This one page resource is so useful for healthy teeth projects. Children can write within the toothpaste tubes on the faint lines.
These make a great display!
An excellent creative Wimbledon themed activity which could be a whole lesson or extension activity.
For even better value check out my Wimbledon bundle!
Use this Wimbledon themed acrostic worksheet to write an acrostic poem.
There is also a Wimbledon ideas sheet for brainstorming on.
For even better value, check out my Wimbledon bundle.
Design a Wimbledon T-Shirt
First ask your class to come up with ideas on the worksheet which has the images on. Then use the full page T-Shirt for their final design. A simple and topical project.
For even better value, check out my Wimbledon Bundle.
2 super useful resources for Self and Peer Assessment.
Simply stick on the back of students work or in their books and ask them to write a 'What Went Well' and a 'Even Better If' on the faint grey lines.
This makes it very obvious for inspection that you are doing Peer and Self Assessment.
This animated PowerPoint is a series of nature based number stories. (15 slides, 14 number stories) There is a script in the presentation which asks all the questions and indicates when to click to make the minibeasts appear or disappear. This is also a great way to introduce common animals and fits in with the national curriculum to "identify and name a variety of common animals".
Creatures/items included: beetles, earthworms, ladybirds, spider, bees, grasshoppers, butterflies, ants, pinecones, caterpillar eggs, earwigs, snails and woodlice (pill bugs) .
Extract from script:
Oh look what we’ve found, crawling around! Two beautiful, black beetles.
If one more came to join them, how many would there be?
(Wait for students to answer)
Yes, three!
To print the script go to View, NotesPage, File, Print.
A useful worksheet that can be used to review any book. It has been uploaded as a Word Doc so you can edit if you wish. Ask students to rate their books by colouring the pencils.
The worksheet covers:
Favourite Character
Develop descriptive and creative writing by asking your students to look at the detailed work of Pieter Bruegel.
This resource includes a lesson plan, and within a presentation a fun starter activity which looks at Bruegels 'Netherlandish Proverbs'. The presentation then gives an example of how to fill in the worksheet.
The worksheet is a metacognition task which asks students to look at the artwork, write what they can see and then what they are 'thinking', 'wondering' or 'feeling'.
A selection of three Bruegel artworks are also within the PowerPoint ready to print of.
A great resource to get your students creatively writing.
To make it clear, this is not a presentation on Bruegel, I'm just using a PowerPoint to hold the activities. The PowerPoint is 6 slides long.
Slide 1: Starter Activity including some info on Bruegel.
Slide 2: A slide with animation that looks in detail at 'Netherlandish Proverbs'
Slide 3: A Bruegel artwork to use with the example worksheet to demonstrate what you would like students to do.
Slides 4 - 6 Artworks to print off.
Develop descriptive and creative writing by asking your students to look at the detailed work of Van Gogh.
This resource includes a lesson plan, and within a presentation an introduction to Van Gogh's work. The presentation then gives an example of how to fill in the worksheet.
The worksheet is a metacognition task which asks students to look at the artwork, write what they can see and then what they are 'thinking', 'wondering' or 'feeling'.
A selection of four Van Gogh artworks are also within the PowerPoint ready to print off.
A great resource to get your students creatively writing.
To make it clear, this is not a presentation on Van Gogh, I'm just using a PowerPoint to hold the activities. The PowerPoint is 6 slides long.
Slide 1: Front Page
Slide 2: Introduction to Van Gogh.
Slide 3: A Van Gogh artwork to use with the example worksheet to demonstrate what you would like students to do.
Slides 4 - 7 Artworks to print off.
Just change the names within the slides of the PowerPoint to those in your class and then click anywhere around the word 'Random' to jump to a students name. The name bounces onto the screen!
A great fun way to choose students in your class.
As you can see from the previews it is visually appealing too.
It comes with clear instructions.
This can be updated and used year after year.
It is for up to 32 students.
You can change the word Random and it won't effect how it works!
Two differentiated worksheets that are fun and creative, and also reinforce symmetry.
The worksheet with the title 'Butterfly Art' is more detailed and therefore challenging. The one with no title is simpler.
I have had success asking students to draw lightly in pencil, then use pen, then colour.