End of School Fun Pack
A collection of one-off resources ideal for the last days of school.
Click on the links for further details.
Bundle saves a massive 75%!
For a range of other interesting lessons and great resources visit my page here:
Fun Quiz Triple pack, great value download!!
With free starter pack worth £2.
£8.00 bundle for £3.25!!
See my page for more great lessons and resources:
The Summer Fun Pack
Lessons for an easy life'
A collection of cool and simple lessons and quiz packs for an easy life. Just download and relax.
£29.00of quality material for £5.95!
Check out the links for further details.
For a range of other interesting lessons and great resources visit my page here:
Credits: cool text.com
An excellent collection of literacy and word game resources, with Paradise Descriptive Writing complete lesson!
Click on the links for further details.
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
The Mystery Collection - A Collection of Resources on a Mystery Theme
A collection of creative and descriptive mystery lessons and resources. Amazing value!
See the links for further details.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/mountain-peak-mountain-range-1462655/)
One day only, black friday English giveaway.
Amazing value!! Not to be missed!!
Click on the links for further details.
£38.05 of resources for £4.95!!
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
Descriptive and Creative Bundle
Fantastic collection of descriptive and creative lessons featuring:
* Descriptions of Paradise
* Climbing of Mount Everest
* New York Monologues
* The Island Survival Adventure Lesson
* The Lake District Murder
+ free quiz pack!
Click on the links for further details.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
Bargain sale of premium resources, grab a bargain now!
Here you get £52.50 of resources for £9.25!!
See the bundle links for further information.
For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here:
The Young Writers' Collection
A collection of fun and engaging writing resources and lessons to engage budding young writers.
See the links for further details.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/coffee-write-table-notebook-1246511/
The Young Writers' Collection 2
A collection of fun and engaging writing resources and lessons to engage budding young writers.
See the links for further details.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/coffee-write-table-notebook-1246511/
A topical classroom debate lesson on the government’s plans to increase school hours. Guaranteed to provoke a response!
Attractive Power Point featuring information on what the proposals are, for or against video clips, detailed lesson objectives, for or against planning and writing prompts.
This download is everything you need for a full lesson on this issue. No printing or photocopying required.
For the letter writing version of this lesson (including a free card sort download) see here:
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: Image copyright free from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1G-bB6a6sk, Osborne image, copyright free flickr.com, Gove copyright free from Wikipedia.co)
A topical classroom debate lesson on the government’s plans to increase school hours. Guaranteed to provoke a response!
Attractive Power Point featuring information on what the proposals are, for or against video clips, detailed lesson objectives, for or against planning and writing prompts.
This download is everything you need for a full lesson on this issue. No printing or photocopying required.
For the letter writing version of this lesson (including a free card sort download) see here:
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: Image copyright free from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1G-bB6a6sk, Osborne image, copyright free flickr.com, Gove copyright free from Wikipedia.co)
A topical classroom debate lesson on the government’s plans to increase school hours. Guaranteed to provoke a response!
Attractive Power Point featuring information on what the proposals are, for or against video clips, detailed lesson objectives, for or against planning and writing prompts.
This download is everything you need for a full lesson on this issue. No printing or photocopying required.
*Also Included are 10 free KS3 lesson starters*
For the letter writing version of this lesson (including a free card sort download) see here:
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: Image copyright free from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1G-bB6a6sk, Osborne image, copyright free flickr.com, Gove copyright free from Wikipedia.co)
Descriptive writing of the natural world.
A nature descriptive writing lesson using beautiful images to engage students!
Full lesson includes:
* Clear image starter
* Lesson objectives
* Five things to help with descriptive writing slide (resource included)
* Highlighter review
* Main task description and lesson review
Student checklist, things to include in descriptive writing, and a descriptive word mat resources included.
Also included is a Christmas 30 page quiz and a Christmas fun pack with games and activities!
Great value!
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(All images are copy right free from https://www.pexels.com/search/nature/.)
Inspire your students with these framed 10 pack of A4 sized inspirational quotations. Ideal for displaying around the classroom or on a motivational wall. Visually appealing as well as emotionally stimulating.
For more great resources and lessons, see my page here:
Descriptive Writing of the Natural World - Complete Lesson
A nature descriptive writing lesson using beautiful images to engage students!
Full lesson includes:
* Clear image starter
* Lesson objectives
* Five things to help with descriptive writing slide (resource included)
* Highlighter review
* Main task description and lesson review
Student checklist, things to include in descriptive writing, and a descriptive word mat resources included.
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(All images are copy right free from https://www.pexels.com/search/nature/.)