
11 plus paper 21 Multiple choice maths
11 plus prepration for Maths**
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SIMPLEX METHOD Text book questions
Print 2 sided, 2 staples,
This could be a good workbook for mixed excercise
Students do not need to draw the tables

C1 Sketching Curves past paper questions Organised in 4 types
Past paper question from this topic collected as per skills needed

Sheet 2 for the paper 2 edexcel
To go with sheet 1 ...this completes all the topics which are likely to be tested in the calculator paper

Revision Edexcel GCSE Maths Paper 2
Practice Sheet for the topics which are likely to be tested in paper 2 on 9th June

Edexcel M1 and M2 Statics
Revison questions on Statics M1 and M2 ..clearley seperated and the markscheme..

Starter Sheets for C1 and C2
Sheets which could be used as starter and pupils' will have to find the mistake in each of the 3 sheets. Worked brilliantly for the group starting on to Trapezium rule in C2