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Educoot develops and sells digital resources, suitable for teenage and adult students with special educational needs.




Educoot develops and sells digital resources, suitable for teenage and adult students with special educational needs.
Beginners Reading Questions

Beginners Reading Questions

Reading Questions for teenagers and adults with special education needs. The assessments can be used as initial assessment to develop an understanding of the learners’ needs, or they can be used for inclusion in the learners’ portfolios. The exercises have been divided into the following categories: Word focus Text focus Sentence focus Reading comprehension Vocabulary 66 Pages
Level 1 Personal Care

Level 1 Personal Care

This is an introduction to Personal Care for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and extra slides. The resource is intended to introduce students to the concept of personal care, including: Personal care products Personal care tools Personal care routines Keeping healthy and safe These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: (1) List routines in daily personal care practices, e.g. hair care, dental care, daily hygiene practices, etc. (2) Practise essential skills that promote personal hygiene (3) Identify a range of personal care products Topics include: Keeping clean and hygienic, e.g. washing, haircare, brushing teeth, skincare, face washing, body odour, etc. Wound care Keeping own environment clean Taking care of belongings Healthy eating Sleep Daily routines Personal care checklists Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What additional materials are needed? None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teacher slides and extra slides. Student Worksheets: 116 Pages Teaching Slides: 92
Level 2 Life Skills

Level 2 Life Skills

These are practice worksheets for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. These worksheets include reading, writing, numeracy and technology, with a strong focus on reading. The worksheets can be used for the introduction, reinforcement and consolidation of concepts. Examples of worksheets include: Food label Recipe Personal safety checklist Graph Diagram Poem Job application Measurement Social media Signs and symbols Map Sayings Problem-solving Shopping Advertising ** Topics include:** Health At home Animals Career Finance Technology Going places Ireland Education These worksheets are designed to cover many learning outcomes and there is a full list of the learning objectives at the end of the resource. Can this resource be used online? This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not currently fillable, but can be made so with specialised software. What is included? Student worksheets Student Worksheets: 250 Pages
Level 1 Using Technology

Level 1 Using Technology

This is an introduction to Using Technology for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and extra slides. The resource is intended to introduce students to the concept of technology, including: Recognising technology, e.g. in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, garden, at the shop, for enjoyment, in the classroom, at work, in healthcare Technology symbols, e.g. on remote control, appliances, mobile phone, online video, shopping categories Using technology safely These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: (1) Identify technology in common use (2) Identify the symbols on familiar technological devices, e.g. on/off switch, temperature symbols (3) Use simple technological equipment for home/personal and workplace/educational use, requiring up to two functions, e.g. household appliance, telephone, swipe/clock system (4) Pay attention to safe practice Topics include: What is technology? Materials Technology in the home Technology out and about Technology for entertainment Technology for learning Old and new technology Social media Icons and symbols Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and extras. Student Worksheets: 177 Pages Teaching Slides: 75 Teacher Preparation Table Teacher Verification Records
Level 1 Shape and Space

Level 1 Shape and Space

This is an introduction to Shape and Space for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and many other extras. The resource is intended to introduce students to shape and space, including: 2D shapes and forms 3D shapes and forms Measurement words Topics include : Recognising 2D and 3D shapes Shapes around us 3D drawings Shape and space vocabulary, e.g. long and short, wide and narrow, big and small etc. These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: Recognise shapes and forms in everyday life eg. circles, rectangles, triangles, cubes Identify key characteristics of shapes and form eg. no. of sides / corners / curves Use the language of measurement in relation to shape and form eg. shorter, longer, narrower Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides, drawing shapes booklet and extra slides. Student Worksheets: 112 Pages Teaching Slides: 42 Slides
Level 1 Nonverbal Communication

Level 1 Nonverbal Communication

This is an introduction to Nonverbal Communication for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides. The resource is intended to introduce students to recognising and using nonverbal communication, including: Types of nonverbal communication Responding to nonverbal communication Signs and symbols Sequencing These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: (NVC1) Use appropriate nonverbal behaviour to secure and maintain the attention of another (NVC2) Communicate an idea/request non-verbally (NVC3) Respond to body language, e.g. facial expression, gesture (NVC4) Respond to common place signs and symbols, e.g. exit, no entry, hazard symbols (NVC5) Sequence images/symbols associated with a familiar activity and or process Topics include: Facial expressions Eye contact Body language Posture Voice tone and volume Personal space Instructions Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and extras. Student Worksheets: 105 Pages Teaching Slides: 42
Level 3 Health and Fitness

Level 3 Health and Fitness

This is an introduction to Health and Fitness for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides. The resource is intended to introduce students to health and fitness, including: Healthy lifestyle and diary A balanced diet Physical activity Healthy choices Healthy habits Topics include: Managing stress Getting active each day Being mindful Setting goals Varied diet Essential minerals Vitamins Healthy cooking tips Food labels These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: Describe the concepts underpinning a healthy lifestyle Identify the benefits of good eating practices Demonstrate an understanding of physical fitness List local leisure facilities and the activities they provide Demonstrate a basic understanding of stress, including methods of managing stress Outline the effects of smoking and substance abuse on physical and mental health Maintain a lifestyle diary, recording food intake, physical activity and stressors Demonstrate exercises that incorporate the components of fitness Reflect on own personal lifestyle practices, including changes made as a result of new learning Demonstrate the application of communications, team working and quality awareness in a health and fitness environment Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides. Student Worksheets: 94 Pages Teaching Slides: 79 Slides
Level 3 Container Gardening

Level 3 Container Gardening

This is an introduction to Container Gardening for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and gardening journal. The resource is intended to introduce students to container gardening, including: Gardening tools and equipment Plant growth Preparing and planting Topics include: Gardening vocabulary Selecting soil Life cycle of plants Growth requirements Container gardening with vegetables / succulents / roses, etc. Gardening safety These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: 1 List the materials, tools and equipment required to grow ornamental plants and vegetables in containers both indoors and outdoors 2 Describe the growth cycle of a variety of summer and winter flowering plants- no differentiation of summer and winter growth cycle 3 Explain the growth requirements of container grown plants and vegetables 4 List the type of plants and vegetables suitable for container gardening 5 Describe the compost suitable for container gardening 6 Prepare containers for planting with attention to suitable lining material, growing media and drainage requirements 7 Select appropriate types of plants and vegetables to match container location and size 8 Plant selected plants and vegetables with attention to positioning, depth and watering 9 Demonstrate the application of communications, team working and quality awareness in a horticultural environment 10 Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when growing plants Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and gardening journal. Student Worksheets: 94 Pages Teaching Slides: 85 Slides
Level 3 Health and Safety Awareness

Level 3 Health and Safety Awareness

This is an introduction to Health and Safety Awareness for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides. The resource is intended to introduce students to Health and Safety Awareness, including: General Safety Fire Safety Safety Investigation Topics include: The importance of health and safety Basic principles of health and safety Types of hazards Risk assessment Employer responsibilities Employee responsibilities Fire prevention Fire extinguishers Emergency exit plan Fire blanket Smoke alarms These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: Describe the basic principles underpinning health and safety Describe health and safety related issues in a familiar work or learning environment in the context of the tools, equipment and associated documentation Define both employer and employee responsibilities for a familiar work or learning environment with regard to health and safety and accident prevention by referring to appropriate legislation Group hazards by type, including physical, electrical mechanical, chemical, psychological and work related musculoskeletal disorders Give examples of ergonomic risks in a familiar work or learning environment Demonstrate the correct method of using a fire blanket and firefighting equipment Participate in a fire drill following procedures correctly Describe the procedures to be taken following an accident Demonstrate knowledge of personal and workplace health, safety and hygiene Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides. Student Worksheets: 94 Pages Teaching Slides: 85 Slides
Level 1 Around the World

Level 1 Around the World

Level 1 Around the World in 80 Days This is an introduction to Different Communities and Cultures for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides. The resource is intended to introduce students to local and international communities and travel, including: Home is where the heart is A whole new world Planes, trains and automobiles Bon voyage Topics include: My community and local amenities Famous landmarks Local places of interest Researching a country of interest, including climate, food and culture Types of transport Using transport Travel costs Travel documents Going on a real or virtual journey **These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: ** Be familiar with your home and living space List the different areas of the school or classroom and link them with activities that occur there Recognise places and people in the community Name the local attractions and famous landmarks in your home county Choose an area of interest in the locality and take part in discussions about it Make a piece of art about your chosen landmark Research a different country, including its climate, food, community, music, landmarks, sports, flora and fauna Take part in preparing a traditional meal from your chosen country List different modes of transport and look at the features and purposes of the vehicles Take part in a survey on which modes of transport the students use Choose a destination and make a social story to prepare for your outing or trip, including mapping routes and exploring costs Take part in a real or virtual journey to a foreign country. Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides. Student Worksheets: 164 Pages Teaching Slides: 71 Pages
Level 1 Personal Decision Making

Level 1 Personal Decision Making

This is an introduction to Personal Decision Making for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides. The resource is intended to introduce students to making decisions, including: Everyday choices Types of decisions Things that affect decision making Topics include : Steps in decision making Effect of past experiences Rewards Personal values Personal preferences related to decision making These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: (PDM1) Name recent personal decision, e.g. product choice, transport method, participation in learning/work (PDM2) Identify the stages of a recent short term personal decision, e.g. a decision to participate in an event from invitation to attendance, choosing appropriate dress for the workplace, possibilities with a familiar limited budget to cover transport and food for a short trip (PDM3) List some everyday personal choices involved in decision making, e.g. choosing from a menu, contacting a friend/colleague (PDM4) Identify influences and choices involved in decision making, e.g. personal preference, time/cost, elementary consequence for self/others, view of a trusted friend/colleague Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides. Student Worksheets: 95 Pages Teaching Slides: 44 Slides
Level 1 Food Choice and Health

Level 1 Food Choice and Health

This is an introduction to Food Choice and Health for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and templates. The resource is intended to introduce students to healthy eating, including: Healthy food Benefits of healthy eating Preparing basic meals Food safety Topics include: Food groups Using a meal planner Food labels Food and your body Characteristics of food Reading and following recipes These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: (FCH1) Identify some common foods that area associated with healthy eating (FCH2) Identify common benefits of healthy eating, e.g. energy, good skin and hair, healthy heart (FCH3) Identify some common characteristics of food, e.g. raw/cooked, hot/cold, sweet, sour, salty, spicy (FCH4) Follow short instructions to help prepare a meal (FCH5) Demonstrate appropriate personal food hygiene and safety practices Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and templates. Student Worksheets: 116 Pages Teaching Slides: 63 Slides
Level 1 Life Science

Level 1 Life Science

This is an introduction to Life Science for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides. The resource is intended to introduce students to life science, including: Sorting objects and life forms Plant and animal life forms What living things need Topics include: Living and non-living things Plant or animal Common plants and animals Animals in your country Habitats Field Trip Parts of the body Life stages What plants and living things need Healthy diet These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: Sort familiar objects and life forms into live/animate, dead/inanimate groups Sort familiar objects and life forms into plant or animal kingdoms Identify some plant and animal life forms in a familiar local habitat Use language appropriate to young and mature life forms Name the parts of own body and that of a familiar animal Identify some essential factors for healthy growth and development of plant or animal forms. Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides. Student Worksheets: 105 Pages Teaching Slides: 135 Slides
Level 1 Drama

Level 1 Drama

This is an introduction to Drama for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes worksheets, teacher notes and extras. The resource is intended to introduce students to some elements of drama such as character, setting and self-expression. The focus is on gaining confidence and improving communication skills through drama games and activities. These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: (1) Explore elementary movement, e.g. travelling, stretching, bending (2) Make sounds to create different effects, e.g. to create a soundscape, dawn chorus (3) Respond to instruction in the context of theatre/drama, e.g. through games (4) Engage in a simple embodiment as an individual/pair, e.g. mirroring an image, simple replications of text/image (5) Present a short dramatic idea, e.g. strike a pose, mirror an expression, short skit (6) Be part of an audience, e.g. being quiet, clapping AND Show an awareness of being part of an audience Explore and react to props, costumes, actions and sensory stimuli in a dramatic context Participate in the re/telling of contemporary/historical/cultural events or stories through interactive games and/or dramatic activities Show an awareness of being part of an acting group Co-operate or work alongside/in parallel with others in making, choosing and using props, costumes and sets Work independently or collaboratively to produce a rehearsed piece of drama for an audience Express and/or identify emotions in a dramatic context Topics include: Being Part of an Audience Types of Drama An Acting Space Costumes and Props What is Creative Drama Movement Sound Drama games and activities Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. However, it is not currently fillable online. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. Most of the activities are practical and printing the worksheets is optional. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teacher notes and extras. Student Worksheets: 45 Pages Teacher Notes: 150 Pages
Level 1 Emotional Health

Level 1 Emotional Health

This is an introduction to Emotional Health for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teacher notes and teaching slides. The resource is intended to introduce students to emotional wellbeing and self-awareness, including: Awareness of self in the environment Awareness of own personal abilities and skills Personal care and hygiene Food and nutrition Types of emotion Expressing feelings Coping strategies These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes, among others: Understand that own features are unique Use motivation to improve personal abilities and skills Cooperate with adults who give daily support Take part in personal care routines Use the senses to explore foods Use eating and drinking utensils Take part in preparing food Show basic hygiene rules around food Follow safety rules in the kitchen Make healthy snacks Plan, shop for and prepare healthy food Express some feelings Show interest in the feelings of others and respond Show interest and enjoyment in being with others Topics include: Abilities, skills, talents Motivation Anger management Relaxation Mindfulness Gratitude Healthy living Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and teacher notes. Student Worksheets: 144 Pages Teaching Slides: 88
Level 1 Computer Skills

Level 1 Computer Skills

This is an introduction to **Computer Skills **for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and extras. The resource is intended to introduce students to basic computer skills, including: Parts of a computer, e.g. monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, computer tower, etc. Using a computer Using software, e.g., Microsoft Word, Windows Media Player Logging onto the Internet Using Google Search Computer safety These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: (CS1) Identify significant components parts of a computer, e.g. mouse, monitor, keyboard, printer (CS2) Use a mouse/joystick/input device for simple functions, e.g. to click, double click, click and drag, use different pointer shapes (CS3) Use a software package, e.g. a game, educational/personal software (CS4) Enter short text/graphics with appropriate input device (CS5) Name possible uses for selected software package Topics include: Some features of the keyboard Types of software and their uses Switching the computer on and shutting it down Using the mouse The desktop Opening and closing a word processing program Opening and editing a document (basic) Printing a document Browsing the Internet Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and extras… Student Worksheets: 79 Pages Teaching Slides: 48
Level 1 Data Handling

Level 1 Data Handling

This is an introduction to Data Handling for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and extras. The resource is intended to introduce students to basic data handling skills, including: Data in everyday life Gathering data Showing and presenting data These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: (DH1) Identify the use of data in everyday life, e.g. the numbers of people who want tea/coffee (DH2) Gather data with one criterion following clear instructions (DH3) Sort data using one criterion, e.g. grouping counters indicating preferences for tea (DH4) Communicate information relating to data, e.g. of not more than two variables Topics include: Describing and sorting data Using tally marks Types of graphs Gathering data Taking part in a recycling project Group investigation, including choosing survey topic, collecting data, collating data, presenting findings Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and extras. Student Worksheets: 92 Pages Teaching Slides: 75
Level 1 Being Part of a Community

Level 1 Being Part of a Community

This is an introduction to Being Part of a Community for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teacher notes. teaching slides and extras. The resource is intended to introduce students to** being a helpful and productive member of the community**, including: Relating to others Using local facilities Moving to different environments Being safe in the community Contributing to the community These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes (among others): Acknowledge unfamiliar people Show enjoyment from an interaction with another person or other people Respond consistently to familiar people Communicate an ability to connect people with their roles Engage in supported activities on daily life skills Be a member of one or more groups in or outside of school, actively participating where possible Participate appropriately in using different areas/rooms in their immediate environment Visit and participate appropriately in using facilities in their environment Show respect for items belonging to others and use them appropriately Co-operate in preparing for and transitioning to a new location Respond to cues (visual, verbal, gesture, sound) to locate familiar places Communicate ‘No’ Observe rules of safety in different environments Show recognition of places and people in the community who can help us Behave appropriately in familiar routine or special events and where possible play their expected role within it Show awareness that actions have consequences Participate in the care of the immediate and local environment Engage in a task or job in the community Topics include: Relationships with others Daily skills Facilities, e.g. at school/centre, in town Respecting places and people’s things Preparing to go somewhere Asking for help Safety when out Taking care of Earth Helping the community Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teacher notes. teaching slides and extras. Student Worksheets: 133 Pages Teaching Slides: 56 Teacher Notes: 34 Pages
Level 1 Communications

Level 1 Communications

This is an introduction to Communications for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides, recordings and word lists. The resource is intended to introduce students to everyday communication, including: Writing practice Phonics and words Sight Words Punctuation Basic grammar, including plurals, compound words, tense, adjectives, opposites, similes, conjunctions, contractions, root words, prepositions, etc. Vocabulary, e.g. family words, household words, food words, health words, shopping words, job words Questions Reading, e.g. CVC words, note, tongue twisters, maps, advertisement, timetable, text message, signs and symbols, proofreading, email Writing, e.g. alphabet, CVC words, sentences, anagrams, invitation, personal words, form, timetable, review, sign, menu, postcard, list, application Nonverbal communication, e.g. facial expressions, gestures, body language Listening and speaking, e.g. following instructions, discussions, body language, playing charades, conversation, role-playing, announcement, telephone message, expressing opinions These worksheets include the following learning outcomes: Reading Recognising some familiar words, interpreting common symbols and signs, text conventions, sentences, word identification strategies, reading familiar documents Writing Writing familiar words for different purposes, transcribing simple information in specific order, writing for different audiences, using some rules of writing Nonverbal Communication Using appropriate nonverbal behaviour, communicating non-verbally, responding to body language and signs and symbols, sequencing Listening & Speaking Listening for information, following instructions, exploring new vocabulary, interacting in formal/informal situations Topics include: Family life At home The calendar Food and health Colours Daily activities Out and about Shopping At work Can this resource be used online? Yes, it is a digital resource. This resource is designed to be used in person. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets are best printed, although teachers can use also them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides. Student Worksheets: 278 Pages Teaching Slides: 105
Level 1 Horticulture

Level 1 Horticulture

This is an introduction to Horticulture for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and a gardening journal. The resource is intended to introduce students to plants and the basics of gardening, including: Gardening tools and equipment Common plant types Planting Safety in the garden These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes: (LSH1) Identify common gardening tools and equipment, e.g. lawnmower, gardening gloves, rake, spade, trowel (LSH2) Recognise a number of common plant types, e.g. trees, shrubs, conifers, bedding plants (LSH3) Identify different parts of a plant, e.g. root, stem, leaves, fruit/flower (LSH4) Grow a plant from seed or bulb (LSH5) Plant up, e.g. a garden/bedding plant, a hanging basket or container (LSH6) Practice essential care skills under close supervision for, e.g. a lawn or flower bed or plant (LSH7) Take adequate safety precautions as directed Topics include: Identifying garden tools and their uses Garden activities Trees, flowers, shrubs Parts of a tree / plant Plant parts we eat Life cycle of plants Preparing for planting What plants need Photosynthesis Planting seeds / bulbs / seedlings / transplants Maintaining plants Protective clothing Safe gardening practices Can this resource be used online? This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. What is included? All the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and gardening journal. Student Worksheets: 108 Pages Teaching Slides: 93