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Design, make and then evaluate a car
Design a car sheet to support children in the resources available to them.
Subitising cards
Cards i created to develop subitising skills within my reception class.
Covers 1-10
Contains numicon, dots and other visual representation of numbers.
Summer gift tag - bubbling with pride
A gift tag to edit for your class end of term gift.
Count the peas
Count the peas on a plate - we used this linked to our Supertato work.
1 -10.
Gingerbread Man Finemotor patterns
trace the lines to support the development of finemotor skills
Subitising to 6 Christmas trees
To use to subitise
Encourage children to circle how they see the number and write the sum
For example I see 6 baubles, 3 there and 3 there so the children records the sum 3+3=6
Menorah candle numbers to 10 - Hanukkah celebrations
Menorah candles with numbers on for ordering and counting.
Construction vehicle counting
A printable using construction vehicles and numbers. Children are to recognise the numbers and count out loose parts to match
Counting car park
A car park printable, each space has a dot formation to count. This is to be used with plastic numbered cars.
Whole School (Infant) overview
A table with key heading to help plan out key dates for the whole school.
Writing adjectives about Bubbles
An activity sheet to write adjectives about bubbles inside bubbles.
w for window -art to enhance the w sound
Window outline to support the w sound.
Children can draw own view from the window.
ar sound - fill the jar
Activity to enhance the ar sound within your provision.
Fill your jar with sweets.
Rhyming string animal heads
Animal heads to start the rhyming strings.
ur sound - surfboard
Activity to enhance the ur sound within your provision.
design you own surfboard.
dot the d pre-cursive
Use a cotton bud to dot the d sound.
An activity to support the phonic d sound and the formation.
Pre-cursive Gruffalo tracing letters
Gruffalo Cursive handwriting enhancements
Phase 2 and 3 pre-cursive letters to trace.
EYFS early reading book - using sounds satpin
A simple book to support children blending simple CVC words containing the sounds s, a, t, p, i and n.
Reception Jack and the Beanstalk ideas and 6 week overview
Jack and the Beanstalk Talk 4 Writing ideas and overview of Growth and change topic.
These are just ideas to support our weekly planning.
Pete the Cat unpicking key vocabulary PowerPoint
A Pete the Cat PowerPoint made to highlight and discuss key vocabulary to support children’s understanding.
I used it with Reception, but can be used with other year groups.