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I am a Secondary English Teacher on a mission - to produce the highest quality lessons I possibly can with the intention of saving precious time for teachers!




I am a Secondary English Teacher on a mission - to produce the highest quality lessons I possibly can with the intention of saving precious time for teachers!
Lord of the Flies Activity Bundle

Lord of the Flies Activity Bundle

5 Resources
This bundle is chock-full of my bestselling Lord of the Flies activities, including graphic organisers, homework menus, vocabulary quizzes and fun activities. Use it to consolidate knowledge or build research skills outside of class. Great for teaching boys!
Shakespeare's Macbeth Key Scene Worksheets - 13 Pages of Rigorous Questions!

Shakespeare's Macbeth Key Scene Worksheets - 13 Pages of Rigorous Questions!

Study Shakespeare's Macbeth using these high-interest, rigorous worksheets on key scenes! Packed full of tasks to inspire and engage both creatively and analytically, focusing on characters, plot, language and themes. The sheets include focus on the following sections: -The Witches -Act 1 Scene 2 -Act 1 Scene 3-5 (two pages) -Act 1 Scene 7 -Act 2 Scene 2 (two pages) -Act 3 Scene 4 -Act 4 Scene 3 -Act 5 Scene 1 -Act 5 Scene 8 and 9 PLUS Two pages of literary terminology and questions relating to their use in the play. Enjoy using these resources for grabbing your students attention when studying the remarkable Scottish Play!
MASSIVE Macbeth Crossword Puzzle for Revision - 50 Clues!

MASSIVE Macbeth Crossword Puzzle for Revision - 50 Clues!

This is a massive Macbeth Crossword Puzzle for revision and consolidation - it is full of key quotes, characters, plot points and motifs. It should take a considerable amount of time (and probably some research) to complete it, so would be perfect to set for homework or while you are working 1:1 with students. Also includes a complete answer key so that you can check answers with ease. It is also part of my growing Macbeth bundle - purchase it at the current price and get access to all new uploads for free!
MACBETH Character Revision - Who Am I? Flyswatter Review Game

MACBETH Character Revision - Who Am I? Flyswatter Review Game

This is a fun and exciting review game for Macbeth which comprises of 50 character clues. Instructions for play: Stick the character names to the wall or board. Split the class into teams (two works best, but you can rotate players if you need more) and have them nominate a ‘swatter’ to begin. You will need something they can use to hit the character answer – a flyswat or paper plate works well. As you read out each clue, the players race to find the correct character name on the board and be the first to hit it. This works wonderfully for an end of study review, or for revision before an exam. I hope it brings as much enthusiasm to your classroom as it does to mine – happy playing!
EDEXCEL Conflict Poetry Revision - Learn Key Quotations Fun Challenge!

EDEXCEL Conflict Poetry Revision - Learn Key Quotations Fun Challenge!

This is a set of progressively more challenging gap-fill sheets to help students learn key quotations for the Edexcel Conflict poetry cluster. Begin by giving students the completed quotations to learn. I then give them a week to practise them and give them the next sheet to complete either independently or in groups. This has had tremendous results for my students, all of whom are now feeling much more confident about sitting the poetry exam!
Imaginative Writing SOW - The Supernatural, Sinister and the Downright Scary Unit - 20 Lessons!

Imaginative Writing SOW - The Supernatural, Sinister and the Downright Scary Unit - 20 Lessons!

19 Resources
This is a 20-lesson unit on imaginative writing, originally designed for Year 9 students. It contains a full Scheme of Work, plus homework menu and accompanying anthology of short stories. Each lesson is complete with PowerPoint and any necessary resources. This is a highly differentiated and organised resource with focus on extending the links between reading and writing. There are two assessment points (baseline and final) plus various extended writing opportunities throughout. This has been incredibly successful at my school and has achieved fantastic results in improving students' writing. I hope you enjoy teaching it as much as I enjoyed making it!
Animal Farm: Key Quotation Posters for Display

Animal Farm: Key Quotation Posters for Display

Create a visually appealing display while encouraging recall and quotation retention! This set includes 30 key quotations from Orwell’s novella, taken from across the ten chapters. Each is clearly labelled with the chapter it has come from, and, where relevant, the character that said it. It is an excellent way to quiz students on their knowledge retention, and studies show that having these visuals displayed in classrooms helps students to remember the quotations in the exams!
HALLOWEEN Creative Dice-ing: A Board Game for SPOOKY Imaginative Writing

HALLOWEEN Creative Dice-ing: A Board Game for SPOOKY Imaginative Writing

Roll the dice and create something TERRIFYING! This is a Halloween version of my popular roll the dice board game for Creative Writing. It consists of a vibrant grid full of spooky Halloween-inspired images, words and phrases to provoke out-the-box thinking and writing! Students roll the dice to choose a genre, then roll again moving across the board to land on weird and wonderful prompts, including fangs, thunderstorm, snake, creepy doll and a full moon. This has produced some really outstanding writing from my students and can be used to aid writers' block in even the most reluctant of budding authors. NOTE: This product requires you to supply your own dice.
Word Birds Word of the Week Year 8 High-Level Vocabulary Builder: 40 Lessons!

Word Birds Word of the Week Year 8 High-Level Vocabulary Builder: 40 Lessons!

Welcome to Word Birds, a weekly lesson and resources to build higher-level vocabulary in your 8th Grade students. These weekly lessons include the following: • a single word plus definition as a PDF designed to be printed as a poster and displayed in your room • a PowerPoint slide to accompany the poster, with an example of how to use the word in a sentence • 6 entertaining task cards to get your students using the word in a variety of ways including my trademark comic strip! • a Word Bird helpsheet explaining the differences between verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbs. • a record sheet to go in student exercise books to help them keep track of the words they have learnt. Most school years run for 38 weeks, but I’ve included 40 words in case you don’t fancy using any of them or you want to use them on other occasions too. Package includes: 40 slides PowerPoint 40-page PDF of words plus definitions for student handouts or posters 6 mini task cards 1 record sheet 1 help sheet to be used as a student handout. NOTE: This set will be followed with Word Birds for grades 8-12 shortly, along with a complete bundle of all six sets!
Heroes by Robert Cormier - Complete Unit of 24 Lessons

Heroes by Robert Cormier - Complete Unit of 24 Lessons

This is a complete GCSE unit novel study for Robert Cormier's Heroes. This comprises 21 PowerPoints, a total Scheme of Work split into 24 lessons and all related resources. Lessons include embedded videos, extracts from other relevant literature, close reading exercises, creative work, research lessons, a complete trial set-up, debates and various short and extended writing opportunities. This is a hugely popular unit with all of the groups that have studied it. Please do let me know if any of the video links/resources don't work for you. Message me and I will send them to you directly.