
Lone Pine by Susie Brown and Margaret Warner - Anzac Day / Gallipoli
This resource is a five page PDF document of reading compprehension worksheets for students to complete based on the book Lone Pine by Susie Brown and Margaret Warner and illustrated by Sebastian Ciaffaglione. There are four worksheets for students in this resource.
This book is an excellent resource to use to teach students about the Anzac soldiers and what happened at Gallipoli as part of the Lone Pine campaign.
The worksheets include an information page providing further details about the battle at Lone Pine, a research activity about the Victoria Cross, some reflection questions about the story and a letter writing activity.
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My Grandad Marches On Anzac Day by Catriona Hoy - 4 Worksheets - Gallipoli
This resource is a four page PDF document with reading comprehension activities to do based on the book My Grandad Marches On Anzac Day by Catriona Hoy and Benjamin Johnson. There are four worksheets for students included in this resource.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text.
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The Burke and Wills Expedition Fold-a-Book Activity - Australian History
This resource is a PDF file of an activity where students can make a concertina-style book about the Burke and Wills Expedition.
This resource is one page long. The students cut out and fold the page to create the book. There are instructions given at the top of the page.
Four pages of the book detail the main facts of the expedition. The other two pages of the book provide some background information about Robert O’Hara Burke and William John Wills.
When the book is completed, it is designed to be glued into the student’s workbook on the last page.
This activity is a fun way for students to learn a little bit more about Burke and Wills and was designed to use with the Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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The Burke and Wills Expedition Title Pages - 3 Designs - Australian History
This resource is a three page PDF document containing three designs to be used for title pages for a unit on The Burke and Wills Expedition.
There are three different layouts.
The title pages are suitable for A4 workbooks but of course can easily be reduced or enlarged on the photocopier to suit the size of other workbooks.
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The First Fleet Title Pages - Australian / British History - 1788
This resource is a four page PDF document containing 2 designs to be used for title pages for a unit on The First Fleet.
The first two pages of this file contains title pages which were designed to be placed underneath the student’s workbook page and traced to create a title page for the unit. This activity is helpful in developing design skills and still allows for students to be creative with choice of colour for their title page.
The second two pages of the document are a repeat of the first two but with the headings unfilled so that if you would prefer you could just photocopy the title page for your students and get them to colour it in, then glue it into their workbooks.
The title pages are suitable for A4 workbooks but of course can easily be reduced or enlarged on the photocopier to suit the size of other workbooks.
This document was written to use with the new Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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Changes in Technology Around The Home - Past and Present Family Life
This resource is a three page PDF document about changes in technology around the home over the past 200 years.
The first page features 15 pictures of olden-day machines / equipment. Students need to cut out these pictures and glue them into the table on the second page based on which part of the house these items would have been found in. The third page is an answer page for the teacher.
This activity is great for discussions about how life has changed and supports History units such as Then and Now and The Way We Were.
This activity was written to use with the new Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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An Olden Day Nursery / Toys - Past and Present Family Life
This resource is a five page PDF document about olden day toys in an old-fashioned nursery.
The five pages feature five different photos of toys in an olden day nursery. Students need to write the toys they can see in the photo around the box and draw arrows to where they are.
This activity could also be done as a whole class / large group on an interactive whiteboard.
This activity is great for discussions about how toys have changed and supports History units such as Then and Now, The Way We Were and Past and Present Family Life.
This activity was written to use with the new Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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Anzac Day - 5 Worksheets
This resource is a five page PDF document with activities to do for Anzac Day.
The activities included assist students to create a glossary of Anzac terms, understand the symbolism of Anzac Day and cement their understanding of the importance of Anzac Day. There is also a QR code activity to take students to a video about Anzac Day.
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British Colonisation Problems - Cause and Effect - The First Fleet
This resource is a three page PDF document about the problems faced by the First Fleet when they landed in Sydney and started a settlement.
This activity involves students cutting out and gluing pieces of information into a cause and effect table. The first page provides the table with only the causes of the settlement problems listed. The second page is an answer sheet for the teacher and the third sheet has sets of the information needed by the students to fill in the effects part of the table.
This worksheet could be used as a research activity or consolidation activity after studying the First Fleet.
This activity was written to use with the new Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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The Eureka Stockade Cause and Effect Activity - Australian Gold Rush - History
This resource is a two page PDF document on the events of the Eureka Stockade in 1854.
The first page is a cause and effect activity for the students to complete and the second page is a teacher reference sheet of the activity with an example of the type of answer students would be expected to give.
This activity was written to use with the Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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How The Industrial Revolution Contributed To Colonisation - Australian History
This resource is a two page PDF document on how the Industrial Revolution in Britain contributed to Australian colonisation.
The first page is a cause and effect activity for the students to complete and the second page is a teacher reference sheet of the activity with an example of the type of answer students would be expected to give.
This activity was written to use with the new Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus. The unit it was written for is a Stage 3 unit titled “The Australian Colonies” but could be used for any study on the history of British Colonisation or the First Fleet.
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Meet Captain Cook by Rae Murdie - 3 Worksheets - The Endeavour Voyage
This resource is a five page PDF document of worksheets and activities for students to complete based on the book Meet… Captain Cook by Rae Murdie and Chris Nixon. This resource contains three worksheets for students and one teacher answer sheet.
The worksheets include two pages of comprehension questions and a writing activity. Teacher answers are included for relevant activities.
This book is an excellent resource to use for a unit on early explorers of Australia. It outlines Captain Cook’s Endeavour journey in an exciting and interesting way for students. This book was short listed in the Eve Pownall Award for Information Books category for 2014.
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The Eureka Stockade Fold-a-Book Activity - Australian Gold Rush - History
This resource is a two page PDF file of an activity where students can make a concertina-style book about the events of the Eureka Stockade.
This resource is one page long. The students colour in the pictures first then they cut out and fold the page to create the book. There are instructions given at the top of the page.
Each page of the book has a picture and information about the events of the Eureka Stockade. When the book is completed, it is designed to be glued into the student’s workbook on the last page. One side of the book has four pages which outline the events of the Eureka Stockade. On the other side are two pages which feature a key figure (Peter Lalor) and a key symbol (the Eureka flag).
This activity is a fun way for students to learn about the Eureka Stockade and was designed to use with the Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
This resource is also provided in with colour pictures.
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The Australian Gold Rush / The Eureka Stockade Title Pages
This resource is a four page PDF document containing four designs to be used for title pages for a unit on Gold and The Eureka Stockade. Three of the title pages are for Gold / Gold Rush and one is for The Eureka Stockade.
Students can either colour the worksheet and glue it into their book or place it underneath the page and trace the design, then colour their work.
The title pages are suitable for A4 workbooks but of course can easily be reduced or enlarged on the photocopier to suit the size of other workbooks.
This document was written to use with the new Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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A Day To Remember - The Story of Anzac Day By Jackie French - Gallipoli
This resource is a four page PDF document of worksheets and activities for students to complete based on the book A Day To Remember - The Story of Anzac Day by Jackie French and illustrated by Mark Wilson. There are three worksheets for students in this resource.
The worksheets include comprehension questions about the book that focus on Anzac Day and why we celebrate it. The first three pages are for student use and the last page is an answer page for the teacher.
This book is an excellent resource to use to teach students about the Anzac soldiers and what happened at Gallipoli. It also includes information about other wars or missions Australian soldiers have been involved in.
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The Eureka Stockade Quiz - iDoceo Grade Scanner - Australian History
This resource is a five page PDF document containing a ten question multiple-choice quiz based on the events of the Eureka Stockade. It has been designed to work with our The Eureka Stockade Story and Worksheets - Gold Rush - Australian History resource.
This quiz can be administered normally, as a pencil and paper test. Likewise, this test can also be used with an app called iDoceo Grade Scanner that is available for purchase on the Apple App Store. This app allows time-poor teachers to save hours marking as the grade scanner will do the marking for you. Instructions on how to use this quiz with iDoceo Grade Scanner are included in this resource.
This resource would be an excellent formative assessment tool for use during a history unit on the early explorers of Australia. This test would provide the teacher with a good understanding of whether students have understood the events of the Eureka Stockade before moving the class on to the next part of the unit.
This activity was written to use with the Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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The Night We Made The Flag by Carole Wilkinson Worksheets - Eureka Stockade
This resource is a five page PDF document of worksheets and activities for students to complete based on the book The Night We Made The Flag - A Eureka Story by Carole Wilkinson and illustrated by Sebastian Ciaffaglone. There are four worksheets for students in this resource.
The worksheets include comprehension questions, vocabulary activities and reflection activities. All four pages are for student use.
This book is an excellent resource to use when learning about the Eureka Stockade.
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The Eureka Stockade by Alan Boardman and Roland Harvey - Worksheets
This resource is a two page PDF document of worksheets and activities for students to complete based on the book The Eureka Stockade by Alan Boardman and illustrated by Roland Harvey.
The first page features comprehension questions and a fact matching activity. The second page is a sequencing activity of the events based on the information provided in the book.
This book is an excellent resource to use when learning about the Eureka Stockade.
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Captain Cook Quiz - iDoceo Grade Scanner - Early Explorers of Australia
This resource is a five page PDF document containing a ten question multiple-choice quiz based on the voyage of Captain Cook.
This quiz can be administered normally, as a pencil and paper test. Likewise, this test can also be used with an app called iDoceo Grade Scanner that is available for purchase on the Apple App Store. This app allows time-poor teachers to save hours marking as the grade scanner will do the marking for you. Instructions on how to use this quiz with iDoceo Grade Scanner are included in this resource.
This resource would be an excellent formative assessment tool for use during a history unit on the early explorers of Australia. This test would provide the teacher with a good understanding of whether students have understood the events of Cook’s Endeavour voyage before moving the class on to the next part of the unit.
This activity was written to use with the Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Bushrangers Title Pages - Australian History - Ned Kelly - Cover Pages
This resource is a six page PDF document containing three designs to be used for title pages for a unit on Australian bushrangers.
The first two designs are about ‘Bushrangers’ and the third design is about ‘Ned Kelly’.
There are three different layouts. All of the designs are in black and white and also in colour so that teachers can choose which one they would like to use.
The title pages are suitable for A4 workbooks but of course can easily be reduced or enlarged on the photocopier to suit the size of other workbooks.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.