Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
NEW for 2024: Science skills programme for key stage 3.
A series of short activities (including self-assessment slides) designed to give students the opportunity to refresh and practice their math skills for science. These can be delivered in lessons or as homework and are a great way to demonstrate that you are actively working to develop their fluency and scientific literacy.
Anomalies and means
Accuracy and Precision
Repeatability and Reproducibility
Significant Figures and Decimal Places
Standard Form
Calculating Percentages
Range and Uncertainty
Tangents (Y9 only)
Unit Conversions
Rearranging Equations (Y7 only)
Summary Task
Three different versions of the sheets for years 7, 8 and 9
All aspects of the sheets are fully editable
Can be printed in gray scale
Answer slides are included to allow students to self-assess
More from our science skills programme:
Laboratory Skills
Understanding Experiments
Graphs and Tables
Maths Skills