WJEC Level 3 Criminology Unit 1 Assessment Booklet
This assessment booklet has short answer questions covering each Assessment Criteria required for the Unit 1 Controlled Assessment. This allows teachers to gain some assessment of students progress given the limitations of the Controlled Assessment.
These booklets can be used once each Assessment Criteria is taught throughout the course or just prior to the Controlled Assessment. There is a page to provide an overview of how students have performed on each Assessment Criteria, providing a clear overview for teachers and students alike.
WJEC Level 3 Criminology Unit 2 Revision Sheet
Unit 2 Knowledge Sheet, with each Learning Objective per A3 page.
The layout is very engaging for students and follows the specification. This can be used by providing it to each student to fill in or as a group activity in class.
WJEC Level 3 Criminology Unit 2 AC2.1 Biological Theories Lesson
This high quality PowerPoint covers all of the content required for AC2.1 Biological Theories of Criminality: Jacobs xyy study, twin and adoption studies, Lombroso and Sheldon.
Throughout the PowerPoint, it tracks the progress throughout the Assessment Criteria, ticking off each theory to indicate how the students are progressing through the course.
Each theory has information on the slides, clearly explained for lower ability students and with extra information for higher ability students. It is very engaging, including embedded videos (link in the notes of the slide) and activities - with extension and challenge activities where appropriate. All tasks have answers included.
WJEC Level 3 Criminology Unit 2 AC2.3 SociologicalTheories Lesson
This high quality PowerPoint covers all of the content required for AC2.3 Sociological Theories of Criminality: Marxism, Functionalism, Strain Theory, Labelling Theory, Left and Right Realism.
Throughout the PowerPoint, it tracks the progress throughout the Assessment Criteria, ticking off each theory to indicate how the students are progressing through the course.
Each theory has information on the slides, clearly explained for lower ability students and with extra information for higher ability students. It is very engaging, including embedded videos (link in the notes of the slide) and activities - with extension and challenge activities where appropriate. All tasks have answers included.