After teaching the OCR Cambridge Technical legacy spec for many years, i have found my students to excel in the subject using resources like these. This has resulted in positive feedback from external moderators.
After teaching the OCR Cambridge Technical legacy spec for many years, i have found my students to excel in the subject using resources like these. This has resulted in positive feedback from external moderators.
A resource which can be used to explore the topic of the Internet of Everything.
The resource includes content, questions and a challenge question which can be adapted as needed.
Includes reference to the headings used in the new Cambridge Nationals in IT.
Feedback appreciated!
Resources to explore the topic of Human-Computer Interfaces.
Resources include a PowerPoint with content and a Word document that includes a revision sheet, questions, and answers.
Feedback appreciated!
I’ve done all the hard work, so you don’t have to!
This resource includes short and long answer questions with supporting excerpts from the pre-release which will prepare students for section A of the May 2020 exam.
In the PowerPoint, you will find the specification title and unit code along with the required teaching content. Next to that using past exam questions, i’ve created questions which students can answer to prepare for section A based on the recommended review topics highlighted by the new pre-release.
In addition to this i have included information on command words. Command words and the way students are expected to answer questions are often overlooked, so to support students and their answers I have included descriptions of the command words, e.g. Identify, compare and explain.
In my own teaching i have set this over the course of 1-2 lessons with some groups and for some i have set it as an overarching homework. This can be completed independently if needed.
To avoid students finding the answers online, I have created a separate answer PPT that can be emailed when needed:
I have had good luck so far with the exams and coursework throughout the last 10 years of new spec and legacy, so i hope you do to.
Feedback appreciated!
Topic Area 4: Cyber-security and legislation
A resource which can be used to explore Topic 4 .
Contains a PPT and a worksheet for each learning objective.
Includes reference to the headings used in the new Cambridge Nationals in IT.
Feedback appreciated!
Cambridge Technicals IT Level 3 2016
A worksheet including all points from the teaching criteria with some breakdown to promote class discussion and independent learning.
As listed in the Cambridge Technicals course guide, you cannot give students templates, however i have found with this document it can help students breakdown each section to promote discussion.
Reviews and feedback greatly appreciated!
ICT Cambridge Technicals Level 3 2016
Teacher presentation with some learner tasks that could meet some of the criteria set out by Cambridge Technicals.
Teacher presentation explaining different parts of M1 as described in the teaching content with guidance for some learner tasks .
Feedback and review's are greatly appreciated!
Cambridge Technicals IT Level 3 2016
A worksheet including all points from the teaching criteria with some breakdown to promote class discussion and independent learning.
As listed in the Cambridge Technicals course guide, you cannot give students templates, however i have found with this document it can help students breakdown each section to promote discussion.
Reviews and feedback greatly appreciated!
Teacher presentation explaining the different parts of P1 as described in the spec.
Some learner tasks are included.
Feedback and review's are greatly appreciated!
My thought and ideas for P3 Unit 12: Mobile Technology.
Teacher's can't offer templates for students, but It can be useful as a reference for students and teachers to view.
Please leave feedback.
Mock exam and answers based on some criteria from pre-release.
The paper doesn’t correctly have a weighted percentage from each learning objective, and at times the command words that are being used, may not prompt a candidate to reply in the way the MS suggests. MS is produces from previous papers and some from other sources where i’ve predicted a question that may be asked based on the pre-release
Discussion and feedback appreciated.