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Start of the day good morning Powerpoint
I have created this powerpoint to display for my class as they come in , each morining (for first week back). In this powerpoint I have the date in both French and English, a little introduction section, to do list and a “don’t forget” section. All the information and pictures can be edited.

Introducing myself All about me Mandarin
A powerpoint with mandarin and English translations - How to introduce your self, describe yourself in mandarin.

Dictionary/thesaurus Activity Differentiated
Based on Jenny Nimmo's Midnight for Charlie Bone these are three differentiated passages. Each passage has a number of words spelled incorrectly. The children should identify these words, look up the correct spelling and then look for an alternative word. This can then be used as a story starter or stimulus for writing.

Starter of The Day Activity SODA morning soft start
I use this editable powerpoint as a soft start activity for my children, every morning. It includes:
Daily 4 - numeracy
countdown - spelling
right here right now - citizenship
To do list
Remember - motivation and reminders
Daily date in French and English

Visual Timetable / Daily Timetable
This is a visual daily timetable of some common subjects. Can be edited for any stage/curriculum. Visual supports can help to provide structure and routine, encourage independence, build confidence, improve understanding, avoid frustration and anxiety, and provide opportunities to interact with others. They can make communication physical and consistent, rather than fleeting and inconsistent like spoken words can be.

Maths assessment - differentiated inc answers
This Key assessment task acquires children to apply previous learning and knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as simple fractions 1/2 and 1/4 and 3D shape. It also enables them to use a variety of strategies and mathematical operations and requires pupils to apply problem solving skills. This task demonstrates the child’s confidence with basic facts and times tables as well as their ability to apply their knowledge to more abstract problems. There are 3 levels of the task that get progressively harder. All children can be given the opportunity to complete each level.
Answers included

Who wants to be a sensational speller? Spelling Quiz
Spelling quiz based on long u sound “absolutely” can be edited for other words and sounds.
uses knowledge of syllables, phonemes and graphemes, sounds, rhyme and a range of strategies.