of social media on the blank phone.
Students write their own question and find somebody else in the class to answer it for them.
Students can draw a diagram / drawing to represent their learning (included).
Stick into their books to show progress / understanding.
Use to prompt discussion / students read their replies out.
Use Blooms question stems to differentiate.
These are full editable. If you have a great idea for the phones then let us know and we’ll add it to this resource.

Rewards - Praise Passport
An attractive ready to go rewards system, ideal for classroom use.
Included is the passport and a supporting wall chart.
Targets and rewards can be personalised to meet the needs of a student or class.
Includes an editable version: edit to match existing or whole school rewards system.
Works as a teacher monitoring tool.
Acts as a behaviour incentive.
Visually attractive and easy to follow
Ideal with all age groups.
All reviews for our paid resources have received a 5/5 review (As of 17th January 2017)

Geography - push and pull factor card sort activity sheet
A migration themed push & pull factor card sort. Use in the teaching of migration / population / urbanisation. Two versions: colour code or cut-out. Answer sheet included.

Geography - Natural hazards - Convection currents in the mantle
"Differentiated activity sheet to include as part of teaching how convection currents occur in the mantle. The end result is a colourful and sequenced diagram."
An activity requiring students to draw an annotated diagram to show how and why convection currents occur in the mantel.
The sheet has several activities built around this including; labeling the key features, adding arrows, explaining the processes, including a title and colouring it in.
There are three versions to suit higher, middle and lower ability groups / students.

Geography - Living in squatter settlement - Activity sheets
Two activity sheets intended to be used as part of a lesson. The theme of the lesson should be along the lines of ‘Life in a squatter settlement’, and could be taught with KS3 or KS4 students.
Resource 1: the effects on peoples lives
The main aim is for students to appreciate how the conditions / characteristics of a squatter settlement affect people’s lives.
The task is for students to complete the sheet in a few different ways.
There are nine problems / effects associated with living in a squatter settlement. For each effect, they must list the associated problems, and for several, also draw the problem. Ask the students the question – how would this affect your life if you lived there? There will be some repetition.
There are three blank cards as well, these are intended for higher ability students, or for the teacher to edit so as to include a problem which may be appropriate to the theme of their teaching.
Higher ability students can cut the cards out afterwards and glue them in their exercise books – this is an opportunity to identify links between the problems. There are several, and the whole activity is very open ended. Students could also sort their ideas into social, political and economic – they could use three different colours and a key to show this.
There are some answers on the next sheet, although there are many more.
Resource 2: the informal economy of a squatter settlement
The main aim is for students to appreciate how people can earn money within a squatter settlement. The focus should be on how the work is informal and doesn’t contribute to the tax base / official figures. This kind of work can be contained within a squatter settlement, but not necessarily so. This is an opportunity to draw a strong link to rural-urban migration; how the residents are often uneducated and unskilled, but wanting and needing to work.
The task is simple, for each form of employment, the student must draw an appropriate illustration. Model for lower ability, ask higher ability to include speech bubbles, or some form of written communication. Use as an opportunity to clear up any misunderstanding about what each term means.
All reviews for our paid resources have been 5/5* (as of March 19th 2017)

Easter Egg Design
Aimed at D&T / Primary.
2 draft / design proposals - with sticky notes and drawing space.
Easter egg template / packaging template - great for display work!
Can be edited to include a theme / topic.