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Label the five senses
Label the five senses on a boy and girl.
Students can then colour their picture.

Classroom Job Labels
We all love those kids that ask "Any jobs you need doing, Miss?"
Well now you can assign them the perfect job!

Information Report Scaffold
This is an information report scaffold that includes the GENERAL STATEMENT, DESCRIPTION and EVALUATION.
KS2, KS3

Coping Strategies for Teachers
Practical Help in Times of Stress
A Really Simple (but very effective) Time Management Plan
2. Time-Saving Tips
3. Reduce Stress with a Pupil Behaviour Record File
4. How to Deal Assertively with Requests from SMTs and Other Colleagues:
5. Beating Stress

Similes, Metaphors and Personification
L.O. To understand metaphors, similes and personification and how an author may use them to provoke reactions.
Task - to identify if the sentence contains a simile, metaphor or personification.

Guided Reading Task Cards
Great resource to hep with Guided Reading. Lots of tasks to choose from and to be adapted to suit your class.

Water Safety
This resource is for Stage 2 and Stage 3 students to learn about water safety around the pool.
It includes
-Intro to water safety
-Pool rules and why we have them
-Activity to create their own pool sign with rules OR a water safety poster
-Role play activity

Money Introduction for KS1
This is an introduction slideshow for years 1 or 2 looking at pence and pounds coins, adding them to making larger amounts and how many pence going into pounds.

Report Comments
Very useful resource providing dozens of report comments ready for you to pick and choose what is right for the child.

Behaviour Clip Chart (Under the Sea theme)
Under the Sea theme Behaviour clip chart:
-editable in Microsoft Word
-great for lower years, but can be changed to suit all grades

30 min Lesson Observation KS1 English
Use this resource when asked to teach a 30 minute English lesson to KS1 for a job interview.
It looks at using verbs from the Gruffalo.

Persuasive Writing - KS2
This resource is a great way to get kids passionate about their persuasive writing.
Looking at Water Aid TV adverts in order to determine which ones they find effective and why.
It included a checklist for persuasive writing and what needs to be included.
Tasks could include:
-writing a tv advert
-writing a letter to the government

Water Safety Booklet (worksheets)
These two worksheets work well with the Water Safety Presentation for Stage 2 and 3.
It could be used as a fast finishers activity.

Place Value Jigsaw
This resource uses numbers, diennes blocks and partitioning to help with tens and ones in KS1.

Adding together a 2 digit and 1 digit number
This KS1 resource practices adding 2 digit and 1 digit numbers together.
Differentiated through the use of choice in method used (number line, number square or their own head).

Information Reports - one full week
This presentation provides one full week of learning about information reports and leads to students writing their own by Friday.
It looks at examples of information reports and gives the class opportunity to write one together.
Students will research, draft and produce an information report about a topic of their choice.
Please see my PREMIUM RESOURCES for the Marking Criteria and my FREE RESOURCES for the Scaffold.

Pop Art activity
This resource is a great lesson on POP ART to do with years 5 and/or 6. It teaches them about pop art style and how to create their own portrait.