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Wipeout game
Pupils come to board to click on an item of FOOD. If they click on an item which is not food, they get a 'WIPEOUT'. 3 x wipeouts = game over!!! :(

Plenary game - find out what they've learned!
2 teams - boys v. girls. Teacher asks question to 1st team. If correct, team chooses a number from grid. Teacher clicks on number and points scored as follows:
NUMBER = team awarded that number of points
2 ARROWS = teams must swap their scores (watch their faces!! Priceless!!!)
MONKEY = team loses all their points.
All credit to my wonderful colleague Helen Patterson who created then shared this resource. ENJOY!!! :)

Perfect tense plenary!
Pupils GO MAD for this and just want to play it every lesson!! Girls v. boys. One pupil nominates a box they know the answer to .. if they give a correct answer, click on the box and a number of points is revealed ....... or a MONKEY (In which case the team lose all their points) ....or 2 ARROWS (in which case the teams SWAP points). OMG mad for it!!!!!! Enjoy. (Can't take ALL the credit, a colleague gave me the original but I've added the questions for this version). :)

Text - visit to cinema - with exercises
Text about Snow White and the Huntsman film. Comprehension exercises.

Holidays - 3 tenses recognition
Pupils each have a card, which they do not show to anyone else. They must then walk around the room, find a partner and say the French sentence from their card. Their partner tells them what it means in English. If they are correct, the partner reads THEIR French sentence, and their partner must tell them what it means in English. If they both get the English correct, they swap cards and move on to find another partner and repeat. 'Ave it!! :) (They can stick the vocab in their books after the activity and write English meanings).

Colouring activity reinforcing spelling of rooms
Pupils select the boxes which go together to make a room, and colour them in the same colour. And so on!!

PRESENT, PAST + FUTURE tense recognition
You'll have to invest in some sets of mini-jenga (I found them for a couple of quid each on Amazon). Put a number (1-48) on each block. Pupils play Jenga in groups - one pupil is &'in charge&'; and has the question / answer sheet. If pupil successfully pushes out a block, questionmaster asks them the relevant question and gives them a point if they can a) recognise the tense b) say what it means in English. If question is in English, they must say the verb in French for 2 points. Have fun! 'Ave it!!!

Vocab and activities to say which job you want
Teaches key vocab for job interview role play - which job do you want and why?
Several activities lead pupils to final task whereby they write / say a short paragraph.

VALENTINE'S DAY Higher level Listening
First screen - click on the deaf fella icon and soundfile should play. If not, I've included the MP3 (thanks to Mary Glasgow!). Click on the white boxes and correct answers will be revealed. transcript on screen 2. Feel da love!! :)

Environment - Higher level listening
Click on deaf fella icon and soundfile should play. If not, I've included MP3 separately.

Higher level listening activity about theme parks
If you click on the deaf fella icon the soundfile should start. If not, I've also included the MP3 file. On first screen the white boxes disappear when clicked to reveal the answers. Transcript on 2nd screen. &'Ave it my dears!! :)

FLAGS - activity sheet
Pupils colour the flags and label them then find the countries in the word search.