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Creative Writing Task Worksheet Dystopia
A worksheet that provides a creative writing task for students linked to the theme of dystopia and gives them instructions to follow for each sentence to aid their ability to vary punctuation and sentence structures.

Creative Writing Task Worksheet - grammar literacy focus
A worksheet that provides a creative writing task for students and gives them instructions to follow for each sentence to aid their ability to vary punctuation and sentence structures.

Animal Farm Worksheet - analysing propaganda in Squealer's Speech Ch.3
A worksheet that guides students through analysing the use of rhetoric in Squealer’s speech.

Funeral Blues - Auden - Analysis Worksheet
A worksheet that guides students through identifying techniques and analysing the poem.

Creative Writing - Dystopian Characters
A lesson that guides students through evaluation of dystopian character descriptions and then to write their own.

Dystopia Black Out Poetry
A lesson guiding students through writing black-out poetry based on the theme of dystopia.

Cambridge IGCSE Poetry The Instant of My Death by Sarah Jackson Analysis
A worksheet that guides students through analysis of The Instant of My Death by Sarah Jackson for the IGCSE Cambridge Literature exam.

Cambidge IGCSE Literature Poetry The Road poem by Nancy F-Cato
A worksheet that guides students through a series of tasks to analyse the poem The Road by Nancy F-Cato for the IGCSE Cambridge Literature exam.

Creative Writing - Setting
A lesson that guides students through setting description inspired by Elizabeth Gaskell.

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Analysis of the Opening
Analysis of the opening of Curious Incident.

Creative Writing - Setting The Dark Heart of Italy
A lesson that guides students through descriptive writing ideas for setting. Includes a transformation task where students adapt a positive description into a negative one.

Creative Writing Lesson Inspired by Extract from Setting Extract from Lord of the Flies
A lesson that guides students through analysis and evaluation of the description of the island at the beginning of the novel, leading to students writing creatively.

Creative Writing - Real Characters
A creative writing lesson that guides students through evaluation of character description examples and then encourages them to plan and write their own.

Structuring Short Stories
A lesson that guides students to evaluate the structure of a short story and inspires them to write their own.

How to write a story - Narrative Structures
A lesson that guides students through evaluation of typical story structures, to look at examples of these and to plan their own narratives.

Creative Writing - Describing Characters
A creative writing focused lesson that guides students through evaluation of character descriptions and then creating their own.

Creative Writing Setting - Heart of Darkness
A lesson that guides students through descriptive writing of setting, using an extract from Conrad’s Heart of Darkness as inspiration.

Persuasive Writing Revision and Tasks
A perfect resource for revision and practising persuasive writing skills with Year 9,10 or 11.

Animal Farm Blackout Poetry
A creative lesson that compliments a study of Animal Farm. A fun way to engage with the text that also develops creative writing skills.