All resources

The Butterfly - poem by Pavel Friedmann
A lesson that guides students through analysis of Pavel Friedmann’s poem The Butterfly. Discusses the holocaust, concentration camps and ghettos.

AQA Unseen Poetry Practice
A lesson that helps students revise for the unseen poetry questions in AQA Lit Paper 2.

Cambridge IGCSE Poetry The Instant of My Death by Sarah Jackson Analysis
A worksheet that guides students through analysis of The Instant of My Death by Sarah Jackson for the IGCSE Cambridge Literature exam.

AQA Poetry Revision Exam Lesson Anthology and Unseen
A lesson guiding students through the poetry sections of the Literature Paper 1 AQA exam. The practice question is based on Tissue from Power and Conflict.

AQA Revision Poetry Exam Lesson
A lesson guiding students through the poetry sections of the Literature Paper 1 AQA exam. The practice question is based on Storm on the Island from Power and Conflict.

Hunger - a poem
A lesson for Key Stage 3 which guides them through analysis of the poem Hunger and then encourages them to write their own using metaphors. The poem is about starving people/children living in far off countries.

The Window by Mary Jean Chan - poetry lesson
A lesson that guides students through analysis of Mary Jean Chan’s poem The Window (LGBTQI+ poetry). It deals with coming out, and gender identity. Suitable for Year 9 upwards.

The Right Word poem by Imtiaz Dharker
A poem that guides students through analysis of the poem The Right Word.

AQA Poetry Power and Conflict Lesson Analysing The Prelude poem
A lesson that guides students through analysis of The Prelude from the Power and Conflict cluster of the anthology for AQA Lit Paper 2.

Cambidge IGCSE Literature Poetry The Road poem by Nancy F-Cato
A worksheet that guides students through a series of tasks to analyse the poem The Road by Nancy F-Cato for the IGCSE Cambridge Literature exam.

Island Man by Grace Nichols
A lesson that guides students through analysis of the poem Island Man by Grace Nichols.

Rupi Kaur Poetry
This lesson introduces students to Rupi Kaur, explores some of her poetry and then challenges students to write poetry in the style of her.

Creative Writing - Setting
A lesson that guides students through setting description inspired by Elizabeth Gaskell.

Marcus Rashford - the Power of Persuasive Writing
A resource that guides students through analysis and evaluation of Marcus Rashford’s persuasive writing.

Act 3 to the End of An Inspector Calls
Analysis of Act 3 to the end of the play of An Inspector Calls. Includes analysis of the generation gap with a model paragraph. GCSE focused.

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Analysis of the Opening
Analysis of the opening of Curious Incident.

Trump - Persuasive Language
A resource guiding students through evaluation of Trump’s power of persuasion. Links specifically to his ‘build a wall’ speech - also inspires students to challenge and write their own persuasive response.

Science-Fiction Extract Analysis and Creative Writing
2/3 lessons that guide students through analysis of Oryx and Crake (Atwood) and Never Let Me Go (Ishiguro), and then creating their own Sci-Fi short story.

Dystopia Black Out Poetry
A lesson guiding students through writing black-out poetry based on the theme of dystopia.

Creative Writing - Setting The Dark Heart of Italy
A lesson that guides students through descriptive writing ideas for setting. Includes a transformation task where students adapt a positive description into a negative one.