Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Competition and Adaptation is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on competition and adaptation for GCSE biology for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4.
Content Covered:
-Competition for resources
-Structural adaptation
-Behavioural adaptation
-Functional adaptation
-Adaptation of microorganisms
-Stable communities
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
These study notes are excellent for revision, independent projects and catch-up study. Our full lessons can be found here: .
Suitable for remote online distance learning. Slides are written to be self-explanatory so are also suitable for home study.
Powerpoint presentations and accompanying worksheets covering inheritance, variation and evolution (AQA GCSE Biology Grade 9-1) for teaching and revision.
Suggested Order
DNA and Protein Synthesis
X and Y Chromosomes
Genetic Diagrams
Inherited Disorders
The Work of Mendel
Variation and Selective Breeding
Genetic Engineering
Fossils and Classification
Antibiotic Resistance
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Fossils is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on fossils and classification for GCSE biology for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows on from Evolution. (
Content Covered:
-Linnaean classification system
-Changes in the classification system over time
-The three domain system
-How fossils form
-The origin of life theories
-The binomial system
-How to use evolutionary trees
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Genetic Engineering is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on genetic engineering for GCSE biology for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows on from Cloning. ( Next topic Fossils and Classification
COVER IMAGE: Ingrid Moen (et al) Gene expression in tumor cells and stroma in dsRed 4T1 tumors in eGFP-expressing mice with and without enhanced oxygenation. BMC Cancer. 2012
Content Covered:
-Uses for genetic engineering
-GM crops
-Pros and cons of genetic modification
-Gene therapy
-Genetic engineering method overview
-Insulin producing bacteria
-Genetic modification of multicellular organisms
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Cloning is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on cloning for GCSE biology for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows on from Evolution. ( Next topic Genetic Engineering:
Content Covered:
-Revision of meristems and therapeutic cloning from previous topics
-Tissue culture cloning
-Artificial twinning
-Cloning adult animals
-Bioethics of cloning
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Evolution is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on evolution for GCSE biology for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. Next topic Cloning:
Content Covered:
Competition between animals
Competition between plants
Darwin and Lamarck
Antibiotic resistant bacteria as an example
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Inherited Disorders is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on inherited disorders for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus but is also applicable to other courses.
Content Covered:
-Cystic Fibrosis (recessive)
-Polydactyly (domainant)
-Interpreting family trees
-Bioethics of embryo selection
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Sexual Reproduction is available here: and Asexual Reproduction here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on sexual and asexual reproduction for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus.
Content Covered:
Sexual and asexual reproduction
Flowering plants
Asexual reproduction in plants (runners, tubers and bulbs)
Malaria and fungi
Pros and cons of sexual reproduction
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
These study notes are excellent for revision, independent projects and catch-up study. Our full lessons can be found here: and a free resource is available for content preview.
Suitable for remote online distance learning. Slides are written to be self-explanatory so are also suitable for home study.
Powerpoint presentations and accompanying worksheets covering homeostasis (AQA GCSE Biology Grade 9-1) for teaching and revision. Some of the resources in this package are free for content preview.
Suggested Order
The Nervous System
The Brain
The Eye
Body Temperature
The Endocrine System
Blood Glucose and Diabetes FREE
The Kidneys and Dialysis FREE
The Menstrual Cycle FREE
Contraception FREE
Infertility Treatment
Adrenaline and Thyroxine
Plant Hormones
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Adrenaline and Thyroxine is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on adrenaline and thyroxine for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus. Related topic the Endocrine System:
Content Covered:
Adrenaline regulation of the flight or fight response
Thyroxine regulation of metabolism
Negative feedback graphs
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Plant Hormones is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on plant hormones for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus. Related topic Plant Disease:
Content Covered:
Phototropism and geotropism
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on The Menstrual Cycle is available here:
Powerpoint and worksheet on contraception for teaching and revision. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus.
Content Covered:
Menstrual cycle overview
Hormone control of the menstrual cycle (FSH, LH, oestrogen and progesterone)
Please note that this only covers the science and is not intended as a PSHE resource.
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Controlling Fertility is available here:
Powerpoint and worksheet on contraception for teaching and revision. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus. All parts of the syllabus directly relating to wellbeing will be made available for free from my shop. Next topic The Menstrual Cycle:
Content Covered:
Barrier contraception and spermicide
Natural (rhythm method)
Hormone based contraception
Please note that this only covers the science and is not intended as a PSHE resource.
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Kidneys is available here: and Kidney Failure and Treatment here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on kidneys and dialysis for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus but is also applicable to other courses.
Content Covered:
Urine production in the kidneys
Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
Negative feedback control of blood water content
Dialysis machines
Kidney transplant
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Blood Glucose and Diabetes is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on control of blood glucose and diabetes for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus. Next topic The Kidneys:
Content Covered:
Recap of carbohydrate digestion
Insulin and glucagon
Regulation of high and low blood sugar
Type I and II diabetes
Insulin therapy
Disease management through diet and exercise
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on The Endocrine System is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on the endocrine system for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus. Related topic Adrenaline and Thyroxine:
Content Covered:
Glands of the endocrine system (pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries and testes)
Hormone vs. nervous responses
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Body Temperature is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on control of body temperature for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus but is also applicable to other courses. Next topic The Endocrine System:
Content Covered:
Recap enzymes and homeostasis
Negative feedback control of body temperature
The thermoregulatory center
Hot and cold skin responses
Antagonistic effectors
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on The Nervous System is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on the nervous system for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus.
Content Covered:
Parts of the nervous system
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Aerobic Respiration is available here: and Anaerobic Respiration here and Oxygen Debt here
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on respiration for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus but is also applicable to other courses. Next topic The Nervous System:
Content Covered:
Processes which use energy from respiration
Aerobic vs anaerobic respiration
Anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast
Oxygen debt
Pulse and breathing rate
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Photosynthesis is available here: and Rate of Photosynthesis here
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on photosynthesis for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus. Related topic Respiration:
Content Covered:
Photosynthesis reaction
Plant uses for glucose
Rate of photosynthesis and limiting factors
Ideal conditions for photosynthesis
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.