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Welcome to the ENTER - ONE teaching resources. We at ENTER - ONE are committed to supplying you with the highest quality teaching resources. We are here to make your life easier. You will find complete units covering numerous topics. We hope you enjoy using our resources.

Welcome to the ENTER - ONE teaching resources. We at ENTER - ONE are committed to supplying you with the highest quality teaching resources. We are here to make your life easier. You will find complete units covering numerous topics. We hope you enjoy using our resources.
Complete Guide to Grade 6 Fractions

Complete Guide to Grade 6 Fractions

This powerpoint is the complete guide to grade 6 fractions. It contains all the topics needed for grade 6. Theory, examples, and numerous questions and answers. Topics covered include: What are fractions Equal fractions Simplification Comparing fractions Improper and mixed fractions Addition of fractions Subtraction of fractions Multiplication of fractions Division of fractions via reciprocals Simply project this powerpoint on your screen and you are good to go!
Differential Calculus test - 50 Marks

Differential Calculus test - 50 Marks

This is a 50 mark test on differential calculus. It can be used as a classroom formative or summative assessment. It covers: First principles Power rule Product rule Quotient rule Chain rule Exponential functions The document has questions and answers. To make the question sheet, simply delete the answers in red. The mark scheme is shown in brackets on the right hand side of each question. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
General Science - Chemistry Unit 5 of 7

General Science - Chemistry Unit 5 of 7

This is the 5th unit in the general science course. It covers basic topics in chemistry. The topics included are: Quantity in chemistry (Molar mass and mole) Chemical bonding and structure Chemistry in solutions Physical chemistry Organic chemistry There is an assignment included based on organic chemistry and questions and answers at the end for review. Chemistry is one of the most fascinating subjects to learn. Enjoy learning from this resource. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
General Science - Earth Resources Unit 4 of 7

General Science - Earth Resources Unit 4 of 7

This resource is the 4th unit of the general science course. It covers Earths resources. Topics include: Igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic rocks Weathering Soils Soil experiment Questions and answers This Powerpoint can be used to supplement your science and biology classes. The theory presented is of a simple and easy to understand manner. Enjoy the colorful pictures Kind Regards ENTER -ONE
General Science - Ecosystems Unit 3 of 7

General Science - Ecosystems Unit 3 of 7

This is resource number 3 within our total general science course. This unit covers ecosystems, biodiversity, bioshphere, biomes, food chains/webs, material cycling and questions and answers. This resource can be used to supplement your biology and science classes. The content is fun and presented in a simple manner. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
Statistics 1 - Univariate data

Statistics 1 - Univariate data

This resource contains all the theory, examples, questions and answers with respect to univariate data. Topics include: Mean, Median, Mode, 5 Number Summary, and Quartiles. The illustrations show allow for a deeper understanding of how data is divided and why we make these measurements. This resource can be used to teach the entire unit of Statistics. Simply project this onto your screen and you are good to go. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
Laboratory Safety

Laboratory Safety

This resource shows the procedures to follow, to ensure a safe laboratory and what to do when you encounter challenges and health risks. These rules should be taught and enforced in the laboratory to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment. This resource can be sent to students before engaging in laboratory work. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
Experiment in Determining the Acceleration Due to Gravity Using a Pendulum

Experiment in Determining the Acceleration Due to Gravity Using a Pendulum

This resource contains the experiment on determining the acceleration due to gravity using a simple pendulum. The experimental setup is shown, together with the expected results, how to interpret the results and obtain a final conclusion. The graph is also included. We hope this experiment proves to be fun and engaging. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
Physics Experimental Problems with Answers

Physics Experimental Problems with Answers

This resource contains experiments in physics and how to calculate parameters, uncertainty and representing the data graphically. Here is an example: A student measures the potential difference across a battery as 12.4 V and states that his measurement has a percentage uncertainty of 2%. Calculate the absolute uncertainty in his measurement. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
The Handling of Experimental Data

The Handling of Experimental Data

This resource contains information on how to process experimental data. Measurements, significant figures and graphically representing information. Its useful in that experiments need to be done accurately and with precision. Data collection is important as information needs to be collected in such a way that is representative of the experimental results. I hope you enjoy using this resource. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
The Complete Guide to A Level Physics Practical Aspects

The Complete Guide to A Level Physics Practical Aspects

This resource contains the entire Chapter on the practical aspects of Physics Experiments. How to use Gauges, calipers, methods of gathering evidence and data, Precision, accuracy, uncertainties, graphing and many examples. Experiments are included together with the data analysis. Regards ENTER - ONE
Maxima & Minima & Applications

Maxima & Minima & Applications

This resource contains the theory, examples and real life applications of Maxima & Minima problems. Global and local points are illustrated as well as how these critical points can be used to solve problems. Here is a typical example: A rectangular lot is bounded at the back by a river. No fence is need along the river, and there has to be a 24ft opening at the front. If the fence along the front costs $1.50 per foot, & along the sides $1.00 per foot, find the dimensions of the largest lot which can be fenced for $300. We hope you enjoy and have fun using this resource. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
Newton's Law of Cooling

Newton's Law of Cooling

This resource contains the theory, examples, questions and answers regarding Newton’s Law of Cooling. You will find a fun and colourful slide show that illustrates this theorem, as well as some interesting examples that will allow students to think critically and arrive at solutions. Here is a typical example: At 06:00 am, a detective finds a murdered body. Temperature of the body is 30 degrees celsius. By 08:00am the temperature dropped to 25 degrees celsius. Surrounding air temperature is 20 degrees celsius. Using the fact that when alive, the human body is 37 degrees celsius…find out when the murder was committed. Students will become real life detectives here. Equipping them with out of the box knowledge. Have fun! Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
Verhulst Pearl Logistic Function

Verhulst Pearl Logistic Function

This resource is about the Verhulst Pearl Logistic Function. It covers the application of this interesting function and how it can be used to model real world problems. Example. The degree at which people in a community spread the flu given certain parameters. You will find examples of this logistic function together with the answers. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
Exponential Growth & Decay

Exponential Growth & Decay

This resource is on exponential growth & decay. It covers what the function is, and how to tell the difference, initial value problems and half life. The illustrations show what growth and decay looks like as well as the derivation of formulas. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
The Complete Guide to Grade 6 Percentages

The Complete Guide to Grade 6 Percentages

This resource contains the complete guide to grade 6 percentages. Topics include: Introduction to percentages Converting fractions to percentages and vice versa Converting decimals to percentages and vice versa Comparing quantities Finding percentages of quantities Percentages regarding money Profit and loss Discount Simple interest All you need to do is project this powerpoint onto your screen and you’re good to go! Theory, examples, and numerous questions and answers are all included. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
Differential Calculus 2 of 2

Differential Calculus 2 of 2

This resource is a continuation of the previous course on differential calculus. Topics covered: Exponential functions Equations of tangents to curves Logarthmic functions Trigonometric functions There are numerous examples, questions and answers included. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
General Science - Physics Unit 7 of 7

General Science - Physics Unit 7 of 7

This is the final unit in the series of units under the general science course. This unit focuses on physics. Topics include: Wave motion (Longitudinal and transverse waves) Doppler effect The quantum nature of light Colour Nuclear physics Alpha, beta and gamma decay At the end there are some review questions and answers. We hope you enjoy using this resource in your classroom. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE
Chemistry Test - Rates of Reaction, Equilibrium, Industrial Optimisation

Chemistry Test - Rates of Reaction, Equilibrium, Industrial Optimisation

This test can be used as a summative or formative assessment. To generate the question paper, simply delete the answers written in red. Topics covered include: Reaction co-ordinate diagrams Collision Theory Chemical reaction rates Equilibrium & Le Chateliers Principle Equilibrium constant Application of the Ostwald process and optimisation Yield calculations Haber process Biodiesel manufacturing We hope you enjoy using this resource. Kind Regards ENTER - ONE